How many times is the word pray mentioned in the bible?

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Last Answer : There are many search engines for biblical issues on line. Thebible gateway has one of the better tools for bible lookupbiblegateway on the internet. The only drawback to The Biblegateway search is there is no Strong's reference, nor Greensinterlinear

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Last Answer : The word "moon" is in the King James Version of The Bible 51times. It is in 51 verses.

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Last Answer : There are many search engines for biblical issues on line. Thebible gateway has one of the better tools for bible lookupbiblegateway on the internet. The only drawback to The Biblegateway search is there is no Strong's reference, nor Greensinterlinear

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Last Answer : It is found in 15 verses. In Psalms and in some books of the NewTestament

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Last Answer : none

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Last Answer : The coming of Immanuel (Jesus Christ) is mentioned once at the mouth of our Father's prophet Isaiah (See Isaiah 7:14). Which matches the actual events set forth in Luke 1, 2

Description : How many times is Gabriel is mentioned in the bible?

Last Answer : Four times total. This is from the English Standard Version: Daniel 08:16 And I heard a man's voice between [the banks of] the Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand ... Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

Description : Parents are followers of the hypocrite Pir , what should a child do ? My father died ten years ago and he used to pray five times , but at home. And both father and mother were disciples of Atarshi. ... the answer to this question ? Since I don't know much about Atarshi Pir. Obliged by the answer.

Last Answer : All Haqqani Ulama Mashayikh agree that the said Pir was a hypocrite . Originally, the man was just a metric pass. (See! Atarshir Darbar Atarshir Kafela , page-13 , date of publication , January 1974. ... pray for you , may Allah accept you as a great scholar. May Allah guide your mother. Amen.

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Description : Where's Felicia mentioned in the bible?

Last Answer : There is no Felicia in The Bible.

Description : Port city is mentioned in the ‘Old Testament’ (Bible). ,

Last Answer : Write the names of historical places, persons, and events: 1. Port city is mentioned in the ... .The Latin name of Periplus of the Erythrean Sea.

Description : What birds are mentioned in the Bible?

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Last Answer : Most likely the Nile, however, the Euphrates with its manycultural names may come close.

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Last Answer : In The Bible, the first wicked man was Adam after he wasbanished from the Garden of Eden. This was in the Book ofGenesis.

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Last Answer : Genesis chapter 2: "Therefore shall a ,man leave his father andhis mother, and shall CLEAVE UNTO HIS WIFE: and they shall be oneflesh." [verse 24]

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Last Answer : Exodus 15, when the Israelites had just crossed the Sea of Reeds.

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Last Answer : In the King James version:The word 'sex' doesn't appear at all.while that is true it does appear in every other modern translation since including the New King James version. The reason it ... Life Version: 137 times(all newer translations based on older documents published in the last 40 years)

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : In the King James versionthe word - delight - appears 51 timesthe word - delighted - appears 12 timesthe word - delightest - appears oncethe word - delighteth - appears 14 timesthe word - delights - appears 6 timesthe word - delightsome - appears once

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Commandment (מצוה) occurs 179 times.

Description : How many times does the word DELIGHT appear in the Bible?

Last Answer : In the King James versionthe word - delight - appears 51 timesthe word - delighted - appears 12 timesthe word - delightest - appears oncethe word - delighteth - appears 14 timesthe word - delights - appears 6 timesthe word - delightsome - appears once

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Last Answer : 80 times.

Description : What is the meaning of the word Pray ?

Last Answer : to pray or request

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Last Answer : That question is something one can look up using a searchengine, there are many on line which allow one to search words invarious translations

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Last Answer : You can do such searches in online sites, such asBibleGateway.With the New International Version, I get zero resultsfor "sound mind".You can try out other versions of The Bible (othertranslations), or look for similar search terms.

Description : How many times in the Bible does the phrase the Lord said to Moses appear in Numbers?

Last Answer : There are many search engines for biblical issues on line. Thebible gateway has one of the better tools for bible lookupbiblegateway on the internet. The only drawback to The Biblegateway search is there is no Strong's reference, nor Greensinterlinear

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : There are four places in the New Testament where Paul refers to Christians as soldiers:Philippians 2:25 Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow ... 1:2 to the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house:

Description : How many different times are the books of the bible written in?

Last Answer : The Bible was written from around 1445 BC -- 96 AD.Different books were written at different times the OldTestament first and then the New Testament

Description : If someone of a different faith/religious beliefs asked you to pray with them, what would you do?

Last Answer : answer:It happens all the time at weddings and funerals and somebody says Let us pray In such circumstances, I bow my head and maintain a respectful silence. I do not, however, pray. If a total ... atheist scum, I would ignore it. What else would I do? Beat them up? They are probably crazy.

Description : Have you ever been in a situation where you would pray or trade for understanding a different language in an instant?

Last Answer : answer:Google is working on that for you. Google plans to upgrade its Translate app to be able to interpret conversations between people speaking different languages in real time. Following in the ... company Quest Visual as part of its Word Lens tool. Google acquired Quest Visual in 2014.

Description : Aetheflaed, you've proven yourself with royal grace. Pray, join us in mirth and festivities in your honor!

Last Answer : answer:ConGoRats @Aethelflaed! Welcome to the Mansion!

Description : Can you help pray for my dog?

Last Answer : Lord, Put a healing hand on OB. Comfort his family who love him. Amen.

Description : Why do(some of) those who pray feel it should be forced upon others?

Last Answer : answer:It's about socializing people. They want everyone to be the same. They want everyone to fit. That way, they think, society will run better. It's kind of a Japanese aesthetic when you think ... socialization thing, but that would require me to write something long. I'm not up for that now.

Description : What, pray tell, is an energy vampire?

Last Answer : When I have heard this term, it refered to electronic equipment that still draws power evern when it is turned off, for example your Television, your VCR, or your cell phone charger. If you were not ... a constant complainer would fit here. They can sap all the joy and excitement out of a project.

Description : Will it do any good to pray to a God the Japanese people don't believe in?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters what other people call their creator. I believe in one God. I pray to that power for all people and animals safety, health, and strength.

Description : Will you wish me luck/pray for me?

Last Answer : answer:Done You’ll be fine

Description : What is something you hope and pray for daily?

Last Answer : The health & recovery for several friends of mine. They’re always in my heart.

Description : When people say "I'll pray for you," do they actually do it?

Last Answer : I feel people have the intent do such a thing. Maybe sometimes they forget. Initially the intent is there and that would be good enough for me.

Description : Has anyone read EAT, LOVE, PRAY?

Last Answer : No…but I’ll put it on my list!

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Last Answer : A Rooster.

Description : Read my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : An equal.

Description : Under whose guidance was the Congress policy of pray and petition ultimately come to an end? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What if 60,000 angels pray day and night ?

Last Answer : 60,000 angels will continue to pray till morning for the person who will recite Surah Dukhan on Friday evening (ie Thursday night). And for those who recite this Surah on Friday morning, 60,000 angels ... angels. And the angels will continue to send down upon him mercy from morning till evening.