Should I wait until the COVID situation becomes normal to study abroad?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes only if online classes will be permanent throughout this critical period. All the terms and conditions / prospectus to be clearly reviewed .  Sometimes it is needed to have a physical presence of the student during a course. But that should be as far as possible avoided. The above is my personal opinion You can take your own decision. Thanks

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Last Answer : Having a strong education foundation is a requirement for a powerful career. To attain this ambition of education, many students want to go for overseas education to elevate and hone their knowledge. ... provide you with key tips to explain your employment and study gap for the Canada study visa.

Last Answer : found Yes , for example : customs Of the office Work , world Commercial Work Etc.

Last Answer : mine According to Good Will be However You If Good In the country To go Can But Of course Good Way Knowingly Listen Go .No About Go That That's right By If you can Too much Good Profit Will get Inshallah

Description : Yes, if I had the right language skills

Last Answer : It's thought-provoking. But if it were a good school, yes

Description : How long do study abroad programs take?

Last Answer : It depends on the different parameters such as School and area of the study. Most of the schools provide a three-year course for Master's, but a few can provide a course for a year as well. Some of the ... University 3. University of Alberta 4. Algonquin College Choose wisely!

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Last Answer : Student exchange programs allow you to complete part of your studies at an overseas partner institute under a formal agreement. Study abroad program allow students to undertake study at an overseas institutions, but usually without a formal agreement between institutions.