What are the most common colon cancer symptoms?

1 Answer

Answer :

Rectal bleeding often is a very common sign. Irritated while having bowel movements is another sign that there could be trouble.

Related questions

Description : What are the most common symptoms of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Some of the symptoms include, bleeding while stooling and lower abdominal pain. More symptoms are diarrhea and constipation. Colon cancer symptoms are not always obvious, but you can learn what these ... weight loss; loss of appetite; unexplained fatigue; nausea or vomiting; anemia; and, jaundice.

Description : Symptoms of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Symptoms of colon cancer

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Last Answer : a C124 blood test will report any cancer cells then they do further investigation to see where it is blood and mucus in stool What are suspicious symptoms?” how do i know a loved one has ... pain in right side under the brest and in the back of right black taary stolltested for definite blood

Description : what are the symptoms of colon cancer ?

Last Answer : what are the symptoms of colon cancer



Description : what are your symptoms of colon cancer?

Last Answer : what arethe symptoms of colon cancer

Description : Identifying And Responding To The Symptoms Of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : Cancer of the large intestine affects the lower digestive system and is called colorectal or colon cancer. In most instances, colon cancer gets its start through the development of benign cell clusters ... positive attitude and mindset is as crucial to the outcome as many forms of medical treatment.

Description : What are some symptoms of cancer of the colon?

Last Answer : Signs of colon cancer are a change in bowel movements, rectal bleeding, feeling like your bowel is not emptied all the way, frequent fatigue or weakness, and unexplained weight loss.

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Some signs of colon cancer include bleeding from the rectum, varied changes in the bowel movements, the feeling that all of the bowel isn't gone when it is, etc.

Description : Is there any symptoms one should have look out for in regard to colon cancer?

Last Answer : It is important for everyone to be seen by a specialist if they experience any of these symptoms. Constipation or diarrhea that last several weeks, a feeling that the bowel does not ... stools, discomfort in the abdomen, feeling abnormally bloated, weight loss with no explanation or anemia.

Description : What are Some of the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : What is colon cancer?Colon cancer is a type of cancer that affects the lower part of the digestive system. It is the third most common type of cancer. Colon cancer occurs when the cells in the ... per day. Additionally, people should also make sure that they drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.

Description : Colon Cancer Symptoms- Initial Warning Signs To Watch For?

Last Answer : Colon cancer is a serious disease that will progress very slowly in your colon and is highly unnoticeable if you don't know the signs to keep watch for. Early detection of colon cancer is very ... doctor. Colon cancer can sometimes lead to a loss in appetite and a feeling of nausea after eating.

Description : Watch for Colon Cancer Symptoms?

Last Answer : Colon cancer is one of the more common types of cancer in the United States. Doctors are still not sure exactly what causes colon cancer, although certain genes can increase the risk for ... vegetables, exercising most days of the week and avoiding alcohol or only drinking alcohol in moderation.

Description : Which of the follow statements provides accurate information regarding cancer of the colon and rectum? a) Cancer of the colon and rectum is the second most common type of internal cancer in the ... colon cancer. Colon cancer occurrence is higher in people with a family history of colon cancer.

Last Answer : a) Cancer of the colon and rectum is the second most common type of internal cancer in the United States. Cancer of the colon and rectum is the second most common type of internal cancer in the United States.

Description : Oops! I sent my Cologard (for colon cancer testing) sample to Ancestry.com instead of my DNA sample. What results will I get about my genetic make-up?

Last Answer : They’ll find out what kind of an ass you really are. DNA is DNA – they should be able to extract it from your fecal matter.

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Last Answer : I think you could easily request a colonscopy- then you can relax. I think that’s the best way to know short of a laparotomy.

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Last Answer : Alternative NamesScreening for colon cancer; Colonoscopy - screening; Sigmoidoscopy - screening; Virtual colonoscopy - screeningInformationColon cancer screening can detect polyps and early cancers. Such screening can ... tests are called the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and stool DNA test (

Description : Colon cancer?

Last Answer : DefinitionColon, or colorectal, cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon).Other types of cancer can affect the colon, such as lymphoma, carcinoid tumors ... in glands in the lining of the colon and rectum. When most people and when doctors talk abou

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Description : Signs of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : Oftentimes, colon cancer signs are not obvious unless you are actively looking for them. There is a wide range of symptoms associated with the disease, from severe to mild. Understanding the symptoms is ... your doctor closely to determine the cause of any symptoms, and plan a course of treatment.

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Last Answer : I have narrow stools, black blotches in my stool that is thick and attached to the stool, sometimes just tarry stools. I have no weight loss though, I have had Breast cancer. Does it sound like I have colon Cancer?

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Description : What is the best colon cancer treatment?

Last Answer : Currently, the best treatment for Colon cancer is surgery. After surgery, patients then need chemotherapy. There are also other treatments that may be needed if the cancer has spread from the ... also find information available here useful: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/colon-and-rectal

Description : What is the worldwide colon cancer survival rate?

Last Answer : Colon cancer is a touching subject to think about these days. The survival rate varies and is hard to give an absolute accurate result. However, statistically, the highest survival rate is if it is spotted in stage 1. This rate is 93%. The lowest survival rate is in stage 4, which is only 8%.

Description : How would colon cancer be treated in tests are positive.?

Last Answer : After someone has tested positive for Colon Cancer the next step before treatment is called staging. This is done to determine how far the cancer has spread. The following web-site offers further ... on staging and what happens next: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/colon/Patient

Description : What is the percentage of survival after being diagnosed with stage 4-colon cancer?

Last Answer : Several things affect your survival rate with stage 4 colon cancer. Tumor location, country of residence and amount of exercise can increase or decrease your chances of survival. In general, however, you can expect 8-15% chance of survival after 5 years.

Description : Can you have colon cancer without having any signs of colon cancer?

Last Answer : No. One of the early signs of colon cancer is constipation. Another sign is an unexplaned weight gain of 15lbs or more.

Description : Is stage 4 colon cancer deadly?

Last Answer : Yes Stage 4 colon cancer is deadly. When you reach this stage, it cannot be cured anymore because it has spread all over your organs.

Description : How many different stages are there of colon cancer?

Last Answer : There are 5 different stages to colon cancer. Knowing the stage is very important to getting the proper treatment.

Description : What warning signs could alert someone of the presence of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Junty color and pain in your side are two of the leading signs of colon cancer. You should get it checked every year and remember that march is colon cancer awareness month.

Description : 60 year old woman & breast cancer survivor for 15 years. now diag. with stage 4 colon cancer. what is her life expectancy normally.?

Last Answer : There are too many factors that determine life expectancy to say.

Description : Colon cancer - series?

Last Answer : Normal anatomyThe colon, or large intestine, is a muscular tube that begins at the end of the small intestine and ends at the rectum. The colon absorbs water from liquid stool that is delivered to it from ... General Hospital. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

Description : What are some colon cancer treatment options that are available?

Last Answer : Some treatments for colon cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. Treatments also may include clinical trials that they can participate in which will help improve ... or obtain information on new treatments that may be better than the standard treatments.

Description : Is removing the colon the best colon cancer treatment?

Last Answer : Radiation into the anus is probably what most doctors will recommend for colon cancer treatment. It will not be a kind feeling treatment, so many people choose to be under the influence of a sedentary.

Description : What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine, which is also known as the colon. The colon is located in the lower area of the digestive system. Colon cancer often starts off as benign polyps ... maintain a healthy weight. Finally, stop smoking to also help lower your risk of developing colon cancer.

Description : Processed Meats Increase the Risk of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : Many people enjoy eating a hot dog or sausage at a picnic or tailgate event. While processed meats are very popular, they can have a negative impact on health. Processed meats contain dangerous preservatives ... in one's diet. A nutritious diet can be beneficial in ensuring one's long term health.