What would happen if Odysseus hears the sirens?

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Last Answer : That green is hail, BTW.

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Last Answer : Forgive me, I’m tempted to say a loud siren in a funeral procession might wake the dead. But what I will say is that this law seems horribly misguided to me. Driving to a grave site is emotionally stressful enough—but my God, having to listen to a siren, too… awful.

Description : Why does the Doppler effect explain why a siren's pitch decreases as it moves away from you?

Last Answer : The siren moves away from the sound waves it has already produced, increasing their wavelength. Make sure it says INCREASING and not DECREASING -Apex :)

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Description : When the sirens sound outside the scheduled tests, what to do?

Last Answer : If you hear sirens at a time other than 12:00 every first Wednesday of the month, go home and turn on your radio and television.

Description : What does it mean that sirens are heard every month?

Last Answer : It's a test of whether they work.

Description : I really have no idea. When I worked in the house administration, we at least had a flood alert plan. For us, it meant grabbing passports home and screeching to Rieger Gardens. Children from schools and kindergartens were to be taken care of ...

Last Answer : Since I work in the tallest house in Prague with abnormal fire regulations, I undergo fire drills four or five times a year. I should theoretically be 100% ready for the real "burns burns". But how it would turn out if it was really real, I really can't imagine it. :)

Description : It happens at exactly 12 o'clock at noon and it takes a minute. The radio test follows so that people don't get too scared. Even though it's been done since time immemorial, I always feel weird about it (and ... to monitor functionality and is paid for it. It used to be 100, -, now I don't know ...

Last Answer : Not with us. Only on public holidays and I'm always really scared: D

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Why are the tornado sirens going off today?

Last Answer : Two reasons: 1) There is a tornado in the area, if so you should take cover in either the lowest level of your house or a central room without any windows (a closet or bathroom is your best option) 2 ... the first Wednesday of the month. If you don't know which it is, check the weather in your area.

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Last Answer : Do you really want to go there @Dutchess?

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Last Answer : The parrot was deaf.

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Last Answer : The parrot was deaf.

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Last Answer : The parrot was deaf!

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Last Answer : D Let the speed of the train be x m/sec Then distance travelled by the train in 15mins = distance travelled by sound in 15secs X*15*60 = 320*15 900x = 4800 X=4800/900 X=5.33 Speed of the train 5.33 m/s Convert m/s into km/hr 5.33m =(5.33*18/5) =(95.94/5) =19.188 km/hr

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Last Answer : Odysseus is the Latin version of the Greek name Ulysses. Does that help?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : idk man tell me

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Last Answer : he got mad and mad circe s***k his d**k.

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Last Answer : Odysseus tells the Ciclops that his name is nobody

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Last Answer : They can't escape because the cave entrance was blocked off by ahugh rock and only the cyclops was strong enough to move

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Hermes came to Odysseus before he met with Circe, gave him aherb of Moly and instructed him how to behave around Circe.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : They can't escape because the cave entrance was blocked off by ahugh rock and only the cyclops was strong enough to move

Description : What explicit detail is the reader given about Odysseus in the passage?

Last Answer : Odysseus tells the Ciclops that his name is nobody