Why was the painting Crows In Wheat Field a step toward modern art?

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Last Answer : But you could never be specific as to what you were looking for. Not the keys to a Ford. I need the keys to a Chevy you silly bird!

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Last Answer : Just a guess, based upon my knowledge that crows and ravens are very social animals. Yes, I would think so.

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Last Answer : answer:That crow is heading for the Bird Brain Olympics. Very intelligent.

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Last Answer : I am listing things that other people have used to repel those crows. mylar flash tape, reflective eye diverters, bird chaser super sonic, deer netting..................the reflectiv eye diverters look like a suspended yellow ball with a dark eye on 2 sides...........

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Last Answer : None. The rest of the crows flew away when they heard the gunshot.

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Last Answer : Yes, it is poisonous. In larger quantities, deadly.

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Last Answer : The crow's eye has a straight stem and four blueberry-sized leaves. Plus, it only has one ball. You're not mistaken.

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Last Answer : Crocodile, fish and frog on one hand and squirrel and crows on the other differ in the ... The former are oviparous, the latter are viviparous.

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Last Answer : Yes. They catch them alive and then take them to their nestwhere they kill and eat them.

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Last Answer : interpretation

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Last Answer : Modern “art” has removed skill, ability, talent and effort from the equation. I have no use for this shit. Take your piles of garbage, your random paint splashes on canvas, and your million soup can stencils, and GET OUT. Hang yourself with it, you talentless hacks.

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