How reliable are St. Troperz tanning beds compared to other tanning beds?

1 Answer

Answer :

St. troperz tanning beds have very high customers satisfaction scores and reliability rankings. They are not the high end of tanning beds but they rank in the middle. St. Troperz tanning beds are very reliable when compared to other tanning beds. St. Troperz tanning beds are often used by professional tanning salons.

Related questions

Description : Are Home Tanning Beds cost effective compared to tanning salons?

Last Answer : They are the same as salon beds just sold to home users. You would pay less in electricity but you would need to use it alot to make up for the purchase cost.

Description : Can someone tell me about using tanning beds with fair skin?

Last Answer : Everything I read says not to use tanning beds. Just like with the sun, it will be harder on your skin since you are fair.

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Last Answer : The actual temperature? Or how hot it feels?

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Last Answer : Tanning beds have become extremely popular among teenage andyoung adults. Tanning beds are typically located in a tanning salonwhich charges a monthly rate and allows the customer to come intothe salon, ... people. If youchoose to try out a tanning salon, inquire about their tanning bedsand make

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Last Answer : Although using tanning beds is a great way to maintain agorgeous tan throughout the year, it is critical that customersknow how to use these devices safely. Here is what you need to knowabout how to ... do not neglect to use adequate UV protection when you areworking on your tan. You can still obtai

Description : Home Tanning Beds: Your Convenient Tanning Solution?

Last Answer : Tanning can be one of the most relaxing activities. Not only isit relaxing, but most people feel more beautiful and confident whenthey have a glowing, bronze tan. However, with the price of ... up-keep that it would receive in a salon. For instance, even themost expensive, technologically advanced

Description : Are tanning beds generally safe?

Last Answer : You are exposed to ultraviolet radiation inside a tanning bed, just as you are in the sun. This UV exposure causes skin cancer, regardless of the source. In addition, you can receive a bad burn in a tanning bed just as you can in the sun. So tanning beds are generally no safer than sun exposure.

Description : What do doctors recommend in terms of using home tanning beds?

Last Answer : In terms of using home tanning beds, doctors recommend you don't do it because of the size and fire hazard. You can read more at

Description : What are the best quality cheap tanning beds?

Last Answer : I would suggest this one, the radiance trio 26 here at this site Hopefully, its at the price you want as the quality for it is really good. The site also offers good information on tanning beds and tanning.

Description : Who has tanning beds for sale in Atlanta, GA?

Last Answer : There is a place called Sun Deck in Cummings, GA that you buy from. Their phone number is 770-844-8222.

Description : Where can I find a good price on home tanning beds?

Last Answer : You can find cheap home tanning beds at:

Description : How expensive are home tanning beds?

Last Answer : Home tanning beds will generally run you between $1000 and $2000.

Description : Do any tanning beds work well but not be as bright?

Last Answer : There are more top of the line tanning beds that are not quite as bright and offer a great tan but they will usually cost double what you normally would pay. [email protected]

Description : Are Wolf tanning beds highly rated?

Last Answer : Many Wolf tanning beds do use a high pressure tanning system, which makes them more effective in evenly distributing a tan, and also makes them more costly than regular beds.

Description : Do any tanning beds get extra hot?

Last Answer : Most have safety features to prevent burns.

Description : How many people have attributed the cause of skin cancer to tanning beds?

Last Answer : The number of people who attribute skin cancer to tanning beds can not be nailed down, however many doctors believe that the rise in skin cancer cases can be attributed to the "fake bake" trend. Those who use tanning beds do however increase their chances of skin cancer by up to 75%.

Description : What kind of materials are used to make the bed portion of tanning beds?

Last Answer : Plexiglass is used to make the bed portoin of the tanning bed.

Description : How often do you have to replace the bulbs on tanning beds and how expensive is it to maintain a tanning bed?

Last Answer : It depends on how often the bulbs are used. Tanning bulbs last a lot longer when they are not constantly on. Tanning beds in general are expensive to maintain. You will have a high electric bill and bulbs are expensive.

Description : How much electricity do tanning beds use?

Last Answer : They use about 1200 watts of electricity, which is a LOT!

Description : What sort of liability insurance is needed if you operate tanning beds in your salonDo I have to worry about lawsuits?

Last Answer : You will need liability insurance and property insurance. Most insurance companies customize your liability insurance. If your insurance covers everything you will not have to worry about lawsuits just make sure there are no loop holes in your policy.

Description : On average, how much do tanning beds weigh?

Last Answer : They weight about 200 pounds on average.

Description : Are there timers that automatically turn off a tanning bed available on any tanning beds?

Last Answer : The lower end beds don't have the switch off option so you have to be very careful.

Description : Are tanning beds safe for children?

Last Answer : Tanning beds are a potential danger for adults and probably even more so for children since their skin is more delicate. I would never recommend placing a child in a tanning bed.

Description : What are the negative effects of tanning beds?

Last Answer : The most common negative effect of tanning beds would be skin cancer caused by the UV Rays of the beds. Also it could lead to eye cancer because of too much exposure to the lights on the beds. Many ... say that the key to avoiding this would be to limit your visits and don't over do it.

Description : Where can I find more information on tanning beds?

Last Answer : I would recommend researching tanning beds on a review website called This website features recommendations for home tanning beds and what benefits tanning beds might have for you.

Description : How often can a teenager use tanning beds and still be safe?

Last Answer : Tanning beds are dangerous. They do not recommend that teenagers use tanning beds without a guardian's consent as they do pose risks, as they do to everyone because of the exposure to harmful UV rays ... permit more than one visit per 24 hour period and no tanning outside during that time as well.

Description : where are cheap tanning beds for sale?

Last Answer : For tanning beds that will let you achieve that beautiful bronze look from the comfort of your home, use only high-quality ESB Home Tanning Systems.

Description : are home tanning beds affordable?

Last Answer : Home tanning beds start at about $1200 and go up from there. While that may seem expensive, monthly fees at a tanning place can be as much as $50-80, so a home tanning system could pay for itself in less than 2 years.

Description : Are more tanning salons resorting to stand up tanning beds?

Last Answer : Yes, because they are gaining in popularity. The reason for this is, one can achieve a tan more quickly in the stand-up versus the laying down. It is also a more clean and personally hygienic method than laying in a tanning bed.

Description : Is there a spa in the Cumberland, MD are that has stand up tanning beds?

Last Answer : No, there is no stand up tanning beds in Cumberland, Maryland. But, there are plenty of tanning salons!

Description : What are the health risks of stand up tanning beds?

Last Answer : Here is a website detailing not only some of the risks but some of the benefits. I hope that it helps you.

Description : What does St Tropez Tanning have to offer over other competitors?

Last Answer : St Tropez Tanning is a leading tanning brand. The offer a variety of services including top bronzing lotions and sprays.

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Last Answer : Its not comparable. Analog phone service is far superior to digital phone service as far as reliability is concerned.

Description : What are the advantages of spray tanning over other traditional tanning methods?

Last Answer : Spray tanning has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. The major advantage that I would say is there is no chance of getting burnt and as far as anyone knows, no chance of getting cancer.

Description : Use of raschig rings in place of crushed stones as packing in packed beds (other things being same) (A) Increases pressure drop, increases surface area (B) Increases pressure drop, decreases ... (C) Decreases pressure drop, increases surface area (D) Decreases pressure drop, decreases surface area

Last Answer : (C) Decreases pressure drop, increases surface area

Description : What is the obsession with tanning?

Last Answer : They worship at the altar of oompah-loompah, brown nosers incorporated.

Description : Should dark skinned people use sun screen when tanning?

Last Answer : Yes you should use sunscreen.

Description : Is the radiation from a tanning bed, Ionizing or Non-Ionizing?

Last Answer : answer:Tanning beds are health risks because of ultraviolet (uv) radiation, which is definitely ionizing. This means the photons have enough energy to break chemical bonds in skin molecules. If this ... might somehow lead to cancer, though they emphasize there's no actual evidence of a link.

Description : What's the best alternative to tanning?

Last Answer : I think the spray on tan will be your only option. It seems to look pretty natural compared to the bottled ones. The only idea I can come up with for you is to work at one of those places and get either a discount or a free spray tan once a week.

Description : Studies proving duration threshold for correlation between tanning bed use and melanoma?

Last Answer : answer:The only safe level of UV-B expose is Zero. We use UV A, B and C here in the lab and treat B and C with a lot of respect. No way would I expose myself to 2 minutes of UV-B ... of info on the subject. Also you can use google scholar to find additional papers. Don't risk it. Take vitamin D.

Description : How harmful is using a UVB-emitting tanning booth for 2 minutes, 3 times per week to maintain healthy vitamin D levels?

Last Answer : Why not just take the very effective pills of D3? They work. No tanning necessary.

Description : Is it unusual that I have zero interest in lying on the beach and soaking up the rays? Tanning on the beach, that is?

Last Answer : I don’t like it either. I get enough sun by just running errands =) Hi Jen!

Description : How can a tanning bed cause a rash?

Last Answer : Don’t know, but I know it causes cancer :).

Description : When and why did tanning becoming normal?

Last Answer : Because men drool over Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated models, all of which are tan.

Description : Could a tanning bed cover get so hot as to damage body?

Last Answer : What temperature could the plastic cover become? Depends on the melting point of the plastic we are talking about.

Description : Why is tanning for "beauty" considered less offensive or racist than skin lightening products?

Last Answer : I have never heard that lightening products are offensive. I do think that they are poignant, and unnecessary, because what they imply is that darker skin is not a factor for beauty, a thought with which ... , but if they do, and lighter skin makes them feel more attractive, who am I to disapprove?

Description : What's the best kind of indoor tanning lotion?

Last Answer : When I used to tan my favorite was called Climax . Not only did it do a good job of even tanning, my skin was softer tan it had ever been in my life. This link has it cheap compared to what I used to pay for it.

Description : How Hot is it in a Tanning Bed?

Last Answer : Depends on whether or not you go into a regular or advanced bed and whether or not someone used it before you. It also depends on how new or old the bulbs are and how long you choose to stay in. Ten to fifteen minutes is nice, but twenty minutes can get really hot sometimes.

Description : Is Tanning Lotion Neccesary & How is it Different from Regular Lotions?

Last Answer : How fair/pale is your skin, naturally? Don't let the people who work at the salon scam you into something extremely expensive if you can't really afford it, because it isn't necessary. Some lotions ... to tan. Bronzers in lotions basically add to the oomph and speed up the process of looking tan.

Description : What is the etiquette with tanning at a salon?

Last Answer : Normally the dress code is the less the better. Since you're a guy I would def suggest wearing a sock.. just one. Also I would clean up before and after, everyhwere I go they ask that you ... place. (idk about beds, maybe someone else can help you out there) Other than that, happy tanning!