What progressive reform do you think was important why?

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Last Answer : Use of recall

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Last Answer : No. Reform Judaism is a specific Jewish movement. It is one of the progressive movements, but Humanist Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism and the Jewish Renewal Movement each have a legitimate claim ... title. The distinction between progressive Judaism and liberal Judaism is more than a bit vague.

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Last Answer : Womens' suffrage.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s bogus. Utterly vapid. It lowers taxes with no concomitant cuts in anything. It does all this by doubling the national debt by 12 trillion dollars. This is beyond silly. It doesn’t have a chance of passing, and zero chance of working in any sensible way.

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Last Answer : I won’t watch ANY of the Progressive commercials. I mute them STAT. I HATE that stupid girl..“Hi, can I help you?” She got on my last nerve the first time I saw her. The one with the horns that they did after new years…I’d like to shove that thing right up her ass!

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Last Answer : This is an unworkable over-generalization. Asian countries can be much more conservative in many social ideas in all demographic areas whether large cities or small towns and rural areas. The ... countryside. Scandinavian countries are also liberal across the board. It's best not to generalize.

Description : Specifically, how does the Georgia election reform restrict voting?

Last Answer : Have you considered quitting golf so you can move to Georgia and become an anti-democracy activist? This seems to be your passion. You could put all of your efforts into suppressing the vote. You have the means and you don’t work. Go for it.

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Last Answer : Maybe have 50 random citizens on the jury in addition to the politicians.

Description : Why should we want Progressive leadership?

Last Answer : We want a country where everyone can enjoy healthcare, schooling for their kids and a house to live in. A country where such basic services are denied to the poor and even some of the middle classes is ... have been there before and the times were not good. We don't want to go back there again.

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Last Answer : Fortunately, unlike Russia, we are still a democratic nation and, although Trump presents a major threat, there are limits to what he can do. In the case you give, I would expect one of his juvenile Twitter postings.

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Last Answer : This is my silver lining too. The more of a disaster he is, the farther we will swing away next time.

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Last Answer : answer:I adjusted to mine within a day. I’d not had the ability to look at close object without taking my lenses for near sightedness off, so once I had the progressives I felt right at home. I hope the adjustment works for you.

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Last Answer : Mississipi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and DC.

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Last Answer : Leadership, apparently.

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Last Answer : The wealthy remain wealthy.

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Last Answer : Can’t get use to em!! I went back to single vision, much safer too :-/

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Last Answer : answer:Progressive. :D Everything progresses, anyway. Pick any point in time, and think about what it would be like without progress changing it.

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Last Answer : I didn’t see it as racism, I saw it as someone fed up with the Tea Party, which is understandable.

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Last Answer : The only thing that is the same about them is they both start with a “P”

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Last Answer : No. If you think it does, name one government run program that is under budget.

Description : Healthcare Reform Passes, how much difference will it make immediately after being signed into law?

Last Answer : answer: For people under 26 it will make an immediate difference. The bill lets such people maintain coverage under their parents' plan. For people with pre-existing conditions, the bill sets up ... to afford coverage and force insurance companies to not screw them over. More details here (NYT).

Description : Where can I read the full, unabridged, health care reform bill?

Last Answer : answer:This is what the house just passed: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c111:4:./temp/~c111zBmK6W::

Description : Why are some reasons people are really against health care reform?

Last Answer : Follow the money. The insurance companies might have lost a lot of money if we had real health care reform, so they prevented it.

Description : If the health care reform is passed, how do you see it affecting you?

Last Answer : I don’t think anyone can really answer this right now.

Description : Isn't this what we really need in Health Care Reform?

Last Answer : Yes, it is a part of the puzzle that needs to be addressed, but that is hard to do in a capitalist economy.

Description : Health Care Reform updates. Anyone care to discuss this some more?

Last Answer : Eh, not really. I am cautious and hesistant to support it 100%.

Description : Can someone explain "tort reform" to me as simply as possible?

Last Answer : From Wikipedia: Tort reform refers to proposed changes in the civil justice system that would reduce tort litigation or damages. Tort is a system for compensating wrongs and harm done by one ... phrase for legislative measures designed to make it harder for individuals to sue businesses. [1]

Description : Can you accept a health care reform legislation that bans abortion care?

Last Answer : Does health care cover abortions now?

Description : Should Bloomberg's MTA reform plan include climate control for stations.

Last Answer : Depends if you believe in global warming i suppose. Most city MT authorities are so hard in debt I would come to the same conclusion as you. Take the AC/Heat while the prices are still relatively cheap.

Description : If the Dems don't even need the Reps, what's the hold up on passing the bill for healthcare reform already?

Last Answer : I'll go out on a limb and predict that they will split the whole issue into two bills. One will be to include more people, and to ensure some consumer protections. It will not address a Public Option. ... . The right will shriek and scream for a bit, and soon we will wonder how we did without it.

Description : Should the plan for healthcare reform have the public option or not, and why?

Last Answer : TARP reform will solve every problem you just stated. A public plan will just make it worse. You can't get that health insurance because you have a liver disease (hypothetically). It wouldn't be ... . Change that, problem solved. Government needs to back off. It can't solve problems it creates.

Description : Have you read the House bill for healthcare reform?

Last Answer : I’ve not been following this as closely as I should, so please forgive my question if it sounds ignorant. Isn’t there more than one version of this bill going around right now?

Description : Is 'I simply don't want it' a good enough explaination to be against healthcare 'reform'? Why or why not?

Last Answer : “I simply don’t want it” isn’t a good reason for anything. You don’t “just don’t want it”, there’s always a reason for that. Of course, for some things, you don’t need to give a reason, so you could justify saying “I simply don’t want it”. In a constructive discussion you can never, though.

Description : What changes has Obama made so far to welfare reform?

Last Answer : I do not believe this was the aim or the will be the result of the changes that have been made, but you should judge for yourself. To see what his opponents are saying, see this ... . Here is an analysis of this somewhat concerted attack on some provisions of the Obama economic stimulus plan.

Description : Can you really reform a "tool"?

Last Answer : Doubt it. Any guy like that who agrees to go to that kind of “boot camp” is only doing it for one reason and one reason alone – to get on TV. So he can, after the show airs, get the girls that will be impressed he was on TV, so he has the opportunity to cheat that much more…

Description : Progressive voter guide that includes California and/or Alameda County people and prop.s?

Last Answer : I’m a fan of the SF Bay Guardian’s 2008 voting guide.

Description : When do you expect a major spelling reform of the English language?

Last Answer : They actually tried to change things in the 1950s and 60s. My wife has some old texts from her aunt who taught elementary school during that time. All the words were spelled phonetically. (sari, ai ment fonetikali.) Of course Noah Webster was pretty successful at changing how we spell in the US.

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Last Answer : test

Description : A national water policy was implemented in India in 2002. The policy stipulates progressive new approaches to water management. -Geography

Last Answer : The National Water Policy 2002 stipulates w ater allocation priorities broadly in an order- drinking water, irrigation, hydropower, navigation, industrial and other uses. Its key ... (vii) Conservation consciousness should be promoted through education, regulation, incentives and disincentives.

Description : Mention any 2 challenges faced by political parties in India. Guve 2 suggestions that can help to reform the functioning of political parties and it's members. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : Examine any two institutional amendments made by different institutions to reform political parties and their leaders. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Institutional amendments made by different institutions to reform political parties and their leaders: . The constitution was amended to prevent elected MLA's and MP's from changing parties. ... necessary for political parties to hold their organizational election and file their income tax returns.

Description : Suggest and explain any five measures to reform political parties? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Nine measures/suggestions to reform political parties are: 1.A Law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties .It should be made compulsory for the political parties to ... media can play an important role in this. 9.Minimum qualification should be high school pass.

Description : Elucidate some of the recent efforts taken in our country to reform political parties and its leaders. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Constitution was amended to prevent elected MLAs and MPs from changing parties. This was done because many elected representatives were indulging in DEFECTION in order to become ministers or for cash ... It is not clear if this step has led to greater internal democracy in political parties.

Description : What suggestions are often made to reform political parties? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties. It should be made compulsory for political parties to maintain a register of its members, to follow its own constitution, to ... could be given in cash on the basis of votes, secured by the party in the last elections.

Description : It is very difficult to reform politics through legal ways.' Evaluate the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. Any legal change must be carefully looked at, in order to analyze the results it will have on politics as sometimes the results might prove to be undesirable. For example- many states have ... of the society as a whole. People are required to act as responsible citizens of a country.

Description : Explain any three recent efforts made to reform political parties in India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. The Constitution was amended to prevent elected MP's and MLA's from changing parties. This step was taken, majorly, to prevent defection i.e. switching from the party a person ... making it necessary for political parties to hold their organisational elections and file their income tax returns.

Description : Suggest and explain any five measures to reform political parties. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties including the maintenance of a register of its members, following its own constitution, having an independent ... , by directly joining political parties can contribute towards the betterment of the nature of politics.

Description : Suggest any five effective measures to reform political parties. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The five measures to reform political parties: 1. Internal affairs of the political parties must be regulated by the law. For example, there must be an independent authority, a judge to ... . Political parties can improve if those who want such reformation join them to improve the decisions.

Description : Explain any five suggestions to reform political parties in India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Political parties are a prominent figure in politics. They represent various ideologies and values and function in a systematic and unbiased manner. However, reform is required at every level ... by directly joining political parties can contribute towards the betterment of the nature of politics.