How did Lincoln's speech promote unity between the north and the south?

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Related questions

Description : What is the purpose of Lincolns speech?

Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln made many speeches as the US president,candidate and private citizen. More information is required toanswer this question.

Description : What is the purpose of Lincolns speech?

Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln made many speeches as the US president,candidate and private citizen. More information is required toanswer this question.

Description : How did Lincoln’s ability to unify the bitterly divided North affect the outcome of the Civil War?

Last Answer : it helped the union win

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Last Answer : Following steps can be undertaken to promote the unity among the people of India: (i) There should be equal opportunities of representation and no sort of discrimination existing in the society ... Full religious tolerance and the leverage to minority group should be given to voice their opinion.

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Last Answer : answer:Lincoln grew a beard on the advice of an 11 year old girl named Grace Bedell. His stovepipe hat was adoption of a popular style that also accentuated his height.

Description : What became of Lincoln's descendants?

Last Answer : Well, I can’t vouch for the reliability of the data, but here’s what the Wikipedia article has to say: the direct family line died out in 1985.

Description : Mrs. Lincoln's Fetish?

Last Answer : She probably just liked it when boys were in their fancypants. I dig boys dressed up nice too. So. Sorta. Yes?

Description : When is "Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday" celebrated ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Date When Observed: February Abraham Lincoln's actual birth date. However, in modern times President Lincoln and all of the U.S. Presidents, are celebrated on President's Day.

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Last Answer : Fido.

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Last Answer : Answer: Animal tusks and gold.

Description : Which idea was a part of Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?

Last Answer : The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in 1863 was partof Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan. The plan for reconstruction wasbased on forgiveness to unite the northern and southern states.

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Last Answer : The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the Confederate states, but not all of the salve states had joined the confederacy. There were several slave states still in the Union, and they continued as slave states after the proclamation.

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Last Answer : Lincoln gained a large following that benefited him in futureelections.

Description : What did Abraham Lincoln's father do ?

Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln's father worked in food.

Description : What term best describes president Lincolns relationships with his leaders from 1861 to 1862?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How long after Lincolns second presidential inauguration was he assassinated Dates and Months?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was Lincoln's position on the issue of the suffrage for African Americans?

Last Answer : Environmental justice is the equal protection of all people withrespect to environmental issues.

Description : Why did members of lincolns urge him to wait before announcing the emancipation of southern slaves?

Last Answer : Because they were losing all their battles in Virginia, and itwould have looked like a desperate measure.

Description : What what happened after Abraham lincolns death?

Last Answer : His death shook up the entire nation. When Booth shot him hehoped that the war would restart and he wrote in his diary he wassure that the south make him a hero. The opposite happenedconcerning Booth ... arrested and put on trial for theconspiracy to kill Lincoln. They were put on trial and hung.

Description : What was the consequence for Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation hoped to set all the slaves free?

Last Answer : It didn’t set all slaves free. It only freed slaves in thestates of the confederacy. One of the consequences was the slavesbegan to follow the union troops and many enlisted as soldiers.

Description : What was ab Lincoln's favorite color?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What was one purpose of president Lincolns Gettysburg address?

Last Answer : To convince the public that the sacrifices of war had been worthwhile

Description : What led to Lincoln's victory in 1860?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How much is a 1982 miss stamped penny worth. Ithas half of lincolns and the other half is blank?

Last Answer : Such a coin would have to be seen to determine its value. Isuggest you take it to a coin shop and ask them to look at it foryou.

Description : What was one purpose of president Lincolns Gettysburg address?

Last Answer : To convince the public that the sacrifices of war had been worthwhile

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Last Answer : Multiple-choice questions don't work without the list ofchoices.

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Last Answer : Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase never stopped his attempts to gain control of the Lincoln administration. He was a founding leader of the Republican Party and he was an ardent antislavery politician. ... Lincoln was a weak leader and planned to replace him in the 1864 presidential elections.

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Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln main hero was George Washington because he was in the revolutionary war and some other reasons but i can not remember it from my book for my biography.

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Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name. His parents never gave him one.

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Last Answer : Lincoln said he would send food but no arms to the fort.He could not actually declare war, because that would have meant recognising the Confederacy as a sovereign nation.But he did the next best thing ... of the Upper South joined the Confederacy. The two sides were lined-up. The war was on.

Description : What was President Lincoln's first response to the situation at Fort Sumter?

Last Answer : Lincoln said he would send food but no arms to the fort.He could not actually declare war, because that would have meant recognising the Confederacy as a sovereign nation.But he did the next best thing ... of the Upper South joined the Confederacy. The two sides were lined-up. The war was on.

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Last Answer : Yes all of the AMERICAS. The United States is a state composed of states. And the conglomeration is One of the states comprising the OAS.

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Last Answer : As far as we can tell, the answer is yes. Obviously, it isn't possible to poll the people of North Korea the way we can poll the people of South Korea. The best we can get is ... of 100 North Koreans living in China. While their reasons varied, 95 of them considered reunification very necessary.

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Last Answer : Yes. Here is a list of border incidents. A good jumping off place to find out more.

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Last Answer : It appears we are, but no one knows exactly when or for that matter the speed at which the flip will be achieved. I myself wonder about the implications for the world’s electrical grids and other consequences of the reversal of the earth’s magnetic field.

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Last Answer : According to this article, it has to do with dietary differences. People with diets high in vitamin D don’t need the sun to help them synthesize it. That’s the explanation offered for the Inuit, at least. I don’t know how broadly it might apply.

Description : Jellies who live in the southern hemisphere: do your maps have south at the top of the page? All: do you set your GPS to maintain north at the top of the screen?

Last Answer : answer:The convention is, no matter where one lives, to put north at the top. Source Occasionally, for a novelty, people print upside-down maps.

Description : Transplanting a tree across north-south hemispheres?

Last Answer : answer:I'd do it the opposite, as it is still dormant in late winter, move it to the late summer/early fall in the opposite hemisphere, where it will remain dormant for another six months. If time and money ... , then move it to its new home. This is all a guess, I have no expertise in this area.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : Is the "North" more racist than the "South"?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. I actually think from living in both the North and the South that racism is still more ingrained in the South. For example, I heard a woman stand up in a public ... in Florida and make a very thinly veiled racist comment at a public meeting. But racism exists everywhere.

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Last Answer : North: Vermont South: Georgia East: Ocean City, NJ West: Kentucky

Description : What would the north and south be like if the south had seceded?

Last Answer : answer:I think this is the problem that Lincoln wrestled with when he decided that the Union had to be preserved. If you allow secession, then where does it end? Can East Tennessee secede from West ... everyone else). But I doubt very much whether we would have won the Cold War in like manner.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes it scary. But not because the US is constantly interfering in other countries. Its scary because people are threatening to bomb each other. On the other hand, if you are saying that the US ... the situation, then I'm not sure its hard as hell to know what influences North Korea.

Description : What do you think life would be like in the western hemisphere (North and South America) if it had never been invaded by the European colonial powers?

Last Answer : answer:You mean if the Europeans had not come here at all and brought disease and alcohol? It might be a very interesting place. I do have a slight cavil with your premise. The term “native” Americans is not accurate. They were simply an earlier migration over the Asian land bridge.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the list of differences is endless but depend on who you ask and there could likely be more similarities than differences in the end! My mom is from Surrey in the South, ... is testament to that-

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Last Answer : Airplane travel would probably be a bit iffy for a little while. Boat travel, too, unless there’s a captain or two that can still steer by the stars.

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Last Answer : One act reminds us of mortality, our chief concern; the other doesn’t.

Description : Is there really an up/down, left/right, north/south in space?

Last Answer : directions are three dimensional in space, (perhaps more) and the up/down, left/right, north/south directions refer more to two dimensional maps. Pluto misses you as well, and sends its’ love.

Description : Why is there a North AND South Carolina?

Last Answer : I don’t know, why is there a North and South Dakota? Or, Virginia and West Virginia? They are just names. But you can find the history behind the names here.