How much does a seat belt violation ticket cost in North Carolina?

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Related questions

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Last Answer : Did you get one? You can call the number on the ticket to find the amount due.

Description : SF Non-moving violation, double jeopardy for "fix it" ticket already being fixed?

Last Answer : 1. File a waiver for the second ticket, explain that since the first one had been stolen you were waiting for it in the mail and present the proof again for the first ticket.

Description : Advice on how to reduce points/violation in court for a NYS cell phone ticket?

Last Answer : answer:Do not assume that legal council with greatly increase the costs. In the state of Missouri I had numerous moving violations reduced to equipment violations, completely avoiding all points. I think the fine was ... may not be the same, I just saying that you need to at least check into it.

Description : Traffic ticket given for incorrect violation?

Last Answer : answer:But you are required to STOP. That means coming to a complete halt, noticeable by the reflexive movement of the car slightly back as it halts. Then you may proceed after a complete halt with no ... then proceed. Pay the ticket or see if he can do traffic school to keep it off his record.

Description : When you get into your car to drive, do you strap the seat belt and then turn the key, or do you turn the car on first and then strap in?

Last Answer : The vehicles that I use for transportation have no seatbelts.

Description : What do you think about mandatory seat belt and helmet laws?

Last Answer : I think it’s smart to wear them, and stupid not to. However, I think the law should only cover minor children, not adults who choose to be stupid.

Description : Why is it that so many states have laws that force you to wear your seat belt but they're ok with motorcycles?

Last Answer : answer:You don't have to wear a helmet in a car, do you? I'm not aware of the helmet laws in the US, but in Canada you have to wear a helmet while on any type of motorized ... in the same position, whereas on a motorcycle you might get crushed rather than thrown away and injured less seriously.

Description : What is the proper way to use a convertible infant seat as a belt positioning booster?

Last Answer : Yes, the seat should be secured via LATCH first, then put in child, then use seat belt —-And, yes, this is confusing to all of us—

Description : Yes, if you provide proof that wearing the belt is detrimental to you for health reasons. No.   

Last Answer : Yes, if you can prove that wearing the belt is detrimental to you for health reasons. Explanation: This test question is usually spoiled because one has not been able to grant an exemption for two years. (cross test / Category B / Things to do before departure)

Description : How do you turn off a seat belt chime on a 2017 Dodge Charger?

Last Answer : You follow the law and wear the seatbelt.

Description : How do you remove red cap on seat belt?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What did orgo mother tell him to do with seat belt?

Last Answer : She told him to keep his strap shut.

Description : What are the seat belt laws in Georgia?

Last Answer : The seat belt law in Georgia for people ages 8 to 17 is that a seat belt is required to be fastened in all seats. People who are 18 and above only have to have their seat belt on if they are riding in ... catches a seat belt not on a person in either case, and it is a first offense, the fine is $15.

Description : What is the reason that we need to wear a seat belt in the car?

Last Answer : Seat belts are extremely important, as they protect you in the case of a crash, so you don't lurch forward, etc. and injure yourself. Every passenger is required to wear a seat belt by law.

Description : Install Seat Belt?

Last Answer : form_title=Install Seat Belt form_header=Seat belts are an important safety feature. How many seat belts do you want installed?=_ Describe the features you want installed?=_ Do you want standard or automatic seatbelts?= () Standard () Automatic

Description : When is a child ready to use an adult seat belt? a) When they’re around 4 feet,9 inches tall b) When they’re around 3 feet,5 inches tall c) When they’re around 4 feet,5 inches tall d) When they’re around 3 feet,9 inches tall

Last Answer : a) When they’re around 4 feet,9 inches tall

Description : How much does storage cost for a boat at Lake Norman in North Carolina?

Last Answer : Price for boat storage varies with the company you choose to store your boat with. The Boat Rack offers dry storage for $1000 a year and wet slip storage varying from $2500-$4200 a year.

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Last Answer : The average cost of assisted living in North Carolina is about $35,000 per year or just under $3,000 per month. This is roughly inline with most states in the United States.

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Last Answer : In general it's going to vary depending on individual circumstances. Your past driving record, for example, will push it up or down. However, a good rule of thumb is to look for something around $1600.

Description : Hello people, I am looking for a low-cost bathroom cleaner, it is a small budget job, does anyone have a recommendation I reside in North Carolina. Your answers will be appreciated.?

Last Answer : Hi Ben, I have taken services from MollyMaids an year and a half ago and must say they are profesionals at work and also they did the work before time. Espacially when it comes to corners and windows, ... cleaning products. I was in bit of a doubt with that but none the less i liked the services.

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Last Answer : There is never a time difference between New York and North Carolina.

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Last Answer : If you're unfamiliar with the Southern US culture, you're going to be in for some serious culture shock. I moved to VA from the Bay Area when I was 10. Things were very different for me, ... me appreciate living in a place where kindness to others is rewarded with a courteous smile and thanks.

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Last Answer : How many bedrooms and do you have children that need a good school system ?

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Last Answer : It has not been repealed. This is window dressing.

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Last Answer : Maybe the rent is too high in West Hollywood. Just sayin

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Last Answer : The entire world is in a sad state of affairs, nothing new, sadly. Something and someone is being violated every minute.

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Last Answer : North Carolina: Nobody Hates as Well as We Do

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Last Answer : I say… KUDOS, PayPal !!! I hope many other companies follow suit. It’s an evil, malicious, disgusting law.

Description : Do you know what Lexington, North Carolina is like?

Last Answer : Lexington visitor’s guide

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Last Answer : In upstate NY we had -20 degrees F two nights ago. North Carolina doesn’t get anywhere near as cold.

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Last Answer : Oh, it’s definitely the south, I assure you. It just happens to be north of South Carolina.

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Last Answer : The Biltmore in Asheville. I’ve never been, but hear it is worth the ticket price to go through it.

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Last Answer : Just go do it. Who’s gonna know? What can it possibly harm?

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Last Answer : There is a water park there. Only drove to the water park . Liked the area. Look for the local chamber of commerce and give them a call. They usually have a listing of events taking place during your ... in the local community or at least near by. Some will even send you pamplets if you request it.

Description : Why is there a North AND South Carolina?

Last Answer : I don’t know, why is there a North and South Dakota? Or, Virginia and West Virginia? They are just names. But you can find the history behind the names here.

Description : Native/heat and drought resistent landscaping plants for central North Carolina?

Last Answer : answer:We too are praying for rain in the NE. I save all gray water for essential plants, have gadgets installed on showers and sinks and toilets to use less water, flush less often and whiz in ... bury the money.The way to go for now grasses; sedums; succulents; Here's one good link. xeriscaping

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Last Answer : answer:depend on what type of food you’re looking for but here’s a list of some favorites Zebra noble’s roosters mac’s fig tree nofo aroojiis upstream

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Last Answer : Instead of pizza, go to Time Out [at] 133 W Franklin and get some good southern food, incl. the chicken, egg, and cheese biscuit.

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Last Answer : do this in early spring and water only at twilight. most species of ryegrass, once planted, will be there for years to come -birdy

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : They are not hardy, they are inside plants. You could put it outside in a container for the summer but then you would have to dip it in sevin and then let it drip and bring it inside.

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Last Answer : New York

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Last Answer : More than 200 years

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Last Answer : they both beside each other idn

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Last Answer : Sir Walter Raleigh

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Last Answer : Cjjgjffigvvtgjvgtfvhgy hgggs.

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Last Answer : It is not against the law. A man living in any state can be buried any place he chooses. Most men specify burial after they die, but there is no law against burying a live man. If he dies as a result then the law would get involved, but the burial is not against the law, only the premature death.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer