Do you think there are ghosts? Have you ever had any experience?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes at some level. There have been strange things in my environment, but for example, I don’t believe they’ll attack you and bite you, and so on.

Related questions

Description : They say "ghosts are real" but I don't believe it. What is your opinion about ghosts?

Last Answer : I don't know, I had one experience that oddly felt like my grandfather winking at me in my home. My husband believes, as he and his family supposedly lived in a haunted house. In the end, I ... want to believe but like crystals and moon water, I don't take it seriously at all, just entertainment.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : No not really, BUT I do think my grandpa came and helped me with something in a ghostly form, since I saw a whisp of something. My husband insists they exist as he lived in a haunted house.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I have seen three in my life. The experiences could not be explained otherwise. One time was not scary, but the other two were hair-raising.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : answer:I think that when things go bump in the night one’s imagination can get the best of them. I don’t believe in ghosts or any other form of supernatural beings. I did watch a movie recently called Grave Encounters that was pretty good.

Description : Do you believe in Ghosts?

Last Answer : No

Description : Do you believe in Ghosts?

Last Answer : I leave a sliver of speculation open that there may be something paranormal that I don’t understand in this regard. But mostly, no.. because I’ve yet to experience anything remotely ghostly and the accounts of those who have are always sketchy.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts [read details before answering]?

Last Answer : No. No. N/A

Description : Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, ESP, psychics or any other supernatural phenomena?

Last Answer : Seeing is believing, and as I have never seen myself, it makes it hard to believe.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts even if you haven't seen one and if you do, why?

Last Answer : Nope. I’m sure just like a lot of other random dumb beliefs: explanations for things where scientific inquiry wasn’t available.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts ? What if you saw one, what would you think then? (read details)

Last Answer : answer:I've had multiple experiences with things that I can't explain. That said, I still don't know if I believe in ghosts in the traditional sense of the word. I'm too uncomfortable sharing some of my ... 'd do it again, just because of my experiences. Would I do it alone, though? Hell no. :P

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : I don’t believe ghosts exist but there might be a possibility for dimensions, parallels, energies that we haven’t yet studied, conceptualized.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : I believe in fallen angels(demons) who masquerade as departed spirits of loved ones and friends to deceive the masses that there’s no heaven or hell, so that there’s no consequence for sins.

Description : My kids keep saying that they see ghosts, should i believe them?

Last Answer : Hmm you should devise a test, perhaps they saw a pic of him, you should find a way to get them to say what he is doing but try to steer what they say to find out if it is real or not. Also It may ... oil thing on the bored!!!!!!!! Creepy The point of this is, it might just have been a lucky guess.

Description : If you believe in ghosts can you tell me this?

Last Answer : I would say there are a few answers to this question. 1. First, not all spirits are here because of tragedy. It is only one possibility. Of course according to your example that would just add ... belief system wherever it comes from. But this is some information I have picked up about the topic.

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Last Answer : In the Matrix, it’s called residual self image.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : What is your definition of ghost?

Description : Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever encountered one? What was it like?

Last Answer : I tried to be open minded about it but honestly never believed in them until I worked in a building that had one and I actually saw him one night. The place was built on a civil war ... have died there guarding something because he's still guarding the place today. I saw his uniform and everything!

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : After working with dead people as long as I have been… Absolutely Not.

Description : People who believe in ghosts - how do you explain that many people claim to see CLOTHED ghosts?

Last Answer : I’VE HAD a pair of socks come back from the grave!!!

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : yes, I do. Dead people are just bodies… I think it’s more than leftover energy but I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say it was a “lost soul” or anything. I’m not entirely sure. I guess I’d be under the different beings category? I don’t know, but I do love me some Ghost Hunters.

Description : If you believe in satan, ghosts or demons but don’t believe in god will you say your reasoning behind why?

Last Answer : I don't believe in Satan or demons, but do ghosts, I've had several occurrences that can't be explained otherwise, and God there's no evidence just as Satan and demons, and if there is why do ... people with their interpretations. I don't believe in something I can't see or experience, explain....

Description : If you believe in satan, ghosts or demons but don’t believe in god will you say your reasoning behind why?

Last Answer : I don't believe in Satan or demons, but do ghosts, I've had several occurrences that can't be explained otherwise, and God there's no evidence just as Satan and demons, and if there is why do ... people with their interpretations. I don't believe in something I can't see or experience, explain....

Description : Whose opinion exist.

Last Answer : I personally do. I have had two experiences. It was little like that and it was great.

Description : Do you really think there are ghosts? Now I am not thinking of the fairy-tale characters in the sheets, but the souls stuck here and the like. Could the perceptions of this be real?

Last Answer : No.

Last Answer : Someone "eats" the fridge every night (almost every time) ...: o Do you know of any countermeasures? : D

Description : Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Answer : Over history, there are so many places that have reported ghosts living in buildings or the places being haunted. You will find people who have machines that go to these places and try and record the ... us after we die and it is possible that are spirts can remain here on earth for eternity.

Description : Redditors who hunt ghosts, what is that time you really got scared?

Last Answer : Oh I need to hear some of these stories

Description : How trivial could a ghost's "unfinished business" be?

Last Answer : Can extraterrestrial aliens become ghosts? I’m not convinced you have a soul.

Description : Where are the Ghosts of your Christmases Past today?

Last Answer : Even before Jeff died this would be way too painful to answer Well I can just say one other thing…missing my mom and sister.

Description : How do we classify ghosts?

Last Answer : Ghostbusters the movie(s) (and animated TV show?) was a comedy and being silly with its classifications. There's at least one role-playing game system based on Ghostbusters, which no doubt somewhere ... & groups & cultures who have categorized them in different ways. I hardly know where to begin.

Description : Are ghosts bothered when it rains?

Last Answer : The rain goes right through them. They are transparent.

Description : Are ghosts corporeal enough to activate a motion detector camera?

Last Answer : In order to figure out the answer to this question we would first have to firmly establish that ghosts do, in fact, exist. Then we would have to devise some means of empirical establishing their corporeality.

Description : Can images of ghosts be captured on digital cameras?

Last Answer : Yes. Any halloween costume can be captured using digital cameras.

Description : If Earth were destroyed by an asteroid or fell into a black hole, what would happen to ghosts and souls that supposedly are here?

Last Answer : The souls would be released to go to heaven as do the ghosts and spirits.

Description : What are the rules for ghosts moving on (crossing over)?

Last Answer : answer:Casper has lots of friends. But cartoon friendly ghosts don't follow ghost rules. Usually the ghost needs to resolve what ever led to their untimely death. That's not always possible, ... murderer dies from something unrelated. The ghost never gets resolved and just hangs out for eternity.

Description : How do ghosts move around? Teleportation? Do they move in human time/space?

Last Answer : However your imagination wants them to move around.

Description : What is your opinion regarding ghosts and 'shadow people'?

Last Answer : answer:If it truly exists, (the ghosts and demons), then I propose it is nothing remotely similar to what people actually believe it is. I suggest, if it truly exists, it is more in ... perfectly natural for it to happen. Not knowing why it happens is no excuse to claim supernatural attributes.

Description : Experiences with ghosts or spirits? Real or not?

Last Answer : answer:None lately… That I know of but that being said, they may very well be incognito? Damn ghosts, they’re so… Ghosty.

Description : Do ghost's really exist?

Last Answer : That’s mostly a personal opinion. Some believe, some don’t. I personally don’t.

Description : How can magnetic attraction best be used to create the impression of invisible ghosts á la Scooby Doo villainy?

Last Answer : answer:You say, “Invisible”. How does that work? What’s to see? Are you thinking of lifting people with magnets? I can’t imagine you’ll get that to work.

Description : Is it normal to be 26 yrs old and still be afraid of ghosts?

Last Answer : I don’t suppose it is any less normal than to be 67 and still have an irrational fear of spiders. The whole definition of irrational is without rational explanation.

Description : Why are most people afraid of ghosts?

Last Answer : Fear of the unknown. Also, if ghosts were real and malicious, how would you defend yourself against one? You would be helpless.

Description : If ghosts are made of energy, then why don't ghosts entropy or dissipate?

Last Answer : answer:Ghost myths simply don't adhere to the laws of science. If they were pure energy, they would also only last a certain amount of time thanks to Newton's Law of Exponential Decay. Anyone who ... if people want to believe in ghosts, but please don't muddy the name of science in the process.

Description : If ghosts aren't real, where does the energy go from someone who has passed away?

Last Answer : This is something I have always wondered myself. I’m going to hang around and see what other people have to say.

Description : Feeling the need to cry when talking about ghosts, what's this about?

Last Answer : Knowing that there are people who are so ignorant that they seriously believe in ghosts makes me cry.

Description : Do dogs see ghosts?

Last Answer : Yes, all dogs see ghosts. But they only see doggy ghosts.

Description : Your opinion on encounters with ghosts? Have you ever had one?

Last Answer : Continuing. I have a ghost of a Confeterate Sholdier living in my balcony room bedroom attick.

Description : Why do ghosts wear clothes?

Last Answer : I don’t think you’ve ever seen a ghost, and therefore don’t know what you’re talking aboot.

Description : Why are ghosts scarry?

Last Answer : ghosts are scarry because they still think there alive

Description : Does anyone think ghosts are real?

Last Answer : Yes they are, they are among us and everywhere.