How dangerous is black mold?

1 Answer

Answer :

Black mold is a serious health concern that can cause a number of lung related ailments.

Related questions

Description : Is black mold dangerous, and how can I get rid of it?

Last Answer : Black mold can be very dangerous. If you inhale the spores damage can be done to your respiritory system. The best way to get rid of it is to tear down any walls with black mold and clean up any water leakage. Have an EPA inspector check to make sure it's all out of your house before you rebuilt.

Description : How dangerous is black mold, really?

Last Answer : That really depends on the type of mold. Most often, the mold is only really harmful when it is a dried spore. These have been linked to the numerous deaths of children. To be safe always take specialized precautions (gloves, masks, bleach, ect.).

Description : Why is mold dangerous? Requiring immediate attention in schools, public buildings, etc.?

Last Answer : The Genus Stachybotrys: What You Should Know Stachybotrys is sometimes called toxic black mold because it produces mycotoxins that can cause severe health problems to those who have been ... to it. Stachybotrys exposure symptoms include difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, and even depression.

Description : How dangerous is bread mold?

Last Answer : Should be fine, from past experience.

Description : How dangerous is it if you accidentally inhaled mold dust cloud from when throwing out moldy bread?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How complicated is gretting rid of black mold in a home?

Last Answer : Have it done by certified professionals, your house possessions may already have the mold. Each piece may need to be inspected.

Description : Is this black mold?

Last Answer : It is definitely black mold. Half bleach, half water. Spray, sit, scrub, repeat.

Description : Say, that you had a water leak in your basement and water damaged the drywall, how long would black mold take to develop?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think I would wait to find out. I think insurance should cover fixing the damage. If black mold gets in-well, you probably already know how bad that is. I would think it could arrive in a few ... go clean it out. I don't know what kind of mold it is, but it goes when I clean it.

Description : What does Black Mold smell like?

Last Answer : It smells like mold, like old shower or something like that.

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Description : my contorted filbert has a black look to the bark like a mold but it does not have cankers, what could this be.

Last Answer : sounds like mold or fungus............fruit & nut trees need dormant oil in the fall.........right might try to wash that off with a strong hose.....not a power ... oil until the buds appear......after that I don't use the spray, I would changeover to the safe soap method.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How to Get Rid of Black Mold?

Last Answer : One of the most significant damages in a home can be black mold.Black mold, which is easily formed on wood, fabrics, carpets, ordrywall in a wet or damp environment can be damaging a ... is being damaged. Hardersubstances, such as wood or concrete, should be treated withbleach. Bleach should eas

Description : How To Get Rid of Black Mold Without Chemicals?

Last Answer : Black mold, or mildew, grows and spreads in areas with excessivemoisture. Buildings where there has been flooding or other waterdamage often have this toxic mold. It will thrive on many differentsurfaces, and can ... towels should be used to wipe off the mold, asthey can be thrown away. Rags and sp

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Last Answer : how do i remove black mold from fabric?

Description : How to remove Black mold on ceiling ?

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Description : black mold removal ?

Last Answer : black mold removal

Description : Is is possible for a homeowner to remove black mold or should they hire a company that specializes in black mold removal?

Last Answer : It is best to hire a company to take care of it for you. I also think that it has something to do with the home insurance plan coverage. Because of the toxicity of black mold, homeowners should hire a specialized company for its removal.

Description : Are black mold symptoms similiar to allergy symptoms?

Last Answer : Several of the symptoms are similar for both problems. However, with black mold, symptoms include memory loss and less brain function.

Description : What are some symptoms of black mold exposure?

Last Answer : There are many different symptoms of black mold exposure and every person reacts to the mold differently. Some common symptoms include abdominal pain, numbness, fever, nosebleeds, sneezing, noze/throat irritation, and diareah.

Description : What is the best method for black mold removal?

Last Answer : The very best way to remove mold is to replace the wall or floor that it has affected. If you cannot do that, many companies can chemically treat it to kill it.

Description : Is it possible to completely clean black mold from a home?

Last Answer : Yes, it is possible to clean black mold from a home. There are several steps you should follow for safety purposes. Make sure you use a good mold disinfectant to rid yourself of the mold once the area has been cleaned with soap and water.

Description : What are the symptoms of black mold poisoning?

Last Answer : Some symptoms of black mold poisoning are memory loss, headaches, cough and rashes or hives amongst other things.

Description : What are some of the symptoms of inhaling black mold?

Last Answer : Inhalation of black mold symptoms are: itchy throat, Asthma, sinus headache and or nasal congestion. There are many more symptoms also. It would be a good idea to see a doctor.

Description : What are some of the black mold symptoms?

Last Answer : Sneezing, running nose, also a sore throat after waking up in the morning, and last but not least frequent headaches. Black mold can sometimes be dangerous, but most of the time it is just an ... with some very diluted bleach, and be careful not to breath the bleach or mold in while cleaning.

Description : What are some medical symptoms associated with black mold?

Last Answer : The primary symptoms of black mold exposure are allergy-type symptoms such as runny nose, hives, teary eyes, etc.

Description : How can I get rid of black mold in my basement?

Last Answer : As black mold is very dangerous, you will need to hire a professional to analyze and properly remove the mold. Visit the EPA's website for mold. They have many resources that may help in the removal, as well as your health and safety.

Description : What are the dangers of black mold?

Last Answer : There are a variety of dangers associated with 'toxic' mold, which is often referred to as black mold though it can be a variety of colors. Most of the problems associated with black mold ... mold can also cause invasive disease in those whose immune system is already weakened by some other problem.

Description : Is black mold common in missoula, montana?

Last Answer : According to several articles that I read black mold is fairly common in Montana and also in your area. The main reason for the problem is water and/or water damage. Most people do not propery care ... You do not want to let it go untreated as long-term exposure can cause some serious health issues.

Description : I have boxes of books, "33" record albums,high school scrapment and yearbooks. They all have black mold on them from our basement flooding.How and with What do I need to clean the paper products Thank,?

Last Answer : Before you clean the mold off the books, you must kill the mold. Wrap each yearbook securely in a trash bag and put it in the freezer for a couple of days. Remove them one by one as you are prepared ... hot sunny day and let them air out. Set them out with the pages open to give them a good airing.

Description : Understanding Black Mold?

Last Answer : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BLACK MOLDUnderstanding black mold is the key to preventing it and protecting your family.Black mold is a potentially dangerous substance that can make you and your family ... black mold is removed. Prolonged exposure to toxic black mold is potentially fatal, but rare.

Description : Are black specks on the wall a sign of mold?

Last Answer : I agree it is likely mold. Most mold is not poisonous and if it is not then all you need to do is remove the molded wall material and try to find the sourch of moisture in the wall that allowed the mold to grow - for more info Mold Remediation. Good luck.

Description : What is black mold and how do I remove it?

Last Answer : The best way to get rid of black mold is to use bleach containing products. The mold causes severe allergic reactions in people who have breathing problems.

Description : What does toxic black mold look like?

Last Answer : Toxic black mold may start out looking like small black spots on the wall, floor, ceiling or area that it is growing. They tend to cluster together in spots and can look like a splatter of dirt. Early on they can look like insect waste but they will grow and don't simply wipe away.

Description : Can black mold removal be done by the average homeowner?

Last Answer : The average homeowner can remove black mold, however, I would recommend that a dust mask be worn so that you are not inhaling the mold spores. You will need a dehumidifier as well as bleach, cleaning supplies, gloves and a mask.

Description : Does toxic black mold occur around homes?

Last Answer : Toxic black mold can occur anywhere there is sitting water. If you have a flood and do not clean it up properly, you can get toxic black mold.

Description : Are there any natural ways to remove black mold?

Last Answer : Yes, there are natural ways to remove black mold. To remove the black mold, you will have to slightly mist the surface with water. Second, clean the mold off with soap and then add a disinfectant to kill ... and place it in a heavy-duty plastic bag. Make sure to keep the bag outside at all times.

Description : Why does some of my vitamins in my bottle have a black dot in it Could it be mold Contamination?

Last Answer : Its a pretty well known or well advertised vitamin so im hoping its not but still worried. The fact that its not consistent with the other pills in appearance is concerning.

Description : How dangerous are black widow spiders?

Last Answer : They can definitely kill you with a single bite if you’re a child, but if you’re an adult it rarely kills as long as you seek medical attention.

Description : How dangerous is a black snake with two yellow stripes?

Last Answer : The vast majority are not dangerous, but some species pose a risk to humans. These include the yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) and the coral snake (Micrurus fulvius). Most garter snakes are black or grey with at least one long, yellow stripe running from the neck to the tail.

Description : How dangerous is a black snake with two yellow stripes?

Last Answer : The vast majority are not dangerous, but some species pose a risk to humans. These include the yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) and the coral snake (Micrurus fulvius). Most garter snakes are black or grey with at least one long, yellow stripe running from the neck to the tail.

Description : How dangerous is a black spider with a white dot on its back?

Last Answer : I got black spider white a while for on back no that kill you