How do you say 'thank you' in sweedish?

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Description : How do you say 'thank you' in sweedish?

Last Answer : tak

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Last Answer : Mine doesn’t speak to me. Perhaps he is mad at me.

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Last Answer : He’s still with us but in hospice.

Description : How to respond when people don't say thank you?

Last Answer : answer:Good Aunt A question for their parents, if it really needs to be addressed. Gifts past 18 are unnecessary. I would have stopped at 12, before the teens ever started. Perhaps now, a simple phone ... year. Then share that hope with them. Doesn't mean you have to make their hopes come true.

Description : Do you bother to answer questions where the user didn't even say thank you?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think much about it. I also don't keep track of my points very much. I come here for fun, for something to do, and in the process maybe even help someone out if I can. I ... rude, unhelpful, or otherwise. I guess I don't think much about the points, though I appreciate the feedback.

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Last Answer : I probably say it too much for some people, but I think I’m reasonable. In general, I think people should say it whenever someone does something for you, even if what is done is not unusual.

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Last Answer : answer:I would just write “Thanks for the help!” Technically, if he’s reading the list, he’s already doing something. Sort of. Also, writing “Thank you for having offered your assistance” sounds a bit too legalese ~

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Last Answer : I think you just did.

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Last Answer : answer:This reminds me of how I keep bitching because nothing cool ever happens to me and how I'm all depressed and angry, but I'm actually pretty thankful that most of my life is mundane and boring, because ... then it must mean I'm happy. I'm also thankful for beer and my PSP. And horror movies.

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Last Answer : I usually offer sincere thanks when I know the person went out of their way to do something for me. This could be anything as significant as an unexpected present to minor things like someone returning money when I give them incorrect change.

Description : How come people don't say "thank you" anymore?

Last Answer : answer:I say it all the time—even multiple times during a transaction, such as the DD drive-through getting my morning latte. I have seen how people act surprised when my son or I will hold the door open for them, and they do say thank-you most of the time.

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Last Answer : IT WAS A WATER GUN.

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Last Answer : Thank you correctly. It was not written: dziękuję ci? If so, in Czech it means: thank you.

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Last Answer : Gracias.Cubans speak Spanish.

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Last Answer : Thank you:Diolch Good Luck:Pob lwc Good Health: Iechyd da

Description : What ideas and words can I use to say thank you?

Last Answer : There is a good source of thank you quotes you can get from thanksource dot com. They have many quotes and sayings from many famous people also. Try that site.

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Last Answer : Sometimes the best ways to say thank you are the simplest. Show him that he has made you happy with the gift by using or wearing it. That way he knows you like it.