How much is 150 F converted to Celsius?

1 Answer

Answer :

65.5555556 Celsius

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Last Answer : 98.6

Description : What is 36.7 Celsius converted to farinheight?

Last Answer : It is: 9/5*(36.7)+32 = 98.06 degrees Fahrenheit

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Last Answer : It is 25 degrees Celsius

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Last Answer : 100 f = 37.78 c

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Last Answer : It is equivalent to 100 degrees Celsius

Description : In some countries temperature is measured in Fahrenheit, whereas in countries like India it is measured in Celsius. Here is a linear equation that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius: F = 9/5 C+ 32. If the temperature is 30°C, then what is the temperature in Fahrenheit? -Maths 9th

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Last Answer : It is 218.333 degrees Celsius

Description : What is the Celsius equivalent of 212 and deg F?

Last Answer : It is equivalent to 100 degrees Celsius

Description : The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale? (1) 32° C (2) 0° C (3) 100° C (4) 212° C

Last Answer : (2) 0° C

Description : The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale? (1) 32° C (2) 0° C (3) 100° C (4) 212° C

Last Answer : 0° C

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Last Answer : answer:pro: It's the most common vehicle in the US (I think) so used models and repair parts are cheap and knowledgeable mechanics are easy to find con: It's big so fuel economy sucks and parking is a ... : If you haul cargo it's a great option, if it's just transportation buy a Civic or Corolla.

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Last Answer : Inspect all the steering and suspension joints in the front endfor wear and play and replace any questionable parts you findfaulty. Then send the truck out for an alignment.

Description : What color would you get a F 150 truck in?

Last Answer : I would just get white. If you are investing in that kind of truck, clearly you intend to be using it for work of some sort. Any darker color will get dirty immediately. So unless you plan on washing your truck every day, I'd get white.

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Last Answer : You need to change your oil for your Ford F-150 every 3000-5000 miles. Every 3 months is another good rule to go by.

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Description : 37. Euro –II norm stipulate ‘sulphur’ level in diesel and petrol to be ... e) 400 ppm in diesel and 150 ppm in petrol. f) 350 ppm in diesel and 180 ppm in petrol. g) 100 ppm in diesel and 50 ppm in petrol. h) 350 ppm in diesel and 150 ppm in petrol.

Last Answer : h) 350 ppm in diesel and 150 ppm in petrol.

Description : How much in Celsius is 5 degree es in Fahrenheit?

Last Answer : 5 degree from celsius in Fahrenheit is 415 degree Fahrenheit to celsius is -15

Description : How much energy would be required to raise one liter of water by one degree celsius?

Last Answer : The definition of a calorie is the amount of energy (heat) toraise 1 g of water by 1 degree C. Here you have 1 liter, which is1000 ml, and if you assume a density of 1g/ml, you have 1000 g ofwater. ... as 1 kcal. In joules, it will be 1000calories x 4.184 joules/calorie = 4184 joules = 4.184 kJ.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : It is 176.667 degrees Celsius rounded to 3 decimal places

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Last Answer : It is 162.778 degrees Celsius rounded to 3 decimal places

Description : How much energy would be required to raise one liter of water by one degree celsius?

Last Answer : The definition of a calorie is the amount of energy (heat) toraise 1 g of water by 1 degree C. Here you have 1 liter, which is1000 ml, and if you assume a density of 1g/ml, you have 1000 g ofwater. ... as 1 kcal. In joules, it will be 1000calories x 4.184 joules/calorie = 4184 joules = 4.184 kJ.

Description : A kilogram of water goes from 90 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius in a period of 2 hours. If the specific heat of water is 4 kilojoules per kilogram per degree Celsius, how much heat has the water lost?

Last Answer : ANSWER: 320 KILOJOULES or 320,000 JOULES

Description : Is it universally consistent that wherever the Metric system is used, temperature is registered in Celsius, and wherever the Imperial system (feet, inches, miles) is used, the Fahrenheit system is used? Are there any exceptions?

Last Answer : According to Wikipedia , Celsius is used by all countries except the United States, the Bahamas, Belize, the Cayman Islands and Liberia. According to the CIA , At this time, only three countries ... Metric would be Burma. Perhaps related, the CIA is still calling Burma Burma rather than Myanmar.

Description : Is it okay that my CPU temperature more than 50 Celsius at low load/idle?

Last Answer : answer:50C is roughly 122F. That's a tad warm for a Clarkdale i3 (mine idles around 43C/110F), but ice-cold for an old Northwood Pentium 4 (my old P4 idled around 57C/135F). Phenom II's tend to ... every once in a while to knock out the dust bunnies. FWIW, my video card reaches ~88C/190F under load.

Description : How long can E.coli last in test tubes of Terrific Broth in a 37 Celsius incubator?

Last Answer : I remember E. Coli living for hours not days in a lab class. What does your lab instruction sheet say?

Description : When did Degrees Centigrade turn into Degrees Celsius?

Last Answer : The guy who invented the system was called Celcius. The system has 100 degrees (or grades) between the freezing and boiling points of water. Therefore “centi-grade”.

Description : What degrees Celsius is freezing?

Last Answer : Zero.

Description : my hard disk temperature shows 51 celsius,is this too high?

Last Answer : Yes it will die soon. Be sure to pray for an afterlife of your hdd.

Description : At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures equal? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Celsius and Fahrenheit are two important temperature scales. Celsius is used throughout the world whereas Fahrenheit scale is used primarily in the United States. There is one point on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales where the temperatures in degrees are equal. This is -40 °C and -40 °F.

Description : At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures equal? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Celsius and Fahrenheit are two temperature scales. The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales have one point at which they intersect. They are equal at -40 °C and -40 °F. The simple method to find when two ... is to set the conversion factors for the two scales equal to each other and solve for temperature.

Description : At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures equal? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Celsius and Fahrenheit are two important temperature scales. Celsius is used throughout the world whereas Fahrenheit scale is used primarily in the United States. There is one point on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales where the temperatures in degrees are equal. This is -40 °C and -40 °F.

Description : Is 120° Celsius hot or cold?

Last Answer : Hot

Description : After whom is the Celsius scale named ?

Last Answer : Scientists invented the Celsius scale, hence the name Celsius scale.

Description : If the temperature on Celsius scale is 0 degree, what will it be on Fahrenheit scale ?

Last Answer : If the temperature on Celsius scale is 0 ° degree it will be 32 Fahrenheit on Fahrenheit scale.

Description : What is one degree Celsius ?

Last Answer : On the Celsius scale, the lower constant is taken to be 0 degrees (00) and the upper constant is to be taken to 100 degrees (1000). The interval is divided into equal one hundred parts. Each part is called one degree Celsius (10C).

Description : How many degrees Celsius does the water boil in the oven ?

Last Answer : When water is given in the oven , it starts boiling at a temperature of 100 degree Celsius.

Description : At what degree Celsius is ice water ?

Last Answer : Ice is water at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.

Description : What is the temperature of human body in Celsius scale ?

Last Answer : Human body temperature on Celsius scale is 36.9 degrees.

Description : What is the normal temperature of human body in Celsius scale ?

Last Answer : Normal temperature of human body on Celsius scale is 36.9 degrees

Description : What is the velocity of sound in air at zero degree Celsius ?

Last Answer : - 322 ms

Description : What is Celsius Scale ?

Last Answer : : The scale on which the thermometer divides the lower constant of 0 সেল C and the upper constant of 100 সেল C and the intermediate fundamental difference of one hundred is called Celsius scale.

Last Answer : Celsius Scales Discover the Celsius

Last Answer : 1 degree Celsius = 263.15 Kelvin and 2 degree Celsius = 548.3 Kelvin.

Description : At 0°C, a gas occupies 22.4 liters. How nuch hot must be the gas in celsius and in kelvin to reach volume of 25.0 literes?

Last Answer : At 0°C, a gas occupies 22.4 liters. How nuch hot must be the gas in celsius and in kelvin to reach volume of 25.0 literes?

Description : If two temperatures differ by 25°C on Celsius scale, the difference in temperature on Fahrenheit scale is

Last Answer : If two temperatures differ by 25°C on Celsius scale, the difference in temperature on Fahrenheit scale is (A) 65° (B) 45° (C) 38° (D) 25°

Description : What 37.3 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Last Answer : 37.3ºC = 99.1ºF

Description : If The boiling point of ethanol is 78.3 degrees Celsius what is the boiling point of ethanol kelvins?

Last Answer : To change C to K just add 273.01 to the C temperature (78.3 C =351.3 K) You might think it is 351. 31 K but the originaltemperature was only accurate to one decimal place.