What are the advantages and disadvantages of being self employed?

1 Answer

Answer :

My wife and I recently started our own business. We offer Discount Dental and Health Benifits to individuals, households and businesses. I can truly say that in building our business I can see the long term advantages of spending more time with my family and working towards financial independence. Plus the awesome feeling of helping others by offering them a dynamic product at the same time. But keep in mind that with any business, there will be periods of highs and lows, so you must be prepared for that as well. Also overhead within your business is a reality, but that is part of the process in investing in yourself and in growing your business. If you are interested in learning more about our cost saving benefits such as our Dental Plus program for $19.95 per month for the Entire household or our Healthcare Program for $49.95 per mo. for the Entire household, then visit us at http://www.everyonebenefits.com/smeans. You can call us toll free at 1-877-239-7549.

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Last Answer : I’m pretty sure Fedora incurs some sort of cost- maybe only to corporate users or something I’m a long time fan of Ubuntu- so much so that I never looked into Fedora.

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Last Answer : Tax avoidance

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Last Answer : There is not enough gold or silver available unless their value was extremely inflated.

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Last Answer : I have lots of thoughts about this, but I need you to be more specific. What kind of alternative work arrangements are you thinking of?

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Last Answer : Do you mean college, or are you referring to elementary or high school aged children? If you are talking about the younger folks, I have had both the public and private experience: public school for ... don't have to pay a lot to get a good education, but private school has its benefits.

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Last Answer : They save water but they don’t flush as well. Mine tend to clog more often the my older model water wasters.

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Last Answer : First question should be, “where do you live?” If there is a chance you will be doing solar in the future then I would go with electric. Natural Gas is NOT an option?

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Last Answer : Well, it’s not all that new. Currently it’s the fastest browser and there are advantages to isolating tabs. However, I still use firefox for the addons.

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