everytime my friend comes over her and my brother stay up when i fall asleep and

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Description : 12 Top Tips to Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep Longer

Last Answer : How many times have you found yourself lying awake in bed, long after bedtime, just waiting to drift off - or worse, trying to force yourself to sleep? Most of us will have trouble getting to ... medical problem, so see a doctor if your sleep disturbances continue for more than a couple of weeks.

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Last Answer : have you tried sports or any extra curricular activity? Im sure it us tough as a kid to feel part of a group. For me it was sports. It made me feel like I was part of something, and I was, so in return I made alot if friends

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Last Answer : When you say she is crying for extended periods, are you going in and soothing her? When we did the transistion from cosleeping to crib sleeping, we tried a lot of different ways .I even got into the ... same time for naps as we did for bed time. At that age, children need a strict bedtime routine.

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Last Answer : answer:How about saying , hey, what's going on with your brother, I heard he got arrested fro not paying child support. That way, you are asking her as if you assume she knows. And when you ... can say you know his behavior bugs her, but wanted to make sure her nieces and nephews are okay too.

Description : Do you sometimes wish you could fall asleep and just never wake up again?

Last Answer : answer:Many, many times. The first in my recollection was the eve of my 12th birthday, when I prayed for God to have mercy and take me in my sleep. I lost my faith when I woke up the ... reach out to the collective for insight and advice on the situations that are overwhelming you. Hang in there!

Description : As you're starting to fall asleep, do you get kind of an advanced warning that you're going to have a nightmare so you can wake yourself up?

Last Answer : Wow, no, I’ve never experienced it. You’re kind of lucky you have that kind of warning system. The closest I’ve ever come is half waking up during a nightmare and knowing I shouldn’t go back to sleep until my head is filled with happy thoughts.

Description : Do you wake up with the same mood that you fall asleep with?

Last Answer : I’m not a morning person, so I would say no. Certainly, if I’ve had bizarre dreams when I wake up I’m very tired. I also think that my mood fluctuates depending on how I’m waking up. Did I oversleep… is it due to a jarring sound, etc.

Description : How do you get up? I fall asleep every day. I press the alarm and sleep on. Then I wake up and watch what time it is.

Last Answer : You probably don't get along so well when you sing again and again. Give yourself an alarm so you don't touch him from the bed. And set your alarm for a more realistic time - a time when you really need to get up. ;-)

Description : How long do you take to fall asleep?

Last Answer : Too long

Description : What are the types of videos/podcasts you use to watch/hear and fall asleep?

Last Answer : Sports podcasts! The best for falling asleep imo. Interesting (to me) but not always so riveting that I want to stay awake to listen

Description : My sleep pattern has changed a lot and for a week now I have been sleeping for 4-5 hours during the day and I can't fall asleep at night. What can I do and can I die from it?

Last Answer : Well yes, but it has to be going on for some time, and sometimes it's a sign of an underline health issue that's the real threat. Of course, lack of sleep can cause dangers because you may get drowsy when driving ... 1030 or 11. When I'm busy all day, I can actually be in bed by 11pm and up by 8.

Description : What never fails to help you fall asleep at night?

Last Answer : fan sound

Description : Is it only when you think you have a concussion that you shouldn't fall asleep?

Last Answer : With concussions, I have experienced twice in my life, it is adviced to wake the person every two to three hours. But they were allowed to sleep. Talking about cases some twenty years ago, don’t know what the medical world says about that these days.

Description : Are females more likely to fall asleep during a movie?

Last Answer : Are they more likely than men? ...

Description : How can I persuade my "monkey mind" to let me fall asleep?

Last Answer : Don’t Fluther within two hours of sleeping. No tv either. Make your bed only for sleeping. I like Having a glass of tapwater, and an ensure. I used to listen to coast to coast am on the radio from 1–5am when ever I can’t sleep.

Description : Why is it that whenever I try to work on my computer, I fall asleep.

Last Answer : Don’t sit in front of the computer. Easy.

Description : Did your rescue dog fall asleep in the car driving to his new home and why?

Last Answer : No, but my one eyed rescue goose “Sonora” rode all the way home on a 2 hour drive standing in a wicker laundry basket with his head peeking out strapped into the front seat of my car. haha He was very happy to go swimming in his new pool and have a refreshing salad when he got to his new home.

Description : What do you think someone's responsibility should be if they fall asleep on the job with a disastrous result (for example killing people)?

Last Answer : I think he should have criminal charges brought up. Maybe I’m harsh but that’s where I’m at.

Description : How to fall asleep SUPER fast?

Last Answer : Hot milk or dark turkey meat. Hot milk is usually easier to find in the house. Also, turn off the lights. Don't be sending your mind mixed messages with the stimulation of the computer and/or bright lights ... a cell phone on in your room. It can alter your brain waves and make it harder to sleep.

Description : Why do I lose my train of thought if I turn my head at night when I'm trying to fall asleep?

Last Answer : You left rem sleep and your parasympathetic nervous system kicked in

Description : I had too much caffeine this afternoon and now I can't fall asleep. What to do?

Last Answer : Drink some warm milk. Tell each body part to relax and tell your mind in a meditative way, it’s OK to rest

Description : Why can't I ever sleep in when I fall asleep drunk?

Last Answer : Perhaps it’s your body telling you that alcohol is really a toxin. As you age, you are more vulnerable to problems since your kidneys and liver become slightly more inefficient every year you continue to breathe.

Description : What can you do to fall asleep in the middle of the day?

Last Answer : White noise…foam insert in mattress.

Description : Whether or not you prefer the TV on when falling asleep, what program/film could you fall asleep to - and what would make it difficult?

Last Answer : I can fall asleep to animal shows on Nat Geo, especially if they’re narrated by an actor with a soothing voice, like James Earl Jones.

Description : Did you, like me, fall asleep to the tunes of Simon and Garfunkel? Favourite song of theirs?

Last Answer : Fragile by Sting

Description : Does anyone know why certain voices can relax someone to the point they fall asleep?

Last Answer : answer:In high school, I had a lady elder art teacher that lullabied me to sleep each day. First, we could barely understand her, since she talked so low. Second, she spoke in a constant ... since this class was after lunch and the combination was responsible. We did not have NoDoz back then.

Description : How can I fall asleep?

Last Answer : It's good that you recognize that there is a problem. If your college has a counseling or guidance center, go talk to someone about learning better organizational and study habits so you are studying ... all-nighters. Reduce your caffeine and soft drink intake; that can mess with your sleep cycle.

Description : How long does it take you to fall asleep?

Last Answer : Usually 20 minutes to 2 hours; I’m not a good “winder-down.”

Description : My feet, legs, and hands fall asleep really easily. What is this called, and what might it be a symptom of?

Last Answer : Could be poor circulation. There’s a lot of things that can cause that, including just being predisposed to it.

Description : Best type of Music to fall asleep to?

Last Answer : answer:Then I guess the best type of music for you to fall asleep by is techno-esque, whatever that is. Are you open to any other suggestions? Anything hints as to possible non-techno-esque things that we can ... , no umlaut on that one, the Koln, that is. I don't know how to umlaut on fluther)

Description : Has anyone clearly figured out why our legs fall asleep on the toilet?

Last Answer : It takes courage and strength to take a great dump. And so, even the strongest shall do battle with all their might pon’ the seat o’ the Porcelain God.

Description : Is it dangerous to let your limbs fall asleep?

Last Answer : You risk nerve damage if your limbs fall sleep often, I think.

Description : Do most people fall asleep when listening to music?

Last Answer : I find most noises to be distracting when trying to fall asleep. I can fall asleep to a white noise, but I prefer not to. Music I think would not help me sleep at all…

Description : How to fall asleep (at an unusual time)?

Last Answer : How about smoking Hash? (srsly) You live in the netherlands, you know…

Description : You fall asleep in the arms of the one you love under the stars, you both wake to a glorious sunrise, what would be something that could burst this bubble of loveliness?

Last Answer : Been there, done that, eaten by mosquitos. Not a high-toned answer, I know, but it really blew the ambiance.

Description : Why does my kitty fall asleep while kneading?

Last Answer : it’s like when humans get a massage, they close their eyes but aren’t necessarily asleep. my babies do this too. i think they just are enjoying themselves.

Description : Does anyone know how and why your feet fall asleep?

Last Answer : The majority of time it is actually related to nerves and their blood supply. If you are a younger jelly it is a bit uncommon to have all these things happening. There is something called Hereditary ... might have something akin to this. As we get older we all have more problems with this stuff.

Description : My legs, feet, and hands fall asleep really fast. Why is this, and what can I do for it?

Last Answer : Usually people tell you to ignore peripheral neuropathies unless there is something organic going on, but this sounds like it is distressing you, so maybe a call to a neurologist is in order.

Description : Right leg feeling like it's about to fall asleep; very uncomfortable. What could this be?

Last Answer : restless leg syndrome?

Description : Can anyone give me some good chill songs that I can fall asleep to?

Last Answer : The one I use

Description : It is 4 30am and I am still awake. I've tried every trick that I know of to fall asleep. Any advice?

Last Answer : Have you tried… cough um… you know… relieving some stress cough cough nudge nudge wink wink

Description : What song makes you fall asleep?

Last Answer : Silence.

Description : How can I not fall asleep while drinking?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t Spring Break over? Perhaps, mixing it with an energy drink? Jaeger/Red Bull?

Description : What happens when you fall asleep while taking notes?

Last Answer : Maybe it’s like sleep walking.I knew someone who made a ham sandwich while asleep.Anything is possible ;)—the idea of it is fascinating—You could get so much done!lol!

Description : What are some things that I can read or watch on the Internet to help me fall asleep?

Last Answer : Turning off the Internet will help you fall asleep.

Description : What are some soothing sounds that have helped you relax and fall asleep?

Last Answer : The sound of my fan puts me to sleep every night.

Description : Do you go to sleep at night, or do you literally just fall asleep, not always even making it to bed?

Last Answer : I used to wake up several times at night. Since I started using my cell phone alarm clock, and unplugged the other clock, I've been sleeping better. However, I snore like a man. I can fall asleep any time, ... in a car with someone else driving I can only sleep when I'm driving. I need to see a Dr

Description : What kinds of things can i do to make me fall asleep at night?

Last Answer : warm milk. turn off the tv and computer at least 30min before you want to go to bed. create a “go to bed” routine, so that your mind and body get in that mode and “know” it’s time to go to sleep. don’t eat a big meal before bedtime.

Description : Why does my right leg always fall asleep on the toilet?

Last Answer : Maybe you are keeping it still for too long and are trapping a nerve thus making it go numb. A solution would be to move it around every few minutes to avoid this or try to find a new position to sit on the toilet that relieves some strain on the leg.

Description : What helps you fall asleep?

Last Answer : I usually have no problem falling asleep. Otherwise… weed, Nyquil, or the Norco I got for my broken ankle.