Why is politics called a dirty game?

1 Answer

Answer :

Of all the jobs in the world Politics to me is the worst of them all. This is such a cutthroat game and people will do everything in their power to destroy you. What gets me about all this mess is how they hire people to dig into your past. They want to find anything and everything they can use against you to make you look bad. If you decide to go into politics I would suggest taking a deep dark look into your past. Sit down and figure out what you did in high school,  college, and your current day life. Make sure you don't have any deep dark secrets that you want to hide and hope nobody will ever find out about. Because in politic they will find out everything they can about you and drag your name through the mud. If you were ever at a party and got drunk, you had a girlfriend, or your wife did something in the past they will find this and tell the world about it. Politics is a dirty business and everyone wants to be elected and they will stop at nothing to get into office.

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Last Answer : I saw it on BTN and read the description but wasn't sold. But I will take your opinion on board and give it a try. downloaded and in plex I do actually have a netflix subscription but I prefer ... The experience is a bit better. However, I do get that netflix misses out on metrics when I torrent.

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Last Answer : answer:http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/ Looks like it a privately published listing.

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Last Answer : Congratulations! I love your posts and insight.

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Last Answer : No but that’s because it’s a big plastic bin. If it were a cloth bag then I’d keep them separated between washings. Unless your clothes have moist, seeping guck on them then I can’t see why your husband thinks the clothes get contaminated/dirty.

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Last Answer : I have always said that I am not interested… then give them my mother-in-law’s number. XD

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Last Answer : Slam.

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Last Answer : Yes, I think the vast majority of the population believe every word of it.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by the dirty and clean dozen. I'm assuming you are asking for healthy foods. If so here's a link with 100 of the healthiest foods listed and here's a ... list of foods that are supposed to help ward off a whole host of diseases. The so called super-foods.

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Last Answer : I have the same message in my Toyotas CD player. i believe there is a stuck CD inside the player. it does not work and gives me the Errr3 message. if you find out, pls let me know. john

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Last Answer : Nobody. Thanks for asking.

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Last Answer : if you live in a building that was built a while back then chances are it is just the building. Roaches can be brought in from other places if people are moving in and out. They hide out in TV’s and toasters and things of the sort. You know they can live for a day without their head, right? Amazing!

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Last Answer : The women I’ve known talk about young guys, yeah but they go about it differently.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, unless they are treated with chemicals or something. If they are just paper they will contribute to the carbon content in your compost pile. It would be similar to adding dead leaves or ... they think you're a stoner when you are truly suffering from the dusty carpet in the office!

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Last Answer : Bobby took a bath with bubbles. Bubbles is the neighbors wife.