What did Most of the amendments to the US constitution have dealt with?

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What is the answer ?

Related questions

Description : The first Ten Amendments to the Constitution of US ratified in 1791 are known as: (a) Bill of Constitution (b) Bill of Rights (c) Bill of Justice

Last Answer : (b) Bill of Rights

Description : The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are in __________ (A) the Bill of Rights. (B) the Declaration of Independence. (C) the Magna Carta. (D) the British North America Act.

Last Answer : (A) the Bill of Rights. 

Description : Should an educated American know what all of the amendments to the Constitution are, by heart?

Last Answer : I certainly couldn’t pull all of them up, but an educated American should at least have been exposed to them to the extent that they are recognized when referenced. eg. Obama’s 3rd term.

Description : Do you think that any of the 17 amendments of the Constitution, subsequent to the first 10 (which became the Bill of Rights,) should also come under the auspices of "The Bill of Rights?"?

Last Answer : answer:Many of the Founders would object to many of the 17 amendments. Allowing blacks and women to vote? Are you crazy? This is why it is good people die. Civilization needs to weed out that kind of thinking.

Description : There are 27 amendments to the Constitution. Why do only the first 10 come under the umbrella of "The Bill of Rights?"?

Last Answer : answer:Many of the original Founders were concerned (rightly so, apparently!) that a strong centralized government would be automatically too-strong from the get-go and would only get stronger. For ... the Bill of Rights as a precondition for their support of the Constitution as it was written.

Description : Explain five changes towards decentralisation brought in the Constitution after the amendments made in 1992. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Decentralisation: When power is taken from central and state governments and is given to local government, it is called decentralisation. The Constitution was amended in 1992 to make the ... e) The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.

Description : How many States are required to ratify certain Amendments to the Constitution? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Name the document having the first ten amendments of the constitution.

Last Answer : Bill of Rights.

Description : How many amendments to the Constitution are there?

Last Answer : Thirty-three amendments

Description : Islam is declared the state religion in how many amendments to the constitution of Bangladesh ?

Last Answer : Islam is declared the state religion in the 7th amendment of Bangladesh constitution

Last Answer : : So far 16 amendments have been made in the constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Description : How many other amendments have been passed since the constitution was ratified?

Last Answer : 17

Description : What is The is a group of ten amendments to the Constitution?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How many other amendments have been passed since the constitution was ratified?

Last Answer : 17

Description : What amendments in the Constitution do both Justice Fortas and Justice Black refer to?

Last Answer : 1st and 14th-apex

Description : How did the 14th and 15th amendments change the constitution?

Last Answer : The 14th Amendment outlawed slavery and granted civil rights and liberties to African-Americans. The 15th Amendment prohibited the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.

Description : The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known by what name?

Last Answer : Bill of rights

Description : Most amendments to the Constitution proposed by Congress _____.?

Last Answer : never make it to the states

Description : Most amendments to the Constitution proposed by Congress _____.?

Last Answer : never make it to the states

Description : Which of the Amendments is also knownas the 'Mini Constitution' of India?

Last Answer : 42nd Amendment

Description : Which amendments to the Constitution provide for the reservation of one-third seats in the Municipal Boards and Village Panchayats for women? (1) 73rd and 74th Amendments (2) 82nd and 83rd Amendments (3) 72nd and 73rd Amendments (4) 74th and 75th Amendments and Oridinary Law

Last Answer : (1) 73rd and 74th Amendments Explanation: The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments dealt with the organization of local governments in India: Panchayats and Nagarpalikas respectively. These ... other aspects related to decentralized governance, provided for reservation to women in such bodies.

Description : How many Constitutional Amendments to the Constitution of India have been made so far? (1) (1) 122 (2) (2) 121 (3) 120 (4) 119

Last Answer : (1) 122 Explanation: President Pranab Mukherjee, in September 2016, gave assent to the Constitution 122nd Amendment Bill, 2014 that is also known as Goods and Services Tax Bill. It will enter into the ... Bill, 2016. So the total number of amendments made in the Indian constitution so far is 101.

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Last Answer : (1) 91st Amendment Explanation: Amendments to the Constitution of India has prescribed that the Council of Ministers shall not exceed 15 percent of total number of members of the House of the People or Legislative Assembly in the States.

Description : Which one of the following Amendments to the Constitution of India has prescribed that the Councl of Ministers shall not exceed 15 percent of total number of members of the House of the People or Legislative ... the States? (1) 91st Amendment (2) 87th Amendment (3) 97th Amendment (4) 90th Amendment

Last Answer : (1) 91st Amendment Explanation: Amendments to the Constitution of India has prescribed that the Council of Ministers shall not exceed 15 percent of total number of members of the House of the People or Legislative Assembly in the States.

Description : Fundamental duties were inserted in the constitution by which of the following amendments

Last Answer : 42nd Amendment

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Last Answer : Not less than half the number

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Last Answer : (c) Article 368

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Last Answer : (a) Bill of rights

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Last Answer : (a) First Amendment

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Last Answer : (a) Congress

Description : There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. Choose one: a. Citizens seventeen (17) and older can vote. b. Citizens by birth only can vote. c. Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote. d. Only citizens with a job can vote.

Last Answer : Correct Answer: c. Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote.

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Last Answer : Correct Answer: d. 27

Description : What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? Choose one: a. The Articles of Confederation. b. The inalienable rights. c. The Declaration of Independence. d. The Bill of Rights.

Last Answer : Correct Answer: d. The Bill of Rights.

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Last Answer : It’s time for a revolution.

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Last Answer : answer:The doctor tested for it? You deal with by going gluten free. I don't know where you live, but many products in the supermarket and food on menus in restaurants are now marked gluten free ... have to do is google, go to the library or bookstore to get some good information and cooking ideas.

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Last Answer : answer:Ugh. Skin issues, eye issues, knee issues, ear issues. Some nice, some aggressive. If you're sensitive, the hair will break you out into hives (they stand on end like little ... mucinosis that causes them to exude a slime whenever they have a wound - makes performing surgery disgusting.

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Last Answer : Yeah, it’s Molly. For now it is impeding her breathing when she gets excited. I have to keep her calm. That won’t be easy. She’s very young to have this, so there is not a lot of info in a young dog, life expectancy etc.