How do you say grandmother in Chilean?

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Description : Nolana - Chilean Bellflower (Nola'na)

Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: These annuals are found wild in Chile and Peru. They form low, spreading clumps, 6 to 12 inches in height. Their leaves are ovate, up to 2 inches long. Their 5-lobed, bell shaped ... should be thinned to 6 inches apart. VARIETIES: N. prostrata; N. tenella; N. atriplicifolia. Nolana

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Last Answer : Congratulations, Grandmere! I think that’s right, but it’s been years since high school French.

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Last Answer : answer:A small flip picture album, something you can put in a couple dozen new and old pictures for her to look through. And maybe something you can find about what happened 101 years ago on her birthday.

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Last Answer : answer:My grandmother used to make Krumkake on an old cast-iron thing that sat on the stove. That, and her handwritten cookbook, were the only things I asked for when she passed away. Unfortunately they both never surfaced. Alas.

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Last Answer : answer:Make her pay a goodly portion of any pocket money/or earned income to her grandmother until the debt is paid off and ensure that she understands that should her grandmother die before the debt is paid off, ... left would be reduced by $10,000. Other than that, I'm not sure what you can do.

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Last Answer : answer:The microwave (yes, I’m old enough that Grandma didn’t have one of those). Runner-up would be the digital scale, especially for baking.

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Last Answer : Keep it in mind. If she makes several mistakes like this in a row, then it was a sign. But one goof doesn’t really tell you anything. The mind is a bit like a piece of fabric. If you find one loose thread it might not mean anything. But several loose threads may mean its unravelling.

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Last Answer : Are you going to have to mail the letter to your grandmother or does she live close enough for you to hand deliver it to her? I’m open to reading it and giving you some feedback. PM me if you want me to read it, @LeavesNoTrace.

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Last Answer : answer:As for how do you tell a small child, I don't know. Maybe say that her body stopped working, and that she is not here anymore. I have seen secular and religious books for children and adults from ... loved to do, etc. It also might help to create a scrapbook so these memories won't be lost.

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Last Answer : Try

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Last Answer : answer:Seeing yourself in the mirror of another person and recognizing yourself even when the picture isn't pretty is one of the very best ways to counter your own similar tendencies. If you think there's ... perspective. And yes, you can change your behavior. What a gift that would be to your son.

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Last Answer : I read 150 pages a night, write 30 pages a week, and in 2 more years I will have a piece of paper that won’t really help me get another job unless I rinse and repeat for another 4 years, and even then, it’s sketchy.

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Last Answer : She’s thinking long-term wise , maybe ? It’d be nice to have someone/some people to grow old with .

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Last Answer : it was merged with fluther. just PM gailcalled for the service (or misuse an apostrophe).

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Last Answer : I would let them know it's okay to be disturbed, or feel however they are feeling. It's natural to be upset by death. Also, try not to let your idea of how they feel eclipse how they really feel ... regards to the hubbs- have the kids tell him and include him in their healing. He'll get the message.

Description : Where can I find a recipe for rice pudding like my grandmother made?

Last Answer : I have no idea, but it sounds delish! You can try asking bakerella on blogspot (simply google bakerella). If not luck there, well, at least you can see all of her fun treats!

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Last Answer : I have a 94 yr old mother with dementia. Forget about trying to change her memories or her condition. Let her talk about anything she needs to. She will drift further and further from reality; I hope ... also. It is sad, so do your exercises, check the daily crossword puzzle and watch what you eat.

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Last Answer : Get her a photo frame and load it up with family photos. Or a Kindle and an Amazon gift card.

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Last Answer : Can you get her a gift certificate for some heavy labor provided by a teen-ager? All good gardening grandmas like someone else to dig and carry heavy rocks. Usually the local HS can find you someone. ... past twenty years. I get them at the beginning of 11th grade and lose them when they graduate.

Description : So - any advice for a grandmother to be?

Last Answer : First congradulations! That is great new.And for advice from what I know my Grandparents did was spoil them rotten, and load them up with sugar before they go back to their parents if you babysit for them.LOL!! :)

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Last Answer : answer:What kind of spa are you looking for? and are you looking for one where you spend the night, or just go for a day trip? I have one that I would highly recommend but it depends how ... baby room for you. Hope this helps. There are lots of other conventional spas in Napa and Sonoma.

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Last Answer : Penny's aunt is her dad's sister.

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Last Answer : Five.

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Last Answer : Sheikh Hasina's grandmother's name is Saira Khatun.

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Last Answer : The name of the grandmother of the Prophet was: Fatima 6

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Last Answer : Sheikh Hasina's grandmother's name is Hosne Ara Begum.

Last Answer : The name of the grandmother of the Prophet is: Barra 7

Last Answer : The name of the grandmother of the Prophet is Fatima 6

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Last Answer : To be a grandmother of support and to follow the treatment.

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Last Answer : It was Vitalecitin in memory in a pack of two cubes, I also remember it, it was sold for three ducks in Groceries :)

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Description : How do you spell grandmother and grandfather in Portuguese?

Last Answer : Grandma = avó (uh-vó; you spell the 'ó' just like 'awe', 'awesome' or paw')Grandpa = avô (uh-vô; you spell the 'ô' just like in 'volcanic' or 'voltage')

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Last Answer : What does GIGI means

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Last Answer : Henrietta's great-grandfather was a white slave owner. Hergreat-grandmother was a slave named, Mourning.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : When my grandmother passed away I got her old cast iron skillets. Is there anywhere I can go to purchase skillet covers for them?

Last Answer : The Lodge company, which has made cast iron skillets and more for over 100 years, sells skillet covers and lids on their website. You can find them at ... Another good resource is the cast iron cookware website at

Description : I have a set of silverware that my grandmother purchased through Betty Crocker with points from products and cash. Does Betty Crocker still offer that program?

Last Answer : Oneida and Betty Crocker have not operated the COupon Catalog since the end of 2006, However you can still get replacement pieces from