Which plugin is useful for getting more organic traffic in blogging?

1 Answer

Answer :

you can also link to your content yourself, on your own personal blog, facebook, twitter, instagram, stumbleupon etc. no spamming mind, if people come from a social media and spend time to your content it is strong signal to google that the content is relevant.

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Last Answer : I just did a find and replace on everything that said 520 (the width of content) and replaced that with 800. This is the result. As you can see the top and bottom of the content areas are actually a image. ... them out) Like I did here This looks a little better. Code is here if you want to use it.

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Last Answer : I love www.blogger.com but I don't know if it's iPhone friendly.

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Last Answer : answer:Everyone I know seems to start a blog when traveling overseas. My favorite of these was by the friend who went to a different Parisian cafe every day and reviewed it (http://www.undergroundparis. ... seems a bit too common, unless you can give it some kind of interesting, even quirky, spin.

Description : Blogging?

Last Answer : answer:I started a blog about 2 years ago. I have updated maybe 10 times. I find it really hard to come up with enough to say to put in a post, without it sounding like a diary. I was never one to keep a ... This isn't it, but it's basically the same idea. I know I wouldn't want to be a pro blogger.

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Last Answer : try to tell all people you know…to ask those people to tell people they know and so on so on… then some kind of popularity will come :) this will be a part…but you need FABULOUS design and few people working with creating interesting topics!

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Last Answer : Tumblr

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Last Answer : Blogging is the act of posting content on ablog.