The easiest way to remove a layer of ice from the sidewalk? Sprinkle with salt?

1 Answer

Answer :

Scrape, salt, use heat.

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Last Answer : My first thought is the urban road maintenance department is really subpar in her town. On second reading I think she has poor dating skills and falls for any man (or women), and keeps getting burnt.

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Last Answer : I personally like palm trees. Japanese maples seem pretty good as well.

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Description : Can I plant stuff in the area between the curb and the sidewalk?"?

Last Answer : You’d get a notice first if they decided to do anything at all. They’re not going to come and remove your plants in the night like thieves. It seems like such a minor thing anyway. If your flora arrangement is tasteful, I don’t see why anyone would have an issue with it.

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Last Answer : I’d love to know the answer… I notice this all the time in my town.

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Last Answer : I think it’s just the same. Like you said, most people tend to veer to the right in the U.S., I would imagine most people in England veer to the left when walking…but it’s also only most of the time (as you pointed out). I wouldn’t say this is concrete, though.

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Last Answer : could you make the sidewalk smaller or move it over or curve it.

Description : what causes lines of dead grass and holes along the foundation and edge of sidewalk?

Last Answer : Mice or rats make holes near the foundation. You might need to but bait down the holes and push down with a stick. and then fill the holes in with dry cement.........if this does not ... store also has a add the bait and lock it like the stores have...............

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Last Answer : Asphalt can get so hot. Somewhere I read that in 47-degree air, the temperature of the asphalt was 75 degrees, and the eggs could already be fried on it. It was somewhere in Amcsik.   

Description : Hello, I need advice on sidewalk maintenance at my house. My specific question is whether I can write a request or a complaint to our municipal office to stop keeping my sidewalk at my house. I know it sounds ... ... We clueless ... or is there a chance? Can you advise ..? Thank you, Žaneta

Last Answer : Yes, it is possible to enter into an agreement with the municipality that you will maintain this part of the sidewalk at your own expense. If the municipality agrees, there is nothing to stop it. If someone has damaged your property, you can claim compensation.

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Last Answer : asphalt is usually is black, and the color black takes in and stores more heat rather than a concrete sidewalk because it has a lighter color.

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Last Answer : How to Build a Sidewalk Building your own sidewalk may seem daunting, but it's a project that's totally worth doing. A sidewalk can help spare your lawn grass from getting trodden on, and ... the surface texture and traction. Remove the forms after three days and backfill the edges of the sidewalk.