How did the goddess Artemis become immortal?

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Last Answer : For YES. No offense, to the boyz, but like, your kinda annoying so yah. Also being immortal doesn't seem that bad

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Last Answer : The sacred animals of Artemis are deer/hind, boar, bear, freshwater fish, guinea-fowl, partridge, quail, and buzzard hawk.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was Artemis symbolism?

Last Answer : The sacred animals of Artemis are deer/hind, boar, bear, freshwater fish, guinea-fowl, partridge, quail, and buzzard hawk.

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Last Answer : “Life Sentence” for many purposes (such as parole) is considered thirty years. That is why some people get consecutive life sentences. If someone was truly immortal, the powers that be could lock him up and throw away the key. —if you time travel you’ll still be stuck in the jail cell.—

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Last Answer : I got to thinking about it, while responding to one of Dutch’s q’s…

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Last Answer : The “Damn Kids These Days” crowd would have all of us put on the chopping block before we hit 20.

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Last Answer : Get a DVD of Groundhog Day and watch it every day.

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Last Answer : One would need an ethos which lead people to take their own lives in consideration of all the others around them. Leaving aside the impossibility of the conditions you describe, the burden of immortality would make society unworkable. Even the most tolerant of attitudes would have a term.

Description : Does being immortal include immortal teeth?

Last Answer : answer:Thor is not immortal. He can be killed. And Odin was old man, long grey hair and at times infirm. So yes, Thor had to brush and floss. But he is not prone to tooth decay the same we we humans are. It takes ages for him to get a cavity.

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Last Answer : answer:Renée means reborn in French (René is the masculine form; it's used in France, but it could be an awkward choice as a boy's name in the States). Samsara is a Sanskrit word referring ... of rebirth. It has a pretty sound to it, but has a less than positive connotation in Buddhist cultures.

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Last Answer : Age is just a number. i must admit that your outlook on life sucks. pardon the expression, but i call it like i see it. i am 66 and my outlook on life is great. i am thankful for each morning that i ... life and you have not even made it to the halfway mark. what will you be like by the age of 40?

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Last Answer : No way. Though I suppose either way ends in drooling and diapers.

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Last Answer : The correct translation of the phrase Immortal loves nourish me (in the plural) is the following: - Immortales amores me nutriunt or - Immortales me nutriunt amores with a different word order ... Ancient-Languages-2210/2008/10/correct-translate-latin.htm (Looks like you asked there, too.) :P

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Last Answer : Time.

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Last Answer : No creature is immortal. All living beings must die. Either now , or 1 year , or 10 years later , or 100 years later , or 500 years later , or the Day of Resurrection. But I have to die. If any ... for fun or to scare. No , not at all. Second life or afterlife also exists. So no tree is immortal.

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Last Answer : Uterine Inside That Tissue From The egg Creation Is That's it The placenta Or Immortal.

Last Answer : immortal Money Immortal , immortal , eternal .

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Last Answer : Depravity and wickedness!

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Last Answer : Enjoy the moment.

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Last Answer : answer:Athena, and I would like to think some traits associated with her are ones that I share. She’s always been my favorite, ever since I was a kid. I mean, I named my dog Athena when I was eight.

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : Icarus

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Last Answer : NEED ANSWER