Generally in a research conference the following person is not present Options: A) Permanent member B) Common person C) Expert D) Chairman of Conference

1 Answer

Answer :

B) Common person

Related questions

Description : Generally, in a research conference the peoples call for Options: A) Conducting classical discussions B) Giving guidance C) Harassing the new researchers D) Showing personal powers by the experts

Last Answer : B) Giving guidance 

Description : Generally research papers are presented abundantly in Options: A) Seminars B) Journals C) Symposiums D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above

Description : The research papers are generally prepared by Options: A) The research scholars B) The research supervisors C) The scientists D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above

Description : Generally research papers have been given more weightage instead of research articles because these will be Options: A) Based on data B) Incorporated with statistics C) Both of the above D) None of the above

Last Answer : C) Both of the above 

Description : Generally the format of research resembles with Options: A) A long essay B) A synopsis C) A writing technique D) A report preparing method

Last Answer : B) A synopsis 

Description : The research paper does not has its advantage when it does not Options: A) Improve the goal-oriented researches B) Present for wider criticism of his inferences C) Nourish the wider causes of the society D) Imparts fame at regional and national levels

Last Answer : C) Nourish the wider causes of the society 

Description : The advantages of preparing the research paper is Options: A) The exchange of ideas related to research B) The familiarity with the research approaches C) The awareness about present researches D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above 

Description : The basic requirement for preparing a research paper is Options: A) The research orientation of the person B) The research skills in the person C) The research attitudes in the person D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above 

Description : Generally, in conference one of the following do not participate Options: A) Expert B) Researcher C) Ignorant D) Curious person

Last Answer : C) Ignorant 

Description : Research conferences can be conducted at Options: A) Regional level B) National level C) International level D) All of the above level

Last Answer : A) Regional level

Description : The background of the research paper may be Options: A) Philosophical B) Historical C) Contemporary D) None of the above

Last Answer : D) None of the above 

Description : The research papers are written in order to Options: A) Gain name and fame B) Communicate the research C) Get promotions D) None of the above

Last Answer : B) Communicate the research 

Description : The research paper and the research article are Options: A) Two separate name of one and same thing B) First is factual and later a theoretical in nature C) First is having survey background the later is experiment in nature D) B and C are the correct statements

Last Answer : D) B and C are the correct statements

Description : The limitations of a research workshop are Options: A) Need of extra time B) Extra emphasis on practicality C) Need of specific research material D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above

Description : The process of writing a research paper is Options: A) Scientific B) Unscientific C) Original D) None of the above

Last Answer : A) Scientific 

Description : The research papers writing methodology has slight variations in reference to Options: A) The standards maintained by research journals B) The interests of the researchers C) The research traditions D) All of the above statements are correct with slight variations

Last Answer : D) All of the above statements are correct with slight variations 

Description : The research is a Options: A) Honest investigation B) Passive investigation C) Investigation for showing scholarship D) Investigation in the interest of society

Last Answer : A) Honest investigation 

Description : The compulsion of publication of research paper is Options: A) Only for University Teachers B) Only for Central University Teachers C) For all the teachers in higher education institutions D) Cannot say

Last Answer : C) For all the teachers in higher education institutions 

Description : For academics: what do you think when you see "independent scholar" in a conference program?

Last Answer : There are too many different kinds of independent scholar for me to make judgments in advance on that basis. I also have too much respect for Elaine Morgan to think that independent scholars are ... . Socrates was an illiterate stonemason, Spinoza was a lens grinder, and Hume was a librarian.

Description : What does “extensive research” mean to you?

Last Answer : It means that someone has read up on a subject, as well as taken into consideration the professional opinions of others in determining their POV on the subject. But it all depends on what the ... wrong, biased or not. The two people on Facebook that you mentioned could be terrorists or similar.

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Last Answer : Boredom but that’s just an observation, not research.

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Last Answer : answer:To quote the old Nike ad, Just do it! Pick a topic and either get a book on it or look at online lectures. In the area of philosophy, I highly recommend Michael Sandel's Harvard lectures on ... about Daniel Kahneman's book Thinking, Fast and Slow, which is on my short list of books to read.

Description : What degree is best for dementia research?

Last Answer : It depends on what kind of research, where one wants to do research at, and to what end. If you are talking about trying to find a cure, medications that will help, or the causes….you are gonna need to start with a Bachelor of Science degree.

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Last Answer : This is 2014 reality, Such technology doesn't exist yet outside of experimentation, nor will it exist in any way that is certified-safe and affordable within your lifetime. Now, if you hit the lottery, you ... well be sci-fi; it won't happen before your attention span dies and you forget about it.

Description : Can someone discuss where scientists are in discovering new methods of research on researching science?

Last Answer : answer:Sadly, my experience is that very little is being done. Science has become so specialized and compartmentalized that many scientists have become almost idiot-savants, focussed laser-like on a ... generally controversial and aging rapidly. I am not optimistic about the state of science today.

Description : What is scope of operations research? (See details below)

Last Answer : Check into “Organizational Development.”

Description : Can you help me research acupuncturists?

Last Answer : They need to have studied at a well-known school (such as Bastyr University in Seattle). In Connecticut, there is the University of Bridgeport, Acupuncture Institute.

Description : Help me research Continuing Care Retirement Communities, please?

Last Answer : answer:My mother is in a terrific staged retirement community in Lenox, MA. If this sounds interesting, PM me.

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Last Answer : answer:Plagiarism matters, in academic circles at least, because the purpose of being an undergraduate isn't necessarily to learn knowledge, but to develop one's brain to be able to absorb ... are expected to contribute to the body of knowledge, which again requires original work and thought.

Description : What are your methods for doing research, especially the laborious parts. Ideas and solutions.

Last Answer : Are you talking about citation and bibliographic style? That would be determined by your discipline. Or are you asking more about how people organize their research processes?

Description : Do you comprehend the need for research?

Last Answer : Of course.

Description : What jobs/careers out there involve a lot of googling/internet research?

Last Answer : well there are some ” work at home” jobs. Like this one on this site: i don’t know if it is any good and also a liberian does alot of reasurch… sorry i didn’t help much but thats all i could come up with

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Last Answer : You may try looking on ERIC and seeing if there is research on children’s play, coloring and educational development, etc. You should also write Binney-Smith and see if they have materials they could send you.

Description : Do you comprehend the need for Scientific research ?

Last Answer : The money for scientific research is there, it's just being wasted on the ridiculous. Harper's Magazine publishes a full page list of scientific findings in each issue. These are some from the current ... on and on, in every issue, millions of dollars world wide on the ridiculous and the unhelpful.

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Last Answer : drug laws in Belgium

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Last Answer : How to Write a Research Paper Is it that time of year again, when your teacher or professor requires you to write a research paper in order to pass the class? If you need to pass a class, ... . For more information regarding this article, read the Top 10 ways to make a difference using a pen.

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Last Answer : How to Outline a Research Paper Research is the fundamental groundwork of all academic and scientific discoveries. All recent knowledge is almost always based on research data, and people making sound explorations ... With these tips, you can get started on the first draft of your research paper.

Description : Research Paper: Top 10 Ways to a Make Difference Using a Pen

Last Answer : Research Paper Writing Tips Benjamin Franklin once said that if you want to be remembered when you are dead, you only have two choices: write things that people will soon read or do things that future ... well-deserved grade of A. These tips can help you change the world in your own little way.

Description : The Guide to Writing a Research Paper

Last Answer : Research is a very important part of schoolwork, as well as academic life. Research is done by students and teachers alike to present new ideas and discoveries in many scientific fields. A research ... favor. Make sure to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Submit your research on time.

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Last Answer : (4) A person having experience in Public Affairs Explanation: With the objective of giving a structured format to the Finance Commission of India and to bring it at par with world standards, ... of the Finance Commission is selected among people who have had the experience of public affairs.

Description : What are brain plaques made of?

Last Answer : They are made of protein. Different diseases are caused by different proteins. Alzheimer’s for example is caused by amyloid beta.

Description : Why Mars when we can go to the moon?

Last Answer : The thinking seems to be that there is a possibility that Mars might be able to sustain life and thus be colonized.

Description : Is anyone here interested in stock market investment?

Last Answer : This isn’t a stock chat forum. Plenty of other places for that. No pump and dump discussions here.

Description : Why are people getting so upset over "sanctuary cities"?

Last Answer : Because some people are xenophobic, authority-oriented, control-oriented, etc., and/or just caught up on the “conservative” side of the current binary political disagreement.

Description : Is anyone interested in researching information for posts?

Last Answer : Why does it sound to me that paywalls and passing them, and legit and legal don’t go well together? An inquiring mind wants to know.

Description : I've had more than two sets of adult teeth should I get my crowns and teeth removed and hope that I get an additional set?

Last Answer : First I must say that I have never heard of anything like that ever. I seriously doubt there would be more to come. Xrays would show however if there were. You can see them on Xrays of children. The adult teeth are visible under the baby teeth.

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Last Answer : What?

Description : What percent of the military budget is spent on non military/combat purposes in the USA?

Last Answer : You can google that and get a breakdown. The military doesn’t have any debt financing. Any debt to finance military expenditures is a debt of the United States.

Description : Has anyone tried adding more amyloid-beta to see what happens in Alzheimer’s disease?

Last Answer : Okay, I am not very good with chemistry and such, so that was a bit difficult to understood. However….if I am understanding all this right; the plaques that are part of what causes Alzheimer’s are made of Amyloid-Beta. So, I am not getting why adding more would be beneficial.

Description : What was the last math symbol made?

Last Answer : I have this link if it helps.