What Describe the authors tone and provide two examples from the text to support your response in against nature?

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Last Answer : There’s Elie Wiesel’s Night.

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Last Answer : Apart from Stephen King, of course.

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Last Answer : Well, of course the gold standard for that time period – particularly the dust bowl – John Steinback’s “The Grapes of Wrath. ”. A great read. A lesser known novel of proletarian immigrant life is “Jews without Money” by Michael gold. Also, “Call it Sleep” by Henry Roth – a bildingsroman.

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Last Answer : I like John Wyndham. He wrote ‘The Day of the Triffids’ and ‘The Kraken Wakes’ . They are apocalyptic science fiction novels set against the backdrop of the cold war.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what the evidence for price fixing would look like in this case. I think it's unlikely that Apple is working with Amazon or other ebook publishers to figure out their ... how long people buy DVDs by including features and content you couldn't include in a theater experience)

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Last Answer : From what I learned in college paperback get's them more money. Ebooks are only selling the usage rights, which cost less. Paperback/Hardback/Physical books pay the author more due to a set ... than usage rights. Ebooks your mostly paying the provider for allowing you to download from their server.

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Last Answer : I like science fiction, and Catherine Asaro is one of my favorite SF authors.

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Last Answer : I’m sure there are some great poets out there still, but I wholeheartedly agree. I seek and find literary pleasure in song, from Bob Dylan to Jerry Garcia to Colin Meloy and Jim James.

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Last Answer : Dan Brown. I read The Da Vinci Code and thought it was great. That is, until I read his other books and realized that he used pretty much the exact same plotline for each book. I don’t like authors who do half-assed writing like that.

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Last Answer : answer:“So what do you think? Can racist practices be seen as nationalist practices?” Sure, if you are living in Nazi Germany. Fortunately, here in America we have codified in our laws that discrimination based on race is not acceptable.

Description : Can a Blogspot blog be configured to send emails to authors?

Last Answer : answer:Why not set something up with the RSS feed that Blogspot generates? That way people can track the updates in a variety of ways - through their email program, Google reader etc. There are a ... notified of updates, but you could use FeedMyInbox, and I think FeedBurner has a feature like this.

Description : Can you reccomend some non-white fantasy authors for me?

Last Answer : In my African American Women Novelists class, we studied Octavia Butler’s “Kindred.” It’s about a woman time-traveling. It’s also awesome, and she’s seminal in both the sci-fi, minority, and women work canons.

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Last Answer : My favourite genre by far is comtemporary fantasy. Stories set in this world (or one similar to it) but with a fantasy/magical/supernatural twist.

Description : Reading Jellies, please take a look at your bookshelves. How many of those authors are the same gender as you, how many are different, and how many are you unable to the tell the gender?

Last Answer : answer:I have never thought of that. Wow… of the books within arm’s reach, only one is written by a female author. But, I tend to collect books by the same author. Within the books I’m considering, there’s only 9 authors.

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Last Answer : Robin D. Owens?

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Last Answer : http://www.literature-map.com/john+fante.html