Can the PSP connect to the internet?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, you can get on the internet using your PSP but you will need a wireless router to do so. I am including a link that gives instructions on how to do this:

Related questions

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Last Answer : Oh and i have a PSP 1000. so im not even sure this is possible =\

Description : What sort of cable will connect a psp to a tv?

Last Answer : You need an auxiliary jack for video and audio to connect it.

Description : Which models of Psp can be connect to a TV?

Last Answer : The PSO 2000 and 3000 can connect to your television with the PSP AV cables.

Description : I need help getting internet on my psp?

Last Answer : The only time I ever had a problem with getting to the Internet it was a problem with the router, even if I could connect to that router without a problem. I think it was an older Netgear (the white flat ones).

Description : How do I download free movies to psp from the internet?

Last Answer : You’d have to mod it and get a flash video streaming homebrew app. Thats the only way I know of.

Description : How to get the internet on the PSP?

Last Answer : Ah. I’ve had the same problem. What type of encryption does your router use? Mine was using wpk2 which the PSP doesnt support. Try changing it.

Description : How can you get the internet to work on your PSP!

Last Answer : answer:Taken from 10 seconds in Google: The PSP has a nice little web browser included in firmware versions 2.0 and higher (if you don't know what version you have, check the links below for a ... * a PSP * a wireless internet connection * a password (for some connections only) * a comfy chair

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Last Answer : The PSP can check your email and browse the internet with it's wifi capailities.

Description : Did anyone recently happen to find a Final Fantasy Dissidia disc for the PSP?

Last Answer : Nope, didn’t find it. Hope you find it though, best of luck to you. I own the game, I’d gladly give it to you if I could, don’t like it much.

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Last Answer : More rpgs for psp. Easier to exchange the Nintendo games. You just go to the shop ans exchange your game for another ^^

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Last Answer : can you watch youtube as is w/out the plugin? Websites are always trying to force some kind of plugin on you aren’t they?

Description : PSP or DS?

Last Answer : answer:Get a PSP if you can, but don't trade your DS. Both are great. Of course that depends on what kinda gamer you are I'd say fuck the DSi and get a 3DS instead, if you really want another DS ... , but avoid PSP Go. But yeah, dun trade your already owned DS. I own both and I love em both.

Description : How do I play SNES and NES games on PSP?

Last Answer : You will need custom firmware for that. I don’t know much about custom firmware.

Description : My PSP saving broken?

Last Answer : Insuffient free space means you have no memory left. Looks like you need a bigger memory card

Description : PSP reccomendations anyone?

Last Answer : Well it’s been a long time since i played, but i really loved Loco Roco. You should also try some homebrew!

Description : How can I fix my psp?

Last Answer : O.K. Don’t panic! Can you better describe what has come loose? I’ve got my PSP right here in front of me. Compare the the side that “took off” to the side that in. How are they different? Are both metal bars still in the tracks? And be careful moving it around. You don’t want to make it worse.

Description : How can I transfer my psp memory card to a different one?

Last Answer : Easiest way would be to create a new folder on the desktop of a computer, plug the card in using a USB reader/writer if your PC doesn't have a card slot, drag the data from the card into it ... take the individual files and folders from the new folder' on your desktop directly to the new card :-)

Description : Itouch vs PSP?

Last Answer : can one really compare these two things? The itouch seems like its in a whole different playing field than a psp. i thought people stopped buying psp’s years ago

Description : How do I save my UMD games onto my PSP memory?

Last Answer : You can’t legally copy UMD games to the memory card. You can however download games from playstation store (for a price). Alternatively if you’re console has been hacked to run homebrew then it is possible to play illegal copies of UMD’s from memory stick (not that I am condoning piracy).

Description : Do I have to pay for usage using my psp?

Last Answer : If you are on a metered connection (which really sucks if you are), then yes your usage will go up because you are downloading files and surfing. If you just pay a flat rate for internet, then don’t sweat it.

Description : Gamers: PSP or PSP Go?

Last Answer : I just went with a normal PSP (got one about a month ago). The PSP Go doesn’t have a slot for UMD, and that is just a turn-off for me. I don’t like the idea of having to download every game I want and save them all onto scandisks, which still cost money.

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Last Answer : Did you purchase Disgaea 2 and Gran Turismo leagally?

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Last Answer : Depends. Are you going to mod yours? And since you dont have a credit card getting the Pspgo is out of the question.

Description : What is a PSP console?

Last Answer : It comes with a battery charger/ac adapter. You're gonna need some composite cables if you want to attach it to your PSP. UMD movies are dying out, sadly. I'm not entirely sure how much UMD ... off of the hardware after you download them from the PlayStation Network. More info on the PSP Go here

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Last Answer : Im downloading the game. Looks interesting. I’ll see if I can help you.

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Last Answer : You should be able to install the american firmware on it somehow, its not impossible, but I doubt anyone knows how to do so. I recommend calling the psp hot-line number. /edit Just need to find the firmware download, and do something with that, and your psp.

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Last Answer : I never tried it on blu-ray but Handbrake works as well as any I have found for dvd’s.

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Last Answer : im guessing not but keep searching for the answer 9/10 if search hard enough youll get what you want!

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Last Answer : Depends on what your using it for. Itouch has an easier web browser but it doesn't support flash. Psp has better graphics but I'm sure the itouch will improve. You can put both movies and music on ... is nice and compact. I personally would get the itouch. Plus, the applications are a lot of fun.

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Last Answer : I liked the PSP better than the DS. Having said that, I’m afraid the PSP is probably coming to the end of it’s life so it might be wiser to a DS.

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Last Answer : People still own PSPs? Wow i thought they died off a while ago Honestly the only thing i think the PSP is good for is homebrew :) that and turning it into a universal remote and fucking with all the TVs in best buy lol

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Last Answer : PSP is fail.

Description : My PSP won't save games?

Last Answer : It sounds like there are some firmware problems with your PSP. Is it hacked? It could also be the memory card. Has it worked before? If it has, then the card my be damaged, I would try reformatting the card using an operating system, like Windows or Mac, then try again.

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Last Answer : No idea but i really hope they will make a pc version of final fantasy 8. I just cant get enough of the story.

Description : Psp firmware hack?

Last Answer : Pandora I’m not exactly sure where, but I’ve seen a lot of places online.

Description : Can anyone help me with a PSP problem?

Last Answer : You should be able to, as the Motherboard is the psp. it’s where all the limits are, so my guess is that if it fits, it will work. but then again, some of the components might require a newer motherboard.

Description : A question about PSP emulation...

Last Answer : As far as i can work out chickhen won’t work on 5.03 you have to downgrade to 1.50 And you can read what to do here

Description : I'm trying to use the mp3 player on my Sony PSP, but I can't seem to figure out how to upload the mp3s from my laptop. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : Just put your psp in usb mode (under the system menu I think), then use the usb cable to connect the computer and the psp. It should show up like an external disk in your computer and you should be able to drag and drop mp3s to the psp.

Description : How do I upload MP3s from a computer to my PSP?

Last Answer : If you are using a Windows computer, I believe you can use PS Media Tunnel software to do this.

Description : Is there a downgrade for the PSP 3.11 firmware?

Last Answer : Downgrade? Are you looking to go from 3.51 to 3.11?

Description : Gomessenger on the psp?

Last Answer : no, I haven’t..

Description : How do I install custom firmware on a PSP ?

Last Answer : actually its running 3.73

Description : What can a hacked psp do?

Last Answer : between psp game backups, it can play ps1 backups, emulators, and specific programs made just for the psp. very well worth it.

Description : So can someone give me the details on custom firmware for psp?

Last Answer : oops I meant psp not iPod

Description : Can some one download java on psp?

Last Answer : no one know?

Description : Should I purchase a psp 2000 or wait for a possible psp 3000?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm I honestly hope it's not in the near future. I'm not ready! I just don't feel like I've gotten enough use out of our PSP to be trading it in for a new one yet. Besides, I haven't gotten ... out as long as it has. It still feels new to me. Time is moving too fast. Jeez I'm getting old!

Description : What are the best psp games you've played?

Last Answer : answer:None, I do not own a PSP though I am looking forward to purchasing one this year. They don’t impress me as a media device, though I do like a few of their titles. I had a DS but had to sell it to get by one month. DS has better games and many more of them.

Description : What can a psp do when connected to mac os x?

Last Answer : answer:I know their is an app by Nullriver PSPware that allows you to sync your Mac and PSP. Watch movies, transfer songs, etc. It’s only $15. It’s worth checking out. R

Description : How do you put a GBA emulator on a PSP 2000?

Last Answer : Yea, you’re going to have to install a custom firmware to do that. Is your firmware hacked?

Description : Is there a super mario flash game that will work on my PSP?

Last Answer : If your psp is homebrew ready, you can try SMM or my game, Jump Gunnar, Jump