How many innocent civilians died in bombing raids in Germany and Britain?

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Last Answer : Yep, for a minute. Then I watched a cat eat lunch.

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Last Answer : He has nothing to apologize for. Was he even alive at that time?

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Last Answer : Environmentally it would be a disaster. Better to pressure the countries buying the oil to find other sources.

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Last Answer : Signed.

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Last Answer : It depends. How much “collateral damage” are these bombings going to cause.

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Last Answer : answer:Whenever there is a loss of life and horrendous injuries from an incident like this, it's always a 10 in my honest opinion. Lives of many are forever changed after tragedies and the damage is ... in good taste to rate any tragedies on any type of scale but that's just my opinion also.

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Last Answer : Not a callous question at all. West isn't too far from where I live. I've driven to and through it many times. The facts aren't in, so I can't say whether it was a bombing or simply a ... a bombing because of Boston and what seems to be a flurry of related (though not) incidents, but probably not.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, with any luck, the why will be something we have in our power to affect in order to prevent such tragedies in the future. Most likely, however, this is the work of someone who ... be one of THOSE guys! Unfortunately, it's really hard to prevent narcissism and random acts of crazy.

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Last Answer : answer:No. It is OK to make mention of the war and the loss of life; that is a historical fact. But apologizing – no, not at all. That was another generation, another time, and another president. It’s not for Obama to apologize for what was the national policy at that time.

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Last Answer : Brian1946 Yeah, murder to stop abortion makes as much sense as screwing for chastity.

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Last Answer : I know that part of my job involves removing graffiti from the phone boxes I service. Often it is gang related. Sometimes it is just a name. It is commonly common. When we go into neighborhoods that are ... can make certain elements mad. I haven't had any trouble yet, but it is a source of stress.