Can dogs eat oranges?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sure, dogs can eat oranges, but enjoyed in moderation. If dog owners wanna feed dogs oranges, they’d better divide the orange into segments and feed a few segments, not a whole.

Oranges aren’t just rich in vitamin C help improve your immune system, they’re surprisingly good sources of fiber assist digestion, smooth stool, lower cholesterol. Oranges may lower the risk of catching cold or flu.

Although oranges benefit health, excess intake of oranges can also cause gastrointestinal distress or diarrhea. In addition, don’t keep the orange peel, but keep the white stringy stuff packed with flavonoids make blood vessels more elastic.

Like most fruits, oranges are just treats but not daily dog food. Dog owners could feed orange has an attractive color and fresh smell as a training food.

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Last Answer : Sure, dogs can eat oranges, but enjoyed in moderation. If dog owners wanna feed dogs oranges, they'd better divide the orange into segments and feed a few segments, not a whole. Oranges aren't ... dog food. Dog owners could feed orange has an attractive color and fresh smell as a training food.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat cucumbers. According to the ASPCA, there is no evidence that cucumbers are toxic to dogs, but sometimes cucumbers may cause diarrhea and an upset stomach. ASPCA doesn't ... much. Cucumber just contains almost few nutrients and too much can cause digestive problems like diarrhea.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat cranberries. Cranberries aren't common fruits like apples, watermelon and pear, they even are not as popular as strawberries and blueberries in berries. They often appear in the form ... don't feed your dogs with dried cranberries as they may added some chemicals are bad for dogs.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat corn. Corn can be a good snack, but not as their main diet. Corn is rich in calcium, selenium, linoleic acid, lecithin and vitamin E. Vitamin E can reduce serum cholesterol; Linoleic ... eaten a whole corn cob, call your vet ASAP. In conclusion, dogs can eat corn as a treat.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat coconut. Coconut has many benefits for dogs. Dogs can eat the coconut meat and coconut water. The coconut shells can't be eaten, because they're too hard and have many ... so many health benefits, you should feed in moderation, too much can even cause diarrhea and other problems.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat cherries if you remove the pits, seeds, stems and leaves. The leaves and seeds of cherries contain hydrogen cyanide may cause dizziness, headaches and accelerated respiration rate. If the ... is hard work, and it takes time. I would like to feed any other fruits except cherries.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat cheese, is a good treat. Cheese consists of nutrients like protein and fat, it is not only smells good but tastes delicious. Dogs love cheese as well as people, But be warned: ... hide the pills, then feed. Overall, Dogs can eat cheese, but you should feed them in moderation.

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Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat celery in moderation. You can put celery in dog's treats list, because celery is a safe and healthy vegetable for dogs. Celery is low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins ... urination, dog should be drinking water to compensate. Celery can be as a treat but not daily food.