What is a polite way for the term pirate?

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Description : Avast ye hearties, did you know today September 19th is "International Talk like a Pirate Day", AARRRGGH?


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Last Answer : I thought they were safe from the MPAA because they were not located in the US. What happened? Who seized their servers?

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Last Answer : Monkey – like Jack Sparrow :)

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Last Answer : answer:Pirate Bay has been up and down the last 18 hours or so. Latest word is that they are currently the victims of a DDOS (Denial of Service) attack and are trying to defend themselves. You can get through ... be your ISP, but PB is having its own problems, so it may just be the luck of the draw.

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Last Answer : Technically, it is piracy. You did not do what you were supposed to do to get the keys to the game.

Description : A tall Dutch pirate, complete with beard and bandanna has sailed his ship into the waters of 20K. Join me in lifting a flagon of rum? Ho Ho Ho?

Last Answer : Congratulations

Description : Is downloading from the Pirate Bay site legal?

Last Answer : Yes, as long as the content that you are downloading is in the public domain or if not, it is still legal to download music and movies if you already own the original. (personal backups) Other than that, its probably copyright infringement. (google peerblock if paranoid)

Description : Pinch your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship".

Last Answer : There was the winter’s day my cousin challenged me to lick the flagpole.

Description : How did pirate captains keep order on their ships?

Last Answer : Most pirate ships were a democracy, with shares for each crew member. The largest shares went to the captain and first mate.

Description : Pirate festival costume help! See details.

Last Answer : Add some DVDs/CDs to your costume. That way you could be a “Bittorrent pirate.”

Description : Do you know today is "Talk Like a Pirate Day"?

Last Answer : answer:Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! (Typed using my pirate keyboard)

Description : Would you ever consider becoming a modern pirate?

Last Answer : The cash investments are not huge, but the life investments are. As soon as you get involved in any sort of high profile crime you are making a decision that cannot be rescinded.

Description : Do you think the Pirate Bay verdict should be revoked?

Last Answer : They weren’t doing anything wrong, by their own countries laws, so they should not be punished. Long live thepiratebay.org best torrent site on the web

Description : Do you think Obama should pardon the teenage pirate captured off the coast of Somalia?

Last Answer : I don’t think Obama should. At least he will get a trial and know what he is charged with.

Description : What are your thoughts on The Pirate Bay trial/outcome?

Last Answer : I'm disappointed that they got found guilty. I think jail time is crazy. But this changes nothing. It sounds like they knew what the outcome was going to be and planned on being in jail for a while. The Pirate Bay ... . I'm using it right now. If I was going to jail I would want it to be in Sweden.

Description : Would you make a good pirate?

Last Answer : No.. I’d be a terrible pirate…. i like both my legs.. both my hands.. and I’m not THAT fond of parrots..

Description : Why did CBS pull pirate master off the air?

Last Answer : it was taken off of the air because you are the only one that watches it. but it will air online with new episodes being posted every week. so you can catch it there. cbs.com

Description : Do you pirate media? Why or why not?

Last Answer : Very rarely, usually only if it's given to me. The movies and music I really want, I don't mind paying for. Having said that, I avoid buying things released by Sony because of their over-the-top ... of rendering the CD's unusable (I don't have a stereo or DVD player, only computers + speakers)

Description : How are you going to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day this Friday?

Last Answer : I’m not.

Description : Avast! Will yer be observin' International Talk Like a Pirate Day?

Last Answer : answer:when is it? I mean… When be it….arrrr

Description : What be yer favorite dirty pirate slang?

Last Answer : “Walk my plank or i’ll throw you overboard where it will be even wetter!”

Description : Why is everyone talking like a pirate?

Last Answer : Garr, Do ya not know me lad? arr. it be international talk like’a pirate day. Garr. ‘cus it be such a day full of merrymaking and grog we must celebrate with hearty jigs and bottles of rum. So me lad join me and many others in a day of acting and talkin’ like a pirate. Arr

Description : Want to talk like a Pirate today!

Last Answer : answer:No, thanks. I don’t want to seem like a dork. So, instead, I’m wearing my “Surrender the Booty” t-shirt. Wait. What do you mean that’s dorky, too? Aw, geez.