Is it safe to have mantel clocks up on the mantel while having a wood burning fire?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is safe to have a mantel clock on the mantel while having a wood fire going simultaneously. However, the same types of precautions should be followed as for all fires being in a controlled indoor environment. Do not allow flames to grow to such heights that they are uncontrollable as surrounding fixtures and furniture may catch on fire. Many fireplaces hold and insulate a fire fairly well and a mantel clock should be relatively safe to place on top of your mantel.

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Last Answer : the thing in my hand

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Last Answer : Paints

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Last Answer : answer:I live in a place where backyard burning is legal, so I'd probably do it there. In fact, I left my last full-time job under pretty frustrating circumstances, and once I recovered ... taken, you could easily burn your photographs, documents, or small mementos, and bury the ashes afterwards.

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Last Answer : WTF? Anyway, the answer for me is definitely burning. I love being in water and while I’m sure drowning is scarey it doesn’t seem as actively painful as burning would be. Burning to death terrifies me.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : (4) Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns Explanation: Water is not effective on petrol fire because it has higher density than ... while petrol stays afloat and keeps burning. Petrochemical fires are nearly always extinguished with chemical foam.

Description : Why is water not suitable for putting out a petrol fire? (1) The oxygen content of water is isolated by petrol and thus it helps in burning (2) Petrol is too inflammable to be extinguished by ... very low (4) Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns

Last Answer : (4) Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns Explanation: Water is not effective on petrol fire because it has higher density than petrol as a ... extinguished with chemical foam which forms a blanket over the flames and cuts off the oxygen supply.

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Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

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Last Answer : (C) Burning temperature

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Last Answer : d) carbon monoxide

Description : Why is water not suitable for putting out a petrol fire ? (1) The oxygen content of water is isolated by petrol and thus it helps in burning (2) Petrol is too inflammable to be extinguished by ... very low (4) Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns 

Last Answer : Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns

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Last Answer : Most of mine change automatically but I think i have about three to change, including the car.

Description : Are there any alarm clocks available that you can record your wake up message?

Last Answer : Your.Minder Personal Alarm Clock will record half a dozen of your own messages.

Description : Safe limit' called Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of carbon monoxide in atmospheric air is < 50 ppm. The main source of carbon monoxide pollutant in air is the (A) Industrial chimney exhaust (B) Automobiles exhaust (C) Photochemical reaction in polluted atmosphere (D) Burning of domestic fuel

Last Answer : (B) Automobiles exhaust

Description : How do you make fire hotter with only matches and wood?

Last Answer : Airflow. Blow on it. Bellows. Fan.

Description : What are some cool things you can do with a wood fire outdoors?

Last Answer : Come on over to my house and fire those raku pots and chop firewood for me and have a long philosophical discussion or two and recite poetry under the cold, cold stars while our knees and feet get ... some coals and also doing that fire swallowing thing they do in the circus? Let's practice that!

Description : What should fire wood cost in the DC/MD area?

Last Answer : I live in WV, but I can give you an idea of what it costs in my area for that kind of comparison. I buy a truck load of wood, longbed, stacked in the truck and filled to the top for $100.00. They deliver it, but I have to stack it. I usually get oak.

Description : Scented candles, incense, plug-ins or wood fire?

Last Answer : I like scented candles, personally.

Description : If you are buying a new home would a young person like a gas fire place or wood?

Last Answer : I’m a “young person” but I like wood fireplaces, however the convenience of gas is much better.

Description : Why is it difficult to build a fire with damp of wood?

Last Answer : The water has a tendency to evaporate if heated; this willquickly absorb any heat, and thus reduce the fire.