on mac os x mail ad-free inbox will not close

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Description : How do I fix my inbox in Mail on Mac?

Last Answer : Sounds like you don't have your IMAP folders set up correctly. Gmail has it's own ideas about how you should do this, so I would consult their help documents for more assistance. The basics of IMAP are ... possible. Just select some text, Ctrl + Click (or right click) it, and create a new to-do.

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Last Answer : I just figured it out. Never mind…

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Last Answer : Or did I mean DRAM or SDRAM?

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Last Answer : In your gmail you can set up that only forward the messages from now on and not all of them. Because then it will try to send all the thousand and thousand messages to your phone and it will almost never end. So set up in the POP3 settings what I said, and delete everything from the iPhone.

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Last Answer : answer:This is an overly complex and slow method but if you find nothing else, you could 1) sign up for a Gmail account 2) open it up via IMAP in outlook 3) drag your mail into it 4) go to ... and 6) drag it out to a local folder. Again, not the smartest way to go but is possibility nonetheless.

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Last Answer : Not sure about that one. Mine’s shows up in Inbox with is a branch of All Mail.

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Last Answer : Instead of clicking the trash can to delete the items, have you tried clicking on ‘Finder’ in the top left & then clicking, ‘Secure Empty Trash’? See if that works in deleting the files.

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Last Answer : answer:This is one of Steam's weaknesses. A less-than-perfect solution from the Steam Forum follows: Move the Folder of steam in ~/Library/Application\ Support/ to the new location (ie. / ... Steam\ Support/Steam in Terminal. Replace ~/Applications/Steam with the path which you moved the files.

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Last Answer : Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windows: Option-Command-T (source)

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Last Answer : Use a Dutch proxy for those sites that you want to see as dutch. (You can probably use your own proxy.) I use a French proxy when I want to browse in French. Been doing it for years. Or you can run two browsers, Firefox and Safari with each set to use one language only.

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Last Answer : If you have the required software, here’s a guide If you don’t, you can run it in a virtual machine As you can probably tell, lifehacker makes me happy.

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Last Answer : You could try this It is kinda clunky and will take a few minutes to figure out. It won't list the words you use most but you can supply it with a word and it will tell you how many times you ... perfect but but it could help. This would be doable with some scripting but I don't want to write one.

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Last Answer : Textwrangler: http://www.barebones.com/products/TextWrangler/ Cyberduck: http://cyberduck.ch/ Other than graphics editing, that’s all I use =)

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Last Answer : Right click or command click. It gets you this. http://imgur.com/MQBv8.png

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Last Answer : I don’t know if this might help: http://gizmodo.com/5156903/how-to-hackintosh-a-dell-mini-9-into-the-ultimate-os-x-netbook

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Last Answer : They have to be the same is version for the machine. For example a set of CDs for a MacBook won’t work in a mac. If you get the media and insert disc 1, restart and hold the c key. When the welcome screen comes up select the HD and then select utilities at the top. Password change is in there :-)

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Last Answer : Hmm. I haven’t tried keyboard shortcuts but multiclutch is great for gestures (although firefox now natively supports them. PS there’s an update for firefox.

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Last Answer : Select the group of files. Right click on them while pressing the option key. Select “Show Inspector”.

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Last Answer : Go for the Terminal! Compress Files in Mac OS X Terminal, UNIX Wikipedia agrees, gzip is better than zip: gzip is not to be confused with the ZIP archive format, which also ... , because it compresses files individually and cannot take advantage of redundancy between files (solid compression).

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Last Answer : Keep going until you see a menu bar at the top and select Disk Utility. You haven’t reinstalled the OS. When you’re done with the utility, select Restart from the Apple Menu and eject the disk.

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Last Answer : Sounds like his permissions got jacked up. I’d run Disk Utility on the drive and repair permissions. In theory, the entire drive could’ve been selected and under Get Info, you could change folder permissions for all enclosed items to something different if you were logged in as an Admin.

Description : What are the differences between Mac OS X Leopard and Mac OS X Snow Leopard?

Last Answer : There will be a few differences. This time Apple will put a pause on hundreds on new features and this time just focus on speed and functionality. It will also support Microsoft Exchange. Check it out.

Description : How can I get a window to be full screen in mac os x?

Last Answer : Nope. Can’t. Just stretch it by hand. Full screen windows is seriously an ailment that Windows users need to overcome. Learn to love the small windows that are efficient on screen real estate! Embrace them!

Description : When will Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) be released?

Last Answer : with some luck it will be WWDC 2009

Description : What is an application for Mac OS X that let's others view your desktop over the internet?

Last Answer : iChat does screen sharing. edit :: And it will share audio while displaying your screen. A fast internet connection is needed for it to be smooth. edit #2 :: And the software you might be thinking of ... Desktop. But that seems like overkill. If both of you are on OS X iChat should do the trick.

Description : Is there any application to better manage the Mac OS X top menu "real estate"?

Last Answer : Well I don't know if there are any apps like that out there but I would recommend making some of your system icons a little smaller, like changing the fast user switching icon, changing the battery icon ... think the only solution for you is to change the size of the icons you can and remove some.

Description : What's the best way to install Mac OS X Leopard on VMware Fusion?

Last Answer : Out of curiosity, may I ask why you are doing this? Is it on a linux box? Have you looked into other virtualization software like Parallels or VirtualBox to see if they will support it?

Description : What is the easiest way to make a bootable disk/image for Mac OS X?

Last Answer : Check out Carbon Copy Cloner.

Description : Media Player for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)?

Last Answer : I think Songbird is your best bet right now, IMO. It is a bit buggy, but it has watch folders and the like.

Description : Do you get iLife '08 when upgrading to Mac OS X Leopard?

Last Answer : I don't think so. Jobs said that it would be free w/ all new Macs, and $$ otherwise.

Description : What's a good PDF editor for Mac OS X?

Last Answer : i use graphic converter

Description : I need help changing a setting on Mac OS X...

Last Answer : I don't now, but can you drag those icons out the apple menu in the Trash?

Description : Is there a way to scan for viruses from Terminal.app in Mac OS X?

Last Answer : I really doubt that a virus is to blame. If you could share some of the symptoms maybe we could start troubleshooting from there.

Description : How to make a mac appear as a mountable hard drive to another mac under OS X?

Last Answer : Connect the two Macs using a firewire cable, then restart one of them and hold down the “T” key. The Mac will pretend to be a firewire hard drive.

Description : What's the best way to automatically backup folders in Mac OS X?

Last Answer : Sorry about the piss-poor grammar. I have had a shitty morning.

Description : Does Mac OS X contain multilangual speech recognition?

Last Answer : I know that all Macs have a large database for foreign languages. I set my computer to run both English & Mandarin (since I'm learning Mandarin). I would assume, since speech recognition is a ... Mic wont do anything. Change what languages the entire operating system runs on & that should do it.

Description : How to run Internet Explorer on Mac OS X?

Last Answer : get Firefox for the mac and then get the IE TAB extension for firefox