What fruit is a good substitute for apples?

1 Answer

Answer :

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. If you are allergic to Apple , you can eat fruits like Pears, Peaches, Papaya etc. Which provides nutrition similar to that of Apple.

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Last Answer : Easiest thing to do probably is just dry your own. I've done it in a food dehydrator and it can be done in an oven as well on low temperatures. This link is referring to drying fruit for eating ... but you should be able to apply it to your crafts as well: http://www.seasonalchef.com/preserves21.htm

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Last Answer : Yes you can but if you have both, you can mix them to make half and half if you want. When i make cream soups, I use light cream instead of heavy.

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Last Answer : Vanilla yogurt is good with fresh fruit but it’s not ice cream.

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Last Answer : answer:The former. Although it would be technically incorrect, because if you have sausage and bacon you should probably use both.

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Last Answer : answer:Usually it won't work. Sometimes you can substitute skim evaporated milk. Also, sometimes you can use half and half or even whole milk, but skim has so much less fat that in many things it ... use half and half instead of the cream, still cuts some calories. Why not just eat plain spinach?

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Last Answer : Not really, no.

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Last Answer : answer:Found this, but it’s the exact same thing only $10 cheaper. If anyone has anything similar that you would recommend in place of this please let me know! http://www.amazon.com/Covered-Store-Server-Party-Platter/dp/B004V9HZ5O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=miscellaneous&qid=1304766959&sr=8-1

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve heard that you can use a sheet of tin foil. I’ve never tried it, but supposedly it works. Worth a shot. However, if you are drying something very prone to static like a sweater or a fleece jacket, I would just hang it and skip the dryer altogether.

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Last Answer : Of course they do! We sit in different seats, and get each other into trouble by using each others' names. Once, a girl named Diamond who acts up in class a lot told the sub that her name was my ... a lot of fun. Our regular teachers don't teach much anyway, so it wouldn't matter if we learned.

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Last Answer : answer:I adore Boca Burgers, especially the flame-grilled, garlic, mushroom etc. I can’t imagine anything canned I’d ever want to eat. Meat foods in a can like spam spam spam are disgusting and I would think I would like veggie spam even less. Crumble up garlic Boca Burgers for your lasagna.

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Last Answer : Cream. The condensed will substitute for it. Do you have any coconut essence?

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Last Answer : I do this all the time. Recipes have always been guidelines more than hard rules. There are a million examples Just yesterday, I made rum cake and substituted powdered ginger for candied, for ... . Soap for shampoo for laundry detergent. Sea water for potable water when camping. Ribbons for belts.

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Last Answer : 1. No. Deal with them yourself. Deal with them now, as far as the school discipline policy allows. There are two things to consider here: > What if the teacher doesn't come back when ... 4. By default, you should be deciding whether a particular activity is groupwork, pairwork or individual work.

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Last Answer : Giving Craigslist Rideshare a chance instead of flying home from Denver and meeting my unbelievably perfect for me boyfriend because of it!!!! Also, seasoning my popcorn with GREEK SEASONING as opposed to ... 's called Cadever's (or something like that) Greek Seasoning and it will change your life.

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Last Answer : What’s banana bread disclaimer? Sounds delish.

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Last Answer : Have you tried the gloves with the fingers cut off ? I don't like that gloves eliminate the ability to feel, but with the open fingers you can feel and preserve your skin at the same time. ... , eventually your hands will toughen up - you will get calluses on your hands and the blisters will stop.

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Last Answer : Fors information about substitutes in general, see this excellent wikipedia article. In information in the details you have provided indicates that you have had a problem with a specific product, so it could have been one of the other additives in the product, and nothing to do with gluten-free.

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Last Answer : is baking soda really all-purpose?

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Last Answer : I would use chopped green beans or maybe the stems of Romain lettuce. I have also used Endive, chopped mustard greens, or kale.

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Last Answer : You can, but the bread may turn out, heavy, or chewy.

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Last Answer : Holy crap, this is my father in law. He doesn’t drive slow because he is aware that he doesn’t watch the road – he is too busy looking at everything around him to remember he is driving and push the f’ing accelerator.

Description : Can I substitute fresh lime juice for lemon juice in Tabouli vinaigrette?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t think it would be unappetizing , just it would turn out to be a different dish . i would also only use teaspoons instead of tablespoons , or add until you get the best flavour .

Description : Vegetarian and wheat and gluten-free chicken substitute?

Last Answer : What is fake chicken?

Description : What is a good substitute for chicken?

Last Answer : I have to be honest and say that I do not know, but I will ask my sister about it and get back to you asap (my sister is vegeterian).

Description : What is a good substitute for lemon juice?

Last Answer : Blow on it’s face every time s/he bites you, it does wonders. Plus, they get a cute expression cause they don’t know what’s happening. Win / win!