What is the verb in this sentence Maybe one day you will see a tornado?

1 Answer

Answer :

A verb is an action, or something you can do.A person can see.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone would want to get impaled in a tree.

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Last Answer : I grew up in Oklahoma, so I’ve been in a number of tornado warnings. I have seen tornadoes. I have seen the devastation afterward. My family did nothing out of the ordinary other than stay indoors. If we had heard one approach, I suppose we would have moved into the interior hallway.

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Last Answer : I just googled it and I can’t link it and don’t have time to read it but there’s lots on “why is hail rare in a hurricane?” I googled “can a hurricane have hail?”

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Last Answer : It might just be absorbed by the hurricane and make it even stronger.

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Last Answer : Urban legend aside, a violent windstorm can do a lot more damage to a mobile home than to a home that is anchored to a foundation. The tornado doesn’t have to go right through it; a trailer can get tossed just being in proximity.

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Last Answer : Well, the tornado. If everything is going to be destroyed, it might as well look cool while it’s happening. Having said that, if a tornado happened and I experienced it I would probably totally forget that it’s cool while I was busy shitting in my knickers.

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Last Answer : Whatever you do, don’t go out for a 10 mile hike today.

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Last Answer : answer:It would only sound like common sense to someone who didn't have to pay the costs of building an underground city or doomsday-style housing. You're talking enormous expense to forestall what is, ... flooded out and then repair or rebuild on the same spot. That doesn't make sense to me.

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Last Answer : According to this article the flooding will be south and west of the mountains. We have had tornados in Bakersfield before. One of our apartments was on the news because it picked up a dumpster and hit a ... stupider since I just realized we both linked the same article. It's late. I'm tired. Sorry.

Description : What's it like to live in Tornado Alley?

Last Answer : answer:How often do tornadoes happen? It varies, just like there are not the same number of hurricanes or snowstorms every year, the number of tornadoes varies. How often do tornado related ... Not much. People that live in hurricane territory have hurricane parties, same happens in tornado alley.

Description : Is there a way to detect a tornado before it gets too obvious?

Last Answer : The terror on birds faces as they fly like shit to get the hell outta dodge…possibly.

Description : Is it ironic Carrie Underwood just won video of the year for Blown Away after the OK tornado?

Last Answer : answer:Carrie Underwood grew up in Oklahoma. She knows whereof she sings. The song is very clear in its implications, which means that the sentiments are understandable. Tornadoes are a fact of life in Oklahoma. Her song is not about them generally, but about sexual abuse specifically.

Description : If you lived in Kansas or Oklahoma would you be constant fear of a tornado hitting?

Last Answer : I’ve never even been out there, but I find tornadoes pretty scary. I grew up with hurricanes, for which, even if they are monster storms like Andrew, you still receive warning days in advance. But with tornadoes, the warning time is as little as 10–15 minutes, right?

Description : Would residents in Tornado Alley be more likely to build storm shelters at their homes if we called them "Coming Economic Collapse" shelters?

Last Answer : That’s funny and may just work!

Description : What was the warning time for the incredibly devastating Oklahoma tornado?

Last Answer : answer:My local news (not in Oklahoma, so I guess they can say whatever they want) reported a 16 minute heads up. They said it was a longer warning time than in the big storms of 1999. And ... living in Tornado Alley . Sort of like people in Florida wondering what's up with all the hurricanes.

Description : What would you do if the tornado sirens went off in your area?

Last Answer : That green is hail, BTW.

Description : What would you do if a tornado and an earthquake hit at the same time?

Last Answer : Be all “aw, shit”.

Description : If a butterfly's wings flap in one part of the Earth can cause a tornado in another part of it, what could other insects' and other small animals movements cause?

Last Answer : I think moths cause typhoons 1000 miles away. Bumblebees cause earthquakes between 200 and 600 miles away. Mosquitoes cause tornadoes about 800 to 900 miles away. Gnats are so tiny they only cause thunderstorms between 50 and 75 miles away.

Description : How would a granite building fare in a direct hit from a tornado?

Last Answer : If you’re in the direct path of a major tornado I don’t think it matters. Some of the destroyed buildings in Joplin were brick and that didn’t make much difference.

Description : (Warning, Morbid) Is it true that the bodies of tornado victims are usually torn to pieces?

Last Answer : No. They die mostly of blunt trauma. Houses falling on them and stuff.

Description : How likely is a Fukushima-style cooling-failure scenario after a huge tornado outbreak in the US?

Last Answer : answer:I am about as qualified to answer this as Homer Simpson is, so dont take my word for it. I suspect that wind alone would not be enough to cause problems, even some flying debris should be no ... anyone for fix it? We have concrete, we have a tape measure, make the walls thicker or something.

Description : How many people in the US have simple access to a tornado shelter (either in their home or within short walking distance)?

Last Answer : Warnings are often not given very much ahead of time. Also, in my part of the U.S., tornadoes occur, but are not real common. I worry sometimes that people do not take the warnings seriously ... under the stairwell on the lowest level, or in the bathroom or closet in the interior of the building

Description : What will happen when an F5 tornado hits a nuclear power plant?

Last Answer : Nothing. They are designed to take the abuse. The core is well protected.

Description : How many people died in the Great Tri-State Tornado of 1925?

Last Answer : 695 dead, 2020 injured.