Maintaing Healthy Levels of Cholesterol?

1 Answer

Answer :

Healthy levels of cholesterol are important for the regularfunction of one's body. However, most people receive excess amountsof 'bad' LDL cholesterol, which essentially chokes the arteries andcan lead to heart attacks and strokes. In order to lead healthylives, doctors encourage their patients to exercise regularly andto eat low cholesterol diets, which can aid one's health both byreducing the amount of LDL cholesterol that one consumes and byboosting the amount of 'good' HDL cholesterol inside the body (HDLcholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein, has been shown to removeLDL cholesterol from the arteries and transport it to the liver,where it is processed and disposed of).However, with the amount of processed foods that are commonlyconsumed, most people find it quite difficult to eat a l

Related questions

Description : How can I ensure my cholesterol levels remain healthy?

Last Answer : The way a person can ensure to remain healthy by lowering their cholesterol level is to exercise by walking, eat a very good and balanced diet and check your cholesterol level.

Description : What is the normal levels for healthy cholesterol?

Last Answer : Your LDL or bad cholesterol level is the one that you should be most concerned about. 200 is a good number, but a cholesterol level around 100 is considered optimal.

Description : How can I get healthy cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You could eat better and don't eat cheese. Also some nut have high cholesterol. If you eat cereal every morning it could help. Last try not to eat that have trans fat or cholesterol.

Description : Maintaining Healthy Cholesterol Levels?

Last Answer : Many people are concerned with their cholesterol levels, knowing it can lead to Heart disease and a heart attack or other complications. The key to keeping healthy cholesterol levels is by diet and ... healthy. Using olive oil instead of other oils that are higher in saturated fats will help.

Description : How to reduce cholesterol levels naturally?

Last Answer : You can reduce your cholesterol levels by natural methods instead of using any medication. There are many natural remedies to lower cholesterol. Drinking lot of water with adequate and proper exercises ... choleterol levels.

Description : Where can I get my HDL cholesterol levels tested?

Last Answer : You will need to go to the doctors office and make an appointment to have you blood drawn and then you will get the results. Depending on where they take blood it might be in a hospital or a clinic.

Description : What are hdl cholesterol levels and how are they measured?

Last Answer : HDL cholesterol levels are good cholesterol and the doctor measured several blood tests this cholesterol health would be maintained on 35 mg / dl in men and 40 mg / dl in women.

Description : What is the hdl cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : The HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol that it should keep cholesterol in 35ml, 40ml for women and for men the levels change between good and bad cholesterol.

Description : Are low cholesterol levels and high cholesterol levels as bad as each other?

Last Answer : It is easier to raise your cholesterol if its too low rather than lower it. So based on that I would say that higher cholesterol is worse than too low.

Description : What are some foods that help keep cholesterol levels low for people newly diagnosed with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : The cholesterol levels found in our blood can be influenced by both dietary cholesterol and dietary fats " meaning the cholesterol and fat from the food you eat (not those that already in your body).Dietary fats are found more commonly throughout our food and exist in both plant and animal based.

Description : What methods can I do to monitor my Cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Order a home cholesterol testing kit. With these you could get answers on the spot, or you could take the dried blood sample and then send it to a lab for analysis.

Description : What are the normal and high cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : The normal level is at 5.2 and below. High total cholesterol levels are at 6.2 and above. These are the desired and undesirable levels of total cholesterol.

Description : What are the best ways to reduce high cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : The best ways to reduce high cholesterol levels is to lower the fatty food intake. A person should also intake only 300 calories or less according to your diet each day.

Description : What is the best diet to reduce my cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : In order to lower your cholesterol levels it is important to remember that you are going to need to start eating healthy as soon as possible. This means cutting out any fats, processed foods, and starchy foods.

Description : How do I find information on how to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can find all the information you need about lowering cholesterol levels at the following website,

Description : How does my triglyceride affect my cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Your medical physician will be able to provide you will high cholesterol and triglyceride information, diet, medication, and an exercise program. You may be referred to a dietician and/or a sports trainer.

Description : How can I adapt my diet for lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can adapt your diet for lower cholesterol by adding more vegetables and decreasing the amount of beef and fried food you consume.

Description : What are the causes of high cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Causes of high cholesterol affect our body causing symptoms such as fainting, pain cazeba, obscuring the view, among others, must undergo treatment and rune teen good diet and exercise.

Description : What foods lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Diet plays a crucial role in lowering your cholesterol. The top five foods to lower cholesterol are Oatmeal, Omega-3-rich fish, walnuts, olive oil, and foods with added plant sterols.

Description : What are good cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Total cholesterol levels below 200mg/DL,LDL cholesterol levels below 130 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol levels above 40 mg/dL (for men) and 50 mg/dL (for women),Triglycerides levels below 150 mg/dL. These are the normal levels for men and women.

Description : What's the best site to use to learn about good and bad cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : There are many sites you could use to learn about cholesterol levels. I like using the American Heart Association for reference. They explain the good and bad cholesterol levels the best. Your diet and your exercise contributes to your overall blood cholesterol levels.

Description : What are the range of normal cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Ranges of normal cholesterol levels are with your doctor age and weight and height. Again if you have questions like this go talk to your doctor! Consult don't be afraid to ask questions.

Description : What foods can lower my HDL cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : If you are really wondering what type and kinds of food that can lower your HDL cholesterol levels because your cholesterol is elevated, then I suggest you eat grapes.

Description : What foods are available to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : I know that Honey Nut Cheerios advertise to lower cholesterol. Make sure to eat healthy and exercise 3-5 times per week to reduce your cholesterol or go to your doctor and see if they can prescribe anything for you to take that will help to lower your cholesterol such as Lipitor.

Description : What are HDL cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : HDL cholesterol is high cholesterol. If your doctor told you that you didn't have high cholesterol then I wouldn't worry about it just yet. Just eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle and you won't have high cholesterol.

Description : What do the numbers and levels for cholesterol mean?

Last Answer : All I honestly know about this is the higher the numbers the worse your cholesterol and that there are foods you can eat to lower it. I also know that WebMD can answer a lot of these questions.

Description : Ideal HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels for Men and Women?

Last Answer : It seems one of the hottest topics among health-related publications is cholesterol, and the importance of keeping your cholesterol levels in check. But what is cholesterol, and what ... substantially increases the risk of developing adverse cardiovascular health problems in both men and women.

Description : How Normal Cholesterol Levels Are Measured?

Last Answer : One way to check for good health is to measure the amount of the various types of cholesterol in the blood. Unlike some tests, however, normal cholesterol levels are not always the same ... health risks of the higher average level of cholesterol are still the same, regardless of medical conditions.

Description : Understanding How Cholesterol Levels Affect Heart Disease?

Last Answer : Cholesterol levels are significantly associated with the risk of developing Heart disease currently or in the future. An excess amount of "bad" cholesterol in the body contributes to the buildup ... cholesterol levels may need to incorporate drug therapy in order to effectively treat the condition.

Description : How To Achieve Normal Cholesterol Levels?

Last Answer : It can be seem challenging at times to achieve normal cholesterol levels. Many people are not successful at lowing their cholesterol levels because they simply didn't know where to start. However ... . Persistence is the most important aspect to consider when you are trying to lower your cholesterol

Description : Will diet and medication help lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Instead of going on medication, the best way to lower your bad cholesterol is with a healthy diet. You should eat foods with good cholesterol and stay away from the foods with bad cholesterol in them.

Description : Lowering LDL Cholesterol Levels?

Last Answer : If your LDL cholesterol levels are outside of the normal or optimal ranges, you should take steps to lower your LDL cholesterol levels. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest ways is ... lard, and meat. Stick with canola or olive oil and choose vegetarian options a few days a week.

Description : Are there vitamins that help control cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : While certain B-vitamin supplements can help you with your cholesterol levels, you will need to alter your entire diet for them to be effective. Here are some links for more in-depth information on the topic. �ۼ Health Support

Description : Is there a cholesterol diet plan to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Yes, there are many diets that you can go on to help lower your bad cholesterol levels. The most important thing to keep in mind is that healthy is best, so a lot of fresh, organic fruits and veggies will do you well on your quest to lower bad cholesterol.

Description : What foods raise HDL cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Yes, there are foods that help raise HDC cholesterol levels. According to the mayo clinic these foods are high in whole grains and fibres. Also eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps.

Description : Normal Cholesterol Levels By Age?

Last Answer : You may wonder what constitutes normal cholesterol levels by age. It is natural to experience changes in your cholesterol that correspond with certain life events. That said, the ideal cholesterol levels for men ... climb with age, but that does not mean that the higher score is healthy in any way.

Description : What should the normal cholesterol levels be?

Last Answer : Normal total cholesterol is below 200 mg, and normal LDL cholesterol is in the 100-129 range if you aren't at risk of heart disease. LDL levels will need to be lower if you have Heart disease risk factors.

Description : Where can I find out more about total cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can find out lots of information about good and bad cholesterol and how to lower your numbers at this website:

Description : What is the difference between LDH and LDL cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : LDL cholesterol levels are the calculation of bad levels in your body while HDL is considered to by the levels of good cholesterol in your body. Good cholesterol ratings can be maintained with proper exercise and diet.

Description : How often should cholesterol levels be measured?

Last Answer : you should get your cholesterol levels checked at least every six months, if possible you should do it every four months. the normal level is below 200.

Description : Can I lower my cholesterol levels without diet and exercise?

Last Answer : Some medications help to lower cholesterol levels, but they work best in conjunction with diet and exercise.

Description : Increased serum levels of which of the following may be associated with a decreased risk of atherosclerosis? (a) Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) (b) Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) (c) Intermediate – density lipoproteins (IDL) (d) High-density lipoproteins (HDL) (e) Cholesterol

Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : What is true of tamoxifen: A. It can induce endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women B. It exerts antiestrogenic activity in bone C. It raises LDL-cholesterol levels D. It is ineffective in estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer

Last Answer : A. It can induce endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women

Description : Tips on lowering cholesterol and maintaining healthy blood pressure?

Last Answer : answer:There's no big secret. The standard advice is to keep your weight reasonable, exercise regularly, and eat more plants, fruits, nuts, seeds and complex carbs. If you can give up all ... idea that I won't even mention it. Using meditation and breathing for stress reduction is also useful.

Description : What is considered a healthy range cholesterol level?

Last Answer : HDL cholesterol ideally should be under 60 and the level of LDL cholesterol should be under 100. If you are over by a little bit that's not too bad but these are the ideal numbers.

Description : How do you maintain a healthy cholesterol level?

Last Answer : Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise are key to maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. Try to avoid foods that are high in cholesterol such as shell fish, eggs, and liver.

Description : What are healthy HDL cholesterol rich foods?

Last Answer : Healthy HDL cholesterol rich foods include drinking in moderation, brown rice, salmon, garlic, nuts, blueberries, olive oil, and oatmeal. These foods are also heart healthy.

Description : What is a healthy cholesterol level?

Last Answer : Cholesterol levels are measured with milligrams. Well 250mg is considered too high in the US. Below that and over 200mg is borderline high. Below 200mg is considered desirable.

Description : Healthy Cholesterol Level?

Last Answer : High total cholesterol, particularly the low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, type, is a prominent risk factor for heart disease in men and women. Cholesterol is an unavoidable waxy fat-like substance ... you age it is a continued effort through healthy diet, exercise and heart-healthy lifestyle habits.

Description : Lower Cholesterol by Eating Healthy Foods?

Last Answer : Cholesterol is a waxy substance that can clog the blood vessels, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol is produced by the liver, but for many people, elevated cholesterol of 200 ... to treat the condition. However, those individuals still need to follow the guidelines for healthy eating.