Sometimes I think about these.

1 Answer

Answer :

Creation is a complex thing. We humans also create. Regardless, I believe that all creation starts directly or indirectly from the Creator. I don’t write God because we humans have created so many “Gods,” we have committed many evils throughout our history and in God’s name. When someone guesses e.g. a new phone is unlikely to make a product directly from him. Nevertheless, it is indisputable that it has an important role to play in its creation. However, a lot of people are involved in the creation itself. The creation of man also began more precisely with God than the Creator, but many participated in the process of creation. These could be e.g. Also UFOs created sacred by the creator. According to Petrov, who is a very effective healer, six galaxies are involved in the creation of man.

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Last Answer : There are courses related to the topic:

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Last Answer : close scrutiny of the corruptive realities would convince any aliens advanced beyond us to restrict this planet from any association with more “civilized” places.

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Last Answer : Tits.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it’s safe to say the human response will be to shoot first and ask questions of whatever you can find afterward, all in the name of national security. I do think it’s nice that one of your neighbors is friendly, though, even while in the middle of a fight.

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Last Answer : I don't envision the type of clothes we have, if any at all. Clothes evolved from coverings that kept people warm/ gave them shelter, so I imagine that the aliens' clothes would have evolved from ... More like mucus coverings or something it depends on their form. Am I being too analytical of this?

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Last Answer : I believe that there could be alien life out there, because the space is so huge and we've nowhere near mapped all of it yet. We haven't found anything, but that also doesn't rule out the ... a wikipedia entry). I don't think it's plausible that we've found any advanced alien life forms.

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Last Answer : My mom.

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Last Answer : Sure, if I’m an arrogant idiot.

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Last Answer : No where. Too much chance of messing up the timeline by going backwards. When you get back the world may be changed forever. As for going forward, I would not want to know what if any disasters will befall us anytime within my natural life, and past that it doesn’t matter to me anyway.

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Last Answer : A lot less work would be being done.

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Last Answer : IT DOESN'T TO ME EITHER :D:D:D:D I'm glad someone's finally brought this up. I'd love to see a UV detector, like different shades. Filter out the known stars and see what else is giving ... and it was say 3 million light years away, then anything we're detecting now happened 3 million years ago!

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Last Answer : it seems are utizer does not work on aliens

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Last Answer : Imagine explaining TikTok.

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Last Answer : They wouldn’t get the “in” jokes of the nation. “No soup for you!” Going commando. The theme song (or actually, whistle tune) from Andy Griffith.

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Last Answer : Their hydro-electric systems are the sheeeeeet.

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Last Answer : Oh, give me a break. What’s the difference?

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Last Answer : The concept of “undocumented immigrants” didn’t exist back then. No La Migra. So, no.

Description : Do you think Area 51 really is a hiding place for aliens and their air craft?

Last Answer : Yes and no. Yes, I do believe that there is a place where the US has stored secrets like aliens and their aircraft. No, I doubt it is at Area 51 - I think that the place, wherever ... (although probably not Roswell, NM) I also doubt we will ever know about it unless something seriously bad happens.

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Last Answer : Slime moulds. Single cell organisms that can collect themselves together to form a multicellular organism and then convert back to single cell.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't even see the connection. Religion is largely about coping with death and rationalizing a place in the universe. I'd sooner expect religion to inspire a crusade or jihad ... religion. Okay, could extraterrestrial life inspire changes in religion? Sure. But disappearance? Very doubtful.

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Last Answer : I too, long before Miss Drescher herself did so, thought that she was abducted by aliens.

Description : Do you think aliens have ever visited Earth?

Last Answer : Sure, in bacterial form… but if you’re asking about sentient beings like you and me… nope.

Description : Do you think there are really ALIENS in area 51?

Last Answer : Well, if there aren’t, then I don’t know why they are authorized to shoot you for getting near the base. Maybe they are baking nuclear cookies or something.

Description : Do you think people, in this day and age, would look upon aliens from outer space coming down to earth as a POSITIVE thing?

Last Answer : I think if it became a certainty, so that no one could question whether an alien truly had landed, the world's governments would react in the extreme, trying to eradicate the aliens or ... fall into one of the above extremes with a significant number being relatively apathetic of the situation.

Description : If in a million years, when all humans are extinct and aliens dicover earth, and they're looking through all the rubble, what do you think they will conclude about humans?

Last Answer : A sad and lost species with no real direction. Unless they find a little android child in the ice off the coast of New York, then they could see we are not only sad but also violent and self-destructive.

Description : Does anyone think aliens exist?

Last Answer : Some do. I haven’t seen any.

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Last Answer : Soon...

Description : What sci-fi/technothriller books, or the like, have robotic UFOs, robotic aliens, and plan to turn humans into/merge humans with robots?

Last Answer : There is of course the Borg from Star Trek, the Cybermen from Doctor Who, and if organics are allowed, perhaps the Thing, from “the Thing”.

Description : Will human civilization survive if space aliens take away our internet?

Last Answer : Yes, we would survive. Doubt we would survive if they took away our phones…

Description : Should aliens in fiction not be depicted as almost always naked?

Last Answer : Not necessarily. The embarrassment of nudity is a later development, as body coverings were originally developed as protection.

Description : When you picture aliens, what do they look like?

Last Answer : Snoop dawg but short

Description : Would Rick Santorum be in favor of undocumented aliens carrying guns?

Last Answer : There have been instances already, where the good guy with a gun (black, coincidentally'), was gunned down by the cops when they showed up. Apart from the obvious fact that the arriving coppers ... revealed that they are, as usual, full of shit, the propaganda damage will have already been done.