Will an eyebrow piercing leave a scar?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, eyebrow piercings do leave a scar. However, most scars do fade over time.

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Last Answer : In all honesty, the clamp is going to hurt more than the needle. And it only hurts for a few seconds. If you can give birth (which I think you have) you can handle this… EASY.

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Last Answer : Yes, labret piercings do leave a scar. Depending on the person, some are more obvious than others. In time, most scars fade.

Description : Are there problems breasfeeding if you have scar tissue from a former nipple piercing?

Last Answer : I think this is a good and important question for women who may one day be interested in breast feeding (which I will add, all new mothers should do for their children and themselves.) I have no idea of the answer, but thank you for the question. Hopefully, others will know the answer.

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Last Answer : I stopped at “nigerian scientist”.

Description : How do you get Sally Hansen eyebrow wax off a plate?

Last Answer : Did they put that little bottle of azulene oil in it? That takes it off.

Description : Curious as to how many women and men here choose to pluck their brows (eyebrow maintenance, if you will)

Last Answer : I wax mine. As well as the ones that belong to most of the people I know. I have a reputation for making beautiful eyebrows, so I get a lot of requests.

Description : Is there certain eyebrow hair that shouldn't be touched?

Last Answer : Truth is, my grandmother always insisted that you never touch the hairs on the top of the eyebrows. However, plenty of women have that area cleaned up. I would suggest having yours professionally done, ... person that will be grooming your brows.. and then use whatever they've done as a guideline.

Description : Why is eyebrow plucking preferable to trimming by cutting?

Last Answer : answer:I think it’s a different effect. Plucking reshapes the brow. Trimming would be much less effective at that, especially since most plucking is on the lower portion. (Unless you’re Andy Rooney. If you’re Andy Rooney, for God’s sake, trim those suckers!!)

Description : Anyone have experience in eyebrow lightening?

Last Answer : Real lemon juice? I have used hair dye on my eyebrows with no ill effects but I know you’re not supposed to.

Description : Have you used Sally Hansen Microwavable Eyebrow, Face & Lip Wax? What was your impression?

Last Answer : I've never used toe Sally Hansen brand, but I did another one. It's very hard to regulate the temp. Right out of the micro, it's too hot & you can get burnt with it real easy. Then you let it set ... of GeGe wax & a wax heater. Then you'll have a constant temp all the time. They're worth the money.

Description : Is it normal for some of a cat's eyebrow whiskers to break off?

Last Answer : They are part of the cat’s protective boundary for determining things to be wary of and what places his body will fit in. There are lots of ways he could have lost them. They should grow back fine.

Description : Anyone here know anything about eyebrow threading?

Last Answer : There was an article on this in the NY Times a while back, and you might be able to find it in the archives. What I remember is that the process is very fast and good.

Description : What totally innocent sounding phrase becomes the most creepy when followed up with a suggestive eyebrow raise?

Last Answer : “Is that your kid?”

Description : Removing a band aid from an eyebrow?

Last Answer : answer:Lots of warm soapy water (think: A nice long hot shower….). (Kid tested, mom approved.) Good luck.

Description : What does 'Raise one's eyebrow' mean ?

Last Answer : Raise one's eyebrow' means - to be surprised.

Description : how do i regrow hair on eyebrow

Last Answer : I have used a baby toothbrush with soft bristles & baby shampoo to gently clean my eyebrows every night. Then I apply a small amount of olive oil to each brow & rub it in. Then I brush the eyebrows one last time to smooth them. It seems to help mine.

Description : How To Choose the Perfect Eyebrow Shape for Men?

Last Answer : Choosing the perfect eyebrow shape for men can vary depending on how much facial hair they have. For those who do not grow much facial hair, it is best to choose a thinner eyebrow shape while those ... difficult for men to see their eyebrows so it's best to groom the beard before shaping the brows.

Description : Thick eyebrow?

Last Answer : Grow a thick eyebrow naturally- 1. Onion juice - Apply onion juice is very good for hair growth. Apply onion juice on your eyebrows every alternate day. If you hate onion smell then mix onion ... the morning. 4. Petroleum jelly -Apply petroleum jelly on eyebrows all most every day for best results.

Description : Eyebrow Embroidery Korea?

Last Answer : Korean makeup, cosmetics, beauty treatments, cosmetic surgeries and everything related to this world is amazing! So this eyebrow procedure is famous and many like to do it. Of course doing this kind ... of money. Make sure you are not under age or still in development before making the procedure.

Description : Eyebrow Tattoo Korea?

Last Answer : Some People keep not asking questions instead it seems they are using the website to advertise companies...maybe that is the case here, but if not... What is the question exactly? Please put more ... will be flagging this as you are not really using the space to ask questions but to advertise.

Description : What Type of tests that are carried out before providing an eyelash and eyebrow treatment?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Can I use an eyebrow stud as an ear stud?

Last Answer : No they are not made the same.

Description : Does anyone do eyebrow piercings anymore?

Last Answer : Yes, eyebrow piercings are still performed at many establishments. They were extremely popular a few years ago but have declined in popularity in recent years. However, most trained piercers will still perform the task if asked.

Description : Uses for an Eyebrow Trimmer?

Last Answer : An eyebrow trimmer can work as an excellent alternative to tweezers when you're on the run. If your eyebrows look a bit bushy in the morning but you don't have time to actually pluck or wax ... while feeling self conscious about your eyebrows, but a good eyebrow trimmer can help to save the day.

Description : What is a good eyebrow trimmer for men?

Last Answer : I have a friend who has the same issue as husband. He uses a small trimmer made by Remington, but their are other brands that you can try.

Description : How long does it take for eyebrow regrowth?

Last Answer : Eye brow hair is slow growing. It grows at a rate of about .16mm per day. How quickly it grows back depends on whether it was shaved or plucked, however, on average it takes approximately 56 days ... .ehow.com and select the style section. Enter "How Long Do Eyebrows Take to Grow." Happy Growing!

Description : How to Raise One Eyebrow

Last Answer : How to Raise One Eyebrow Raising an eyebrow is a popular non-verbal expression that can convey a lot of things. In a nutshell, a raised eyebrow can denote disbelief, skepticism, amusement, and so ... without the help of widening your eye or pulling the rest of your facial muscles to the extreme.

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Last Answer : Rafiki holding up Simba during the Circle of Life song

Description : Have you ever had a tooth knocked out, or got a cut that left a scar, in a fight?

Last Answer : In grade 5 I got my eyelid scraped in a fight, but now its healed and can’t tell what eye it was. I was chased up a tree by teens and I fell down and scraped my right side. It finally healed.

Description : Why am I the only person I know that got a small pox vaccination in the 60s, but don't have a scar to show for it?

Last Answer : I don’t have one either. It wasn’t universal, and if you didn’t pick at the reaction from the vaccination, it wasn’t as pronounced a scar.

Description : Anybody have any advice for acne scar treatment?

Last Answer : Try a glycolic tonor. Worked wondw s for me

Description : Do you have a [skin] scar with a story?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Why is this specific scar I have so much more painful when I hit it off things compared to any other scar or body part?

Last Answer : answer:I think it might have something to do with the fact that the scar tissue is thinner than skin, and thus there isn't as much space or padding between the surface and nerves than other areas ... pants waistband, I chalk it up to irritation from the fabrics rubbing on them. Still annoying, eh?

Description : How do you recover from a psychological scar?

Last Answer : answer:I think it´s important to remember that you´re not alone. Many people go through terrible things and are able to eventually heal. Time does help and other than that different coping ... be really good if you´re comfortable with that. Sending you positive energy and hope for healing.

Description : Is there any way to have a large keloid scar removed?

Last Answer : A plastic surgeon would have to look at it but they do scar revision all the time.

Description : How to remove a ......scar? Home remedies from Egypt !

Last Answer : answer:Oh, gosh. It isn't a scar, yet. You have a scab on your face. Your skin needs to heal. If you have any rice bran oil in the cupboard, that might aid in the healing, but absolutely ... friends. Little brothers are dumb like that. I hope he said he was sorry and feels bad for scratching you.

Description : Reducing scar appearance?

Last Answer : People say rubbing Vitamin E on scars can be helpful and there are various OTC scar reducers but if you have keloid skin as I do, not much will make a difference.

Description : Has anyone tried acupuncture for breaking up scar tissue?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know how it would effect scar tissue. I used it for 6 months for a shoulder injury that flared up. I had a pin put in my left shoulder some years ago after a bad ... about scar tissue. If nothing else it WILL stimulate your muscles, reduce pain and leave you feeling amazing!

Description : Why is it ok to cut and scar yourself with plastic surgery but it is "wrong" to cut your body yourself with knives ?

Last Answer : Cosmetic surgery is ( supposedly ) an attempt to improve on nature. Self-cutting is an indication that nature has gone rather wrong.

Description : Is there any relief to live with scar tissue from four back surgeries?

Last Answer : It always saddens to me to hear someone suffers with chronic pain. It is such an awful curse. Most people who have chronic pain have time during the day they are unaware of their pain. Usually it ... because I deeply believe I could and should be able to be cured. Acceptance comes and goes for me.

Description : How does scar removal treatment work?

Last Answer : answer:I would gander the most common is microdermabrasion, which is also known as mechanical exfoliation or micro-resurfacing. You are basically having your skin gently sanded to removing the thicker, uneven ... to be stimulated or grow by removing the damaged skin from the area that is scarred.

Description : How do I get rid of these scrapes? And will I scar?

Last Answer : Those sound more like chiggers than mosquitoes. Have you gone through tall grass lately? I was et by chiggers a month or so ago, and I still have the marks.

Description : What's your best scar story?

Last Answer : Probably the one where I bit off my own bottom lip. Not a great scar, but makes for a hell of a story.

Description : You know when text lines up to form an odd vertical or diagonal optical illusion scar upon a page... Is there a name for that?

Last Answer : I think i know what your talking about. Ive noticed things like that, but also another sort of scarring where the actual spaces in between words also form a diagonal or straight line across the page. ... of what we've had explained to us, none of the optical illusions seem to explain the above

Description : Can doctor's fuse new skin into a scar without an open wound site. This is for an accident over 3 years ago.

Last Answer : They'd have to make sure of a good blood supply so might have to scrape away some scar tissue as it has no blood supply. Sounds like the blood is right there if it's ripping open. there is also a ... attached to it's donor site while it grows onto the new site, the trimmed up. Where is your scar?

Description : Will this cut scar? (picture included)

Last Answer : Keep it clean. Looks really deep. Did she see a doctor?

Description : This scar on my face is really painful. What should I do for it?

Last Answer : See your doctor?

Description : What's the best treatment for a scar.

Last Answer : Sunscreen is definitely a good idea. The best thing for scars is massage. It breaks up the hard tissues. Try doing it with vitamin E, coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc.

Description : How do you get rid of acne ON scar tissue?

Last Answer : I just don’t do anything. I wash my face, eat less greasy and salty foods and wait.

Description : Will I face any problems if I get a tattoo over scar tissue?

Last Answer : You should really consult a physician to be sure. Getting a tattoo over scar tissue could inflame the old scar and cause possible infection or further damage the skin.