What did Henry Flagler and Julia turtle have in common?

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Description : What did Henry flagler and Julia tuttle have in common?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what products her hairstylist uses, but below please find others' tips and tricks to achieve a similar look: http://beyondbeautybasics.com/celebrity-look-how-to-julia- ... www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip1125.htm - This one has instructions for multiple varieties of hair texture.

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Description : What do you think of my idea of saving the lives of sea turtle hatchlings?

Last Answer : I guess you did not bother to think about what all those hundreds of thousands of additional surviving turtles, who all have to eat, would do to the ecosystem.

Description : Owners of pet turtles: What kind of setup does your turtle tank have?

Last Answer : www.video.about.com/exoticpets/How-to-Set-Up-a-Tank-for-Red-Eared-Sliders.htm

Description : Can you over feed a turtle?

Last Answer : answer:I have a friend who has had a turtle forever. I have seem him the thing and it can eat quite a bit. Not sure as to feeding cycles. But I am fairly certain that you can't make a turtle do ... they have been feeding themselves quite well. I will text him to be sure but he may have gone to bed.

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Last Answer : Yeah! If you get it tape up all the parts where the pieces connect, on mine every single little rubber plug thing came out. Honestly I have pretty bad hearing and thought in the long run that they weren' ... hours a week I wouldn't even consider them, but if you have the money they sure beat stock.

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s a hint (from your link): “The arrival in spring is heralded by its purring song, a rather deep, vibrating “turrr, turrr”, from which the bird’s name is derived.” We have mourning doves here (common birds), who “whoo whoo whoo” in a minor key and make a mournful sound.

Description : What part of a car is called "the turtle"?

Last Answer : The term turtle back was sometimes used prior to the 1960's to describe a sloping back and trunk section. We now use the term fastback . I assume the change in terminology was a marketing idea ... are less than glamorous. So I would guess that the trunk was what her parents called the turtle.

Description : What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?

Last Answer : answer:A turtle is aquatic, needs water to feed and breed. Turtles are also carnivorous for the most part, feeding on insects, worms small fish, snails etc. and some, like the sanpping turtles ... is a land animal, wet conditions rot their shell. They need warm dry conditions and are vegetarians.

Description : What's a good name for my baby turtle?

Last Answer : Pinkie.

Description : Why is the turtle doing these things?

Last Answer : It sounds like he’s a female and is about to lay eggs.

Description : What color is turtle blood?

Last Answer : Red, same as ours. There is still oxygen in there.

Description : If a turtle ever loses it's shell, is it considered homeless? Or naked? And why?

Last Answer : nakey! nah I dunno. both? good question :P

Description : Assume you're a nature photographer and you find a turtle on its back struggling to right itself. Do you help it or do you let nature run it's course?

Last Answer : Oh, I’d have to help it. No question. I wouldn’t take pictures of it after I did it though… that wouldn’t be accurately portraying nature, would it?

Description : When a turtle retracts its head into its shell, does the spine buckle or contract?

Last Answer : This is a cool question. I think if you look at cross section of a turtle’s skeletal structure, it becomes easier to understand what happens inside the shell when the turtle retracts its head. It would appear to be less of a retraction, and more of a reversed nodding motion.

Description : What are the basics of turtle care?

Last Answer : Go here, there’s plenty of information.

Description : Can a turtle ever run away from home?

Last Answer : I just met someone who said their turtle had run away, so: yes.

Description : What is the proper way to help a turtle that you spot in the middle of a busy road?

Last Answer : When my folks went to Barbados the guides or whomever said to move them to the side of the road consistent with the direction they were traveling.

Description : Shady Tree, Awkward Turtle, what else is there?

Last Answer : conversation eagle

Description : Caring for a Slider Turtle?

Last Answer : Since these are all rather simple questions… I believe you has some reading to do.

Description : How long can a red ear slider turtle live without food?

Last Answer : answer:From this article: “Some people choose to feed adults only every 3 days, while others prefer to stick to smaller meals and continue feeding them daily.” Sounds like if you gave him a larger meal Thursday before leaving, and then fed him again Sunday (again a larger meal) he would be OK.

Description : Infinite Regression or Levitating Super Turtle?

Last Answer : We are here for mere causality, no design, no nothing, things just happened I guess

Description : Is my turtle sane?

Last Answer : I once had an Iguana commit suicide by clinging to the heat rock…. Pretty twisted

Description : Is this habitat suitible for my turtle?

Last Answer : answer:Having owned some aquatic turtles, I can give you a few hints. For one, I'd go out and get a 20-30 gallon tanks for him so he can swim comfortably and have plenty of room. I would ... real plants for his home, as they'll probably end up getting eating or uprooted often. Hope that was helpful.

Description : How many days can my red ear slider (turtle) live without being fed?

Last Answer : Only one way to Gond out for sure…....but I wouldn’t recommend that!

Description : How can we take care of a baby snapping turtle in a college dorm?

Last Answer : answer:It has been a long time since I took care of a baby snapping turtle, but I remember that we stabbed flies with toothpicks, broke off the point of the toothpick so it wasn't too sharp and ... turtle. I admire your desire to protect the turtle, but it would probably be best not in your care.

Description : I have an old fish tank that I'm using for my turtle. I still have the heating element that I used for the fish. Can I use it for my turtle as well?

Last Answer : Yes, you can use a fish tank heater for a turtle. But you must make sure it's right for the size of the turtle's tank. You will probably have to add a heat lamp for the turtle's basking area and the proper UVB lighting to keep your turtle's shell healthy.

Description : I have an aquarium that I keep my turtle in. I make sure to keep it clean. How could my turtle get shell rot?

Last Answer : Shell rot is a bacterial or fungal infection. It is usually caused by damage to the shell, even a minor scratch. If the environment is too damp, too dry, if heating or light is incorrect, if ... There are some home treatments, but I would recommend taking your turtle to a reptile vet to be examined.

Description : Is it legal to keep a turtle you find in the ocean or on the beach as a pet?

Last Answer : Probabaly depends on the country you live in.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Red-eared slider turtles are omnivorous, that is they eat meat and plants. Baby slider turtles eat more meat but can still be offered plant food. There are commercial pellets you can use but include ... green beans can be added. Place live aquatic plants in the aquarium for the turtle to nibble on.

Description : They look a lot alike. What are the differences?

Last Answer : Both are reptiles.Turtles can live comfortably in water while tortoises are land animals. A tortoise's native habitat is Asia, Africa and some in the Americas and turtles are found in Africa ... turtles are omnivores. Tortoises have short, bent legs and turtles have webbed feet with long claws.

Description : Why did the turtle want to walk past the road? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because he wanted to go to shell station.