What is the difference of the lakes and falls?

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Niagara Falls is located between which pairs of lakes?

Last Answer : Lake Erie and lake Ontario

Description : Niagara Falls is located between which pair of lakes?

Last Answer : Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

Description : Niagara Falls is located between which pairs of lakes?

Last Answer : Lake Erie and lake Ontario

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Last Answer : Answer : 1. Britain 2. Lake Erie and lake Ontario 3. Renunciation of desire 4. Collagen 5. Athletics 6. Trade bills 7. Iceland 8. Mauryas 9. Chromosomes 10. In times of Emergency 11. Positron 12. ... and Tennis 15. 6 16. Mirablius 17. Coal 18. Ghazi Malik 19. Advocate General 20. Oxalic acid

Description : 5. What is the difference between perennial and seasonal lakes and rivers? -History

Last Answer : Perennial rivers and lakes are those which bear water throughout the year while seasonal rivers and lakes have water only during a particular period, le. rainy season.

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Last Answer : Streams and rivers flow down a long path and ponds and lakesstay in one place and not flowing like streams and rivers.

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Last Answer : Good question.

Description : Do you prefer rivers, lakes or oceans?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood, but all three top the list from time to time.

Description : If continents weren't separated by large bodies of water, and the entire world lived on one piece of land (but still with lakes and rivers) do you think there would be less hatred and ignorance in the world?

Last Answer : No – I think it would be as bad or worse since some of the worst conflicts are between neighboring countries or tribes.

Description : Ever wanted to get away from the big city and live out in the country or near the woods/lakes/wilderness?

Last Answer : It would be nice to live away from the city, but just drive to it regularly. But I don’t think I would want to create a life separate from the city. I’m not a rural person.

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Last Answer : I was just thinking the same thing, now that is ee-rie.

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Last Answer : Yes, the Great Lakes were gouged out by the retreating ice sheets.

Description : Are there a lot of snakes in lakes?

Last Answer : It just depends on where you are. I have been in a lot of lakes and have never been bitten by a snake. Most snakes will only attack when they feel threatened.

Description : Places to stay in Lakes District, Patagonia?

Last Answer : A list of some hotels in San Martin de Los Andes http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&q=hotels%20in%20Lakes%20District%2C%20Patagonia&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

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Last Answer : answer:Some lakes do have waves, especially larger ones, which leads me to suspect that it has to do with a fundamental property of how gravity works: larger bodies have larger gravitational forces acting on ... waves, would be much stronger as the body of water grew larger. That's my best guess.

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Last Answer : Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior are the important lakes.

Description : Where are ox bow lakes founf -Geography

Last Answer : Oxbow lakes are found in river valleys. An oxbow is a crescent-shaped lake lying alongside a winding river. The oxbow lake is created over time as erosion and deposition of soil change the river's course.

Description : Where are ox bow lakes found -Geography

Last Answer : Oxbow lakes are found in river valleys. An oxbow is a crescent-shaped lake lying alongside a winding river. The oxbow lake is created over time as erosion and deposition of soil change the river's course.

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Last Answer : Chandragupta Maurya Water harvesting system was started in the first century B.C to channel the flood water of river Ganga. It was during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya that these water bodies such as dams, lakes and rivers were extensively built.

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Last Answer : A Map.

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Last Answer : In Minnesota. The team was originally known as the Minneapolis Lakers and kept the name when they moved west.

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Last Answer : I am the Map.

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Last Answer : Finland is the answer

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Last Answer : Rajasthan Rajasthan has the largest number of salt lakes in India.

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Last Answer : The prime contaminants in lakes eutrophied by sewage and agriculture wastes are: A. Sulphates ... Nitrates and phosphates D. Nitrates and carbonates.

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Last Answer : Release of phosphates and nitrates in water bodies like lakes lead to: A. Nutrient enrichment ... algal growth D. Increased growth of decomposers

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Last Answer : because it uses specific evidence to support his argument. :) yw.

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Last Answer : Because it uses specific evidence to support his argument

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Last Answer : The loyalists went inside your step sister to have a better look of all the regions, so they can have a great dive in the lake and eat ice cream until your step brother comes to the park and finishes all the ice cream and sticks it in your mouth.