1 Answer

Answer :

No, it's not possible. It's nonsense

Related questions

Description : Hello, please for your advice. Is it possible to injure it when it is enlarged and it is palpable across the abdomen and right where it is still in the abdomen, so we slam the corner of the tablet? But just a little and it doesn't hurt at all? Please advise me a lot and then feel free to delete it.

Last Answer : No. It changes possible. It's all nonsense.

Description : Is it possible to injure myself so as to reveal a latent talent?

Last Answer : This was achieved in the movie, Kung Fu Hustle. The main character gained kung fu mastery, only after receiving the beating of a lifetime. Good luck!

Description : While mixing sand, gravel, and cement for the foundation of a house, a worker noticed a small bird hopping along the top of the foundation wall. The bird misjudged a hop and fell down one of the holes ... . What would be the easiest way to get the bird out of the hole without injuring it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Since they had plenty of sand available, they could pour a little at a time into the hole. The bird would constantly keep shifting its position so that it stood on the rising sand.

Description : How big would a box full of packing peanuts have to be to injure someone from an impact?

Last Answer : Whatever weight is considered to be able to hurt a male adult in general. There’s too many factors. Did he see it fall and try to catch it? Did the corner of the box hit him in the eye? Where did it hit his body?

Description : Did I injure my catfish?

Last Answer : If you have a vet who knows about fish, or at least a really good aquarium store, you might ask them what you need to do to minimize the chance of infection. Then all you can do is hope he heals fine.

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Last Answer : By accident, I snipped off the tip of my thumb with scissors.

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Last Answer : Yes.

Description : What does Injure mean ?

Last Answer : Injure means injured.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : High Yield Explosive

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Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : Is It True That If You Cut A Cat's Whiskers They Will Bump Into Walls And Become Unoriented?

Last Answer : Yes, this is how they gauge width and what they cant fit through. They’re like curb finders on cars. They won’t lose their equilibrium though.

Description : If I take out my cartilage piercing because I have a bump, do I have to get it repierced?

Last Answer : After five years of taking out my pierced earrings I was able to still use the original piercing holes OK. If the piercing holes were not healed then I would see a problem of it healing over the ... in again, BUT use gold ones ,usually the gold thin ring that does not cause infections or reactions.

Description : What can I do for a tiny, painful bump on my lower inner lip?

Last Answer : Sounds like transient lingual papillitis or, as most of us call it, a lie bump. Little fuckers hurt, but they’re harmless and heal on their own.

Description : Should I be worried about this bump on my back that is changing colors and itchy?

Last Answer : If it bothers you, see a dermatologist and have it removed. Do you worry it?

Description : Isn't it a myth that having a small baby bump during your pregnancy means your baby will be small?

Last Answer : Yeah my wife had this when she was pregnant with both my son & my daughter. It depends on your frame, if you're lean/slim with what the docs like to refer to as a long trunk, basically your abdomen, then ... out of small packages & I was right :¬) My son weighed in at 7lbs 4oz, my daughter 7lbs 8oz.

Description : What is this sore red bump on my eyelash line?

Last Answer : It sounds like you have a stye, I have had them before its kind of a zit or acne in the eye. Put warm compresses on it and it should bring what is in there to a head and draw it out. If ... needed the medication to get ride of it but it may just minor for you. Its really nothing too too serious.

Description : Bump or Hoccer? Which is better for Android?

Last Answer : Personally, I dislike Hoccer for group-shares as the “frisbee” motion is a little risky for those of us with pricey phones and questionable dexterity. Aside from that though, Hoccer is superior to Bump in many ways.

Description : If you are ever alone in your house at night do you occasionally feel spooked when things go bump in the night?

Last Answer : answer:The only things that go bump in the night over here are the raccoons trying to break in the kitty door. lol Although, like the other night the coyotes made a kill right below my bedroom window ... for the other night. lol I have zero fear of any sort of intruders out here, highly unlikely.

Description : Bump in my lip and on my finger?

Last Answer : answer:The bump on your finger is probably a callus. I have had one for decades, at the same spot, due to the way in which I held (and still hold) a pen or pencil. You can use a little callus file on it. As for the bump on the inside of your lip, check with your dentist or orthodontist.

Description : What is this bump on my lip?

Last Answer : do you bite your bottom lip? I had the same thing and went to the doctor about it and that is what it was a lump due to me constantly putting pressure on my lip i still get it sometimes but it ... could be something else of course, why don't you get it checked out just to be on the safe side?

Description : Reasons for a white bump in your mouth?

Last Answer : My “guess” is it is a canker sore that should be treatable with OTC treatments. But as with all net forum advice let your Dr. be the one to tell you what to do!! I like this product here… http://www.thefind.com/beauty/browse-kanka-mouth

Description : Is it my anxiety or does the stuff that goes bump in the night like me?

Last Answer : I don’t have a myspace account so…maybe you not ill but having side effects from the pills you were taking…try not studing on the paranormal if it causes problems….

Description : What is this bump on my tongue and how do I get rid of it?

Last Answer : My Mother calls them lie bumps ;) But probably just from eating too much salt. I get little sores on my tongue if I’ve had a lot of salt. So strange!

Description : What could this recurring bump in my ear be?

Last Answer : Real Doctor time, @Facade. Don’t mess around. Shilolo or DR. C will answer you – but have it checked out, dear. Please. ZEN OUT

Description : Anyone here ever hit their head so hard that you felt your brain bump?

Last Answer : I've done it once, when I hit my head directly in the center of my temple. I could have sworn, like you, that I could feel my brain hit the opposite side of my head. That reminds me that I hit my ... closest thing to me, which happened to be my bed, out of pure instinct. It hurt like a mother*@#*&#!

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Last Answer : On motorbikes or bicycles or cars or power unicycles?

Description : When did this Hollywood "baby bump" obsession begin?

Last Answer : i really dont know but i wonder it too cause when i read the news of magazine lots of them is pregnant! Is it a fashion or what!?

Description : What is a bump exposure?

Last Answer : Have you googled? That is what I would do if I were to try to answer this. (But I am going to make a cold black and white bean sald w. lime coriander vinaigrette for 20 people, instead.)

Description : What's this bump behind my ears?

Last Answer : Where on her arm is your sister’s bump? Offhand, I’d think it’s a lymph node/gland. Maybe a hive?

Description : Why is the High Five losing out to the Fist Bump?

Last Answer : Isn’t the fist bump more pirate, though?

Description : When is a bump like a hat? -Riddles

Last Answer : When it is felt.

Description : When I bump one end of a long metal bar, the other end instantaneously moves. Can I use this to send messages faster than light? -Space

Last Answer : When you bump one end of a long metal bar, the other end does not instantaneously move. The movement would be instantaneous if the bar were perfectly rigid, but perfectly rigid materials are fundamentally ... the bar does not permanently deform). Source: wtamu.edu by Sir Christopher S Baird......

Description : Should I be worried about a bump by my nose ring?

Last Answer : I got a nose ring 4 days ago and it's the first person I've ever gotten, so I'm not quite familiar with them. A small bump started forming on one side of the outside, but it's not that defined ... only form on one side of the piercing. Should I be concerned or reach out to a doctor or a piercer?

Description : What is the meaning of the sentence ? Maximum bump frequency per user in hours: ”40“ I saw this in one place on my site. What does that mean ?

Last Answer : Just a plugin called Bump is active on your site. That plugin will work for 40 hours per user. This means that each bump will run for 40 hours

Description : Eyelid bump?

Last Answer : DefinitionMost bumps on the eyelid are styes. A stye is an inflamed oil gland on the edge of your eyelid, where the lash meets the lid. It appears as a red, swollen bump that looks like a ... oil gland becomes fully blocked. If a chalazion gets large enough, it can cause trouble with your visio

Description : Will any car DVD player prevent skipping when you hit a bump in the road?

Last Answer : The Delphi MV10018 Car DVD Player offers shock anti skip technology.

Description : Which car DVD player wont skip if I hit a bump?

Last Answer : Look for shock proof dvd players, they wont skip when you hit a bump.

Description : What is the definition of bump in volleyball?

Last Answer : Putting hands toghether with your two thums pointing could be used for bumping or serving

Description : I have a sore throat , should I use nebanal powder ? My penis was sore ,,,, then I started using nebanal powder there ,,, !! Cos used to come out from the first wound, then it stopped because of ... it possible for me to get better ? Or should I change ? And what are the symptoms of wound healing ?

Last Answer : Yes, you can apply this powder on a regular basis. I hope you will find a solution. And do not water or soak the wound. Keep the wound dry and clean. If necessary, clean it with lukewarm ... day and give this nebanal powder. And take antibiotics as soon as possible with the advice of a doctor.

Description : On average red blood cells live around 120 days. The spleen is the main organ where old red blood cells are destroyed. During the red blood cell destruction the heme groups turn into bilirubin and this substance is then captured by the liver and later excreted in the bowels as part of the bile.

Last Answer : What are the functions of the spleen?

Description : Which one of the following organs converts glycogen into glucose and purifies the blood? (1) Liver (2) Kidney (3) Lungs (4) Spleen

Last Answer : (1) Liver Explanation: Liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder. Liver is the largest gland in the body.

Description : Which one of the following organs converts glycogen into glucose and purifies the blood? (1) Liver (2) Kidney (3) Lungs (4) Spleen

Last Answer : Liver

Description : A man goes into a diner. The man orders a plate, a match, a lemon wedge, and a glass of water. The waiter comes back with the mans bizzare order. The man dumps the water on the plate, and leaves ... man. The waiter walked out $100 richer that night, how? (Hint : The $100 wasnt in tips.) -Riddles

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

Description : Is there a computer desk on the market that will fit into the corner of a smaller room?

Last Answer : There are plenty of corner desks. Check Staples, they have plenty of corner desks.

Description : What is the function of the spleen?

Last Answer : A: The spleen is an organ located in the abdomen that filters blood and removes old or damaged red blood cells and platelets from circulation. It also plays a role in immune function by producing and storing white blood cells.

Description : What is the function of the spleen?

Last Answer : A: The spleen filters the blood, removes old or damaged red blood cells, and plays a role in the immune system by producing and storing white blood cells.

Last Answer : This is simply not the case. With sore throats, heels do not hurt either.