Does chewing gum have super cells that fight bacteria?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, Chewing Gum is not an antibacterial.

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Description : Benefits of Chewing Gum?

Last Answer : answer:It can help keep your eustacian tubes open, ears unblocked. They say gum can help clean the teeth if no toothbrush is around. I love gum. I can’t chew it around my husband because it drives him crazy. I also can’t chew it a long time anymore, hurts my jaw.

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Last Answer : Yes it loses it flavors. The sugars first then the flavorings break down.

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Last Answer : I go through a good pack in a couple of days. I’m a closed mouth chewer, though, so, it’s all good.

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Last Answer : answer:Paper and a trash can, mostly. On very rare occasions, I’ll swallow it, if no other way to discreetly get rid of it, is available. September 5, 2008, 11:05 AM EDT

Description : Does chewing gum cause tooth decay ?

Last Answer : Generally speaking , chewing gum does not harm teeth or mouth. However, if children eat gum , it can cause problems in the throat. According to the American Dental Association in clinical trials , ... , but the problem is that sugar makes acid. So sugar-free chewing gum is better. References

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Description : How does chewing gum help the body?

Last Answer : chewing gum actually can help your body - 1. Chewing gum can reduce your stress and can also boost your memory. 2. Chewing gum also help you to lose weight. It may also help to reduce ... gum prevent middle ear infection in children. 6. Chewing gum after an operation could speed up recovery time.

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Last Answer : Too much of everything has its disadvantage, but here are the benefits of chewing gum. When we chew gum the mouth produces saliva that cleanses the acid from food, and the saliva produced during ... also important for oral health, but excess chewing of gum could be harmful so moderation is advised

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : because some people have trouble and like chewing things so theycreated something that is hard to swallow and it taste good. thenthey madfe diffent types and flavors and soon enough it camepopular

Description : Factor at increase risk of aspiration includes A. drinking clear fluids 8 hours before operation B. gastro esophageal reflux C. chewing gum D. Two hours preoperative oral clear fluid administration

Last Answer : Ans: B

Description : Chewing gum is made from - (1) Resin (2) Tannin (3) Latex (4) Gum

Last Answer : (3) Latex Explanation: Chewing gum is a type of gum made of chicle, a natural latex product, or synthetic rubber known as polyisobutylene. Most chewing gums are considered polymers. ... is specific in its inhibition of Streptococcus mutans, bacteria that are significant contributors to tooth decay.

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Last Answer : Ans. Bubble gum or chewing gum contains synthetic Styrene-butadiene rubber. 

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Last Answer : Cars

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Last Answer : d. Chewing A Lot Of Gum

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Last Answer : c) Argument from authority

Description : What kind of argument is the following: "Four out of five dentists who recommend chewing gum, favor Trident sugarless gum." a) Argument from example b) Circular reasoning c) Argument from authority d) Logical argument

Last Answer : c) Argument from authority

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Last Answer : D)Identification of a time period for accomplishment

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Last Answer : C)Cars

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Last Answer : Latex

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : answer:Some cats have a thing for certain plastics. Our dull human noses cannot smell the difference between yummy plastic and boring plastic though, and I would wager that the already chewed cable ... rabbit fur sometimes works, but never the cruelty free polyester substitute; cats are cruel.

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Last Answer : let him chew on pig’s ears

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Last Answer : My dogs did the same constantly. I found giving them rawhide chews tended to distract them some. There’s also a deer repellant called Hinder that helped a little.

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Last Answer : There’s bitter apple spray.

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Last Answer : answer:Er..have their teeth removed? Sorry, but are you sure that you want this Q in the ‘social’ section?

Description : Dating deal breaker? Chewing with your mouth open?

Last Answer : Big time, I can’t stand it, it’s involuntary too, I retch when I see it. Close your gob when you chew.

Description : Having problems with dog chewing on anything and everything?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like a trip to obedience school couldn't hurt. Until you resolve the problem, it might be wise to remove things she can damage from her ability to access them without ... interesting brain-teaser toys for dogs (that also require supervision) but redirect the dog's energy.

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Last Answer : Give it a cookie.

Description : How do I stop my cat from chewing on cords?

Last Answer : Have you tried ye olde spray bottle trick? You know, squirting her when you catch her doing it? If you don't want to make the cords taste bad with bitter apple, which would be my recommendation ... chewing through a lamp cord (thankfully, he was fine), so I'm pretty wary of this particular habit.

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Last Answer : I don’t know the T word. I wouldn’t recommend doing it in front of other people.

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Last Answer : Have you considered the possibility that your molars don’t occlude properly? You may not be chewing your food as thoroughly as you think you are. Have your dentist check your bite the next time you go.

Description : How can I get my puppy to stop chewing on me?

Last Answer : yeah i don’t know if you can get a puppy to stop, its what they were hard wired to do. Kind of like getting them to stop chasing cats, if it likes to chase cats its going to chase cats, same with your feet.

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Last Answer : Think it’s about training her to find something else to chew on, like a…well, chewing thingy? Kinda like a scratching pole that cats use?

Description : What can i do to stop the chewing?

Last Answer : There are “chew toys” that you can get for dogs like that, and any pet store can help you with that decision. So can your dog’s Vet.

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Last Answer : Put tea tree oil on it?

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Last Answer : Coyote urine placed on the ground below where you park your car might help. Also, there are ultrasonic devices that give rats headaches, and they abandon the area after a day or two.

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Last Answer : You can trap them in a live trap and take them away (like 30 miles away) and release them in someone else's yard. Or you can trap them and drop the trap in a garbage can of water.

Description : why is chewing on tin foil so painful?

Last Answer : I imagine it has to do with silvered fillings. I think the foil and the fillings react in an electrical manner and thus cause pain. I have the same thing happen to me, thus I have shunned all my tin chewing efforts.