If you are admitted to the program what area do you wish to investigate in your researchthesis?

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : All Haqqani Ulama Mashayikh agree that the said Pir was a hypocrite . Originally, the man was just a metric pass. (See! Atarshir Darbar Atarshir Kafela , page-13 , date of publication , January 1974. ... pray for you , may Allah accept you as a great scholar. May Allah guide your mother. Amen.

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Last Answer : You have to pass all the subjects and get admitted in Inter.

Description : I have not been admitted to a university college, so I am looking for alternative solutions.

Last Answer : I don't really know about this, it's worth calling a couple of cholestas, which is sympathetic to see if they can help.

Description : hello I need advice on admission to high school! I would like to go to the gym ..... but nvm if I have it! Could I have gone to a small school there if I couldn't? and take everyone there? or do they only take with honor? last half year I had one 3 and here in 7 class ......

Last Answer : You want to go to bigy? I'm at an eight-year-old gym and you can leave. I think of the bishop too. I don't know if they take everyone, but I think there are entrance exams. And I think the ... some points. If you want a lot for him and there are admissions for him, you can pay for some tutoring.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : 234

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Description : Which of the following statements is not correct? (1) In Lok Sabha, a no-confidence motion has to set out the grounds on which it is based. (2) In the case of a no-confidence motion in Lok ... ten days of leave being granted. (4) Rayya Sabha is not empowered to entertain a motion of no-confidence.

Last Answer : (1) In Lok Sabha, a noconfidence motion has to set out the grounds on which it is based Explanation: ‘No-confidence motion’ need not state the reason for it being adopted in the Lok Sabha.