Who established medieval universities?

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Last Answer : (D) It receives funds from State Governments in respect of State Universities

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Last Answer : This site gives a very good overview of what steps and requirements are necessary to become a career counselor: https://careersinpsychology.org/start-your-career-counseling-career/

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Last Answer : What are you thinking?

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Last Answer : The NCAA knows where the games are being played well in advance, and books blocks of rooms for each team. When a team is selected, they get told where to stay. They don't book dozens of flights , ... Teams that are close or on the bubble will have things ready to go as soon as they are selected.

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Last Answer : That was the sound of any semblance of credibility leaving the building. So we have a plan for suicide posts.. What about alzheimer’s? Any number we can post?

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Last Answer : Skilled trades are the way to go right now I.M.O. If I had a son or daughter I would not think twice about putting them through a trade school of some kind.

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Last Answer : Most do not. Which university or universities are you referring to?

Description : Does the federal government run any universities?

Last Answer : answer:I looked at the Army War College Wikipedia page, and if you scroll down to See Also there is a list of US military schools. I don’t know any outside the military. There are partnerships, like the National Supercomputing Center at U. of Illinois.

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Last Answer : answer:I can't remember where I read this, but it was advice from some wise famous person. The hard choices are very easy. WAT?! you say. The logic is that if you are torn between ... If you read the news, its filled with stories about how recent graduates' lives are constrained by student debt.

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Last Answer : If you can complete three majors and three minors I’m really not going to care how many schools you went to if I’m your employer.

Description : Does anyone know if there is a way for me to find out which universities in California are offering upper division biology related courses in the summer?

Last Answer : answer:First you’d have to see which universities have the classes you’re looking for to begin with… Try www.assist.org Then from there you may have to call each individual university to see if they have a summer class program. I know SDSU has this information through what they call, SDSU WEB PORTAL

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Last Answer : I have a friend that applied to med school. He said that eventually it basically comes down to a lottery between the competitive transcripts. He said one thing they factor out is where the other people apply to ... Harvard Med, they may deny you. I'd leave it blank. Why is it their business anyway?

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Last Answer : Athabasca university.

Description : Are universities manipulating peoples core beliefs for profit?

Last Answer : answer:The education system is broken. Most people acknowledge that. I hope no one thinks a college education is mandatory for being happy, because it isn't, especially since it puts people in debt ... still not entirely sure how a college education is equated with a soul mate. Care to elaborate?

Description : Should I see my trusted family doctor or will I be wasting insurance money by not using my universities clinic?

Last Answer : Your family doc is going to need to know all about your health situation anyway so why not just see him, or her? Those from out of state who stay on campus won’t have the choice to go back home to see their doc, is why the university has one there, I am guessing.

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Last Answer : This storm looks like a monster. I don’t think they’ll reopen today. Stay safe.

Description : What are renowned universities famous for?

Last Answer : answer:Research and publishing that comes out of the universities. Also, if they have very high standards for accepting students. Probably the success of the students after graduation might count for something also. And ... , food, etc. But, not sure if they factor in to the rankings you speak of.

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Last Answer : I think public automatically means taxpayer. Tuition only covers a small amount.

Description : Is there a website that lists available online courses from reputable universities?

Last Answer : answer:You have to google it school by school. As a favor, I checked out “Yale online courses in English” and found these. http://oyc.yale.edu/english You can do the rest yourself. PS. I got curious. Here’s what’s available at Harvard

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Last Answer : Child Prodigies List

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Last Answer : answer:Many of them are. How many people visit Boston without checking out out Harvard Square and the university flanking it? To name just a few, Duke, Cornell, Princeton, MIT, ... They provide huge cultural and intellectual resources for the outside communities as well as the student bodies.

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Last Answer : Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, Brown

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Last Answer : I would be willing. I would take the tax hike.

Description : What universities of California are good and bad for the major of psychology?

Last Answer : UCSD is far more into the “science” aspect- although psychology is a science- I am presuming you mean you want to do actual work with people and not research?

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Last Answer : Can you explain a little more about how this will be used and what kind of university it is; that its, what is special about it?

Description : Any universities that specialize in/offer outdoor education degrees?

Last Answer : answer:Here is a list of colleges and universities offering masters and PhD in outdoor education in North America, the UK and Australia. Texas A&M is quite well-known for their program.

Description : Are there any universities that specializes in vet tech?

Last Answer : I found a list of vet tech schools here. I think Cornell is one of the best. This is an even more comprehensive listing of vet tech colleges around the nation.

Description : What are good colleges or universities that have an undergrad program in Marine Biology?

Last Answer : University of Connecticut at Avery Point.

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Last Answer : I have mixed feelings. At a school like Harvard, you can genuinely get a class full of geniuses, each of whom hands in a brilliant essay. But should each of them receive an A? ... add or read are getting passing or even exceptional grades and graduating high school with a 5th grade education.

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Last Answer : Although this is changing, they are not regarded with the same cachet as physical colleges and universities.

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Last Answer : There is the cost of the campus and upkeep, the faculty’s salaries, attracting top-notch faculty, research endeavors, maintaining the libraries and computer systems and equipment.

Description : Any online certificate courses from reputed universities?

Last Answer : This is just a guess, but I would imagine that most of the top universities would only offer online courses for no credit, just enrichment, and/or have some online courses that would be part of a ... online courses. I am in education at a community college and that is the way we offer them.

Description : Where can I find a list of all US and Canadian Colleges and Universities?

Last Answer : answer:I know of this site for Canadian colleges and universities, not sure about the US though but I would assume one is also available. *Edit: A quick google search revealed this. I’m sure there’s more out there too.

Description : How to apply to german universities for summer internship?

Last Answer : At my university they have an “International Affairs” office. They have a list of foreign schools that have programs/courses of different duration that can taken for credits at my current school. Take advantage of your school’s connections.

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Last Answer : answer:Not to sure about Syria, but i can tell you about an incident with a veil in the United States. this female and her two friends were caught shoplifting. store security called the police. the ... is considered a mask. a mask is forbidden to be worn, except for holidays and special occasions.

Description : Which are top schools or Universities for Animation in the world?

Last Answer : I hear Full Sail University in Orlando is good.

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Last Answer : answer:It might be a little different over here in the UK sometimes people go onto sixth form college for two years after high school and then onto Uni but that's only really one way of education. I ... The expense of course has to be factored into it too and I still have debt from my Uni days

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Last Answer : answer:Don't worry about what other students are doing. You're not there for them. Finish your education on go on with life. Obviously you think it's cheating so discussing that part is moot. ... , it'd be wasteful to start drug testing students when that money could be spent elsewhere more wisely.

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Last Answer : Does it have to be more technological than MIT?

Description : If a prospective student doesn't think MIT is "technological enough," then what are some universities that are more cutting-edge?

Last Answer : I don’t know, I think MIT is great. See here.

Description : Which are the good Universities you know?

Last Answer : Many Universities in Michigan have a lot of emphasis on engineering for obvious reasons; our auto industry is there, so especially Mechanical Engineering is a focus. Michigan State University is one of ... a more concrete answer, maybe others who answer will, but hopefully I was a little helpful.

Description : Which universities are widely considered to be the best for Physics in the USA?

Last Answer : Georgia tech

Description : What colleges/universities have excellent, legitimate Web Design programs?

Last Answer : Georgia Tech would be the best one I can think of, I know people that have taken it there and they now have their own sites and are making money doing what they love. It all depends on where ... I'm sure that there are many great colleges all around the world that have a great web design class.

Description : (Fiction question) My protagonist is a founder of some universities. How does he inflation-proof his universities?

Last Answer : He will advertise worldwide to anywhere that speaks English, to draw in students all over the world to study at KIT. The coffee and school-supply shops on the first floors of nearly every building will ... will charge by-the-pound to take food out of the facilities. That will be another profit pipe.

Description : Anyone have experience with the online universities such as Penn Foster, University of Phoenix Online, etc... ?

Last Answer : I got my BS live but have taken post grad courses through Stanford, UCLA and UC San Diego. I found it difficult to take more than 1 class at a time because of the amount of work. (I also work ... you have a weekend to put together and post and you end up responding to lots of others-great learning.

Description : Best site to read evaluations of colleges/universities?

Last Answer : well this isnt the most practical but it would probably get you the best idea, use myspace or facebook to contact some people who have graduated from that university recently and from the past and ... some written article posted on the internet that may or may not be a reliable truthful source.

Description : How hard is it, in fact, for an foreigner to enroll at Ivy League Universities?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t say it’s too hard I guess. But I am not aforeigner so….