Sometimes I wonder what it was like to live in my teens. If there was anyone who was young in those days, could you tell us about it?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think it could have been a lot better. There was no internet, there was a much better social life and everyone was much calmer. It wasn’t as big a rush as it is today.

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Last Answer :

Description : What's the name of the 80's fad toy that was like a pogo ball?

Last Answer : A Pogo Ball.

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Last Answer : Freud, Einstein and Da Vinci. Maybe Woody Allen, for various reasons at different times, including clarinet playing.

Description : Why do you like songs from the 80s?

Last Answer : good music transcends time

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Last Answer : Well, it was difficult to manage everything without the help of technology. For example, we had to keep track of our schedules manually and there was no way to quickly communicate with others without using the telephone.

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Last Answer : Their husbands died.

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Last Answer : I didn’t buy this with my own money, but my mom bought me a shower clock for the first house I ever bought in 1985. I still have it and it is still ticking. Thanks for asking this question!

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Last Answer : Raiders of the lost ark. I had a read a long audio book that I enjoyed listening too in kindergarten.

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Last Answer : Thinking you nailed it, especially with the last two.

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Last Answer : I would like to hear your theory.

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Last Answer : Jeff Bennett

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Last Answer : Not that I’m from the 70s or anything but thunder doesn’t only happen when it’s raining.

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Last Answer : Why were cars so slow in the 30s compared to modern times? Technology has changed and evolved. Both software and hardware developments such as the computer chip have made for both faster and smaller processors.

Description : Can you help me figure out the title of this animated series from the 80s?

Last Answer : Are you sure you were not on a mushroom bender and dreamed this up? lol Sorry…no, I do not remember anything like this, I will ask my daughter who is 26. I know… ask @Mimishu1995 ! —Thinking of that other Japanese cartoon with the kid that rode around on that giant white dog. haha

Description : G.I.Joe 80's action figures date?

Last Answer : answer:They aren't held together by rubber bands anymore. No matter how well they've been kept those rubber bands are probably dry as hell and a little brittle. They are originals. My brother-in-law ... . You said the tiny ones. Still originals. Date stamps are not retro'ed unless they're forged.

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Last Answer : Oh yeah from what I remember the voice sounded more like it would be a black/african american/your politically correct term here singer, not a white guy

Description : Need help figuring out the singer and title for this 80s song?

Last Answer : .

Description : What are the estimated year gaps to be considered a “80s baby"? ( Or 90s,00s,40s,70s,etc.)

Last Answer : answer:I was born five days before the ball dropped for 1986. I've never really known how to consider myself in that regard. Probably a 90s kid, since my most memorable childhood passions ... no 80s kid will remember spending all summer making replica Stick Stickleys out of their Bomb Pop wrappers.

Description : Can anyone identify this pink unicorn stuffed animal from the 80s?

Last Answer : Try looking through Google images for pink unicorn

Description : What is the name of song and who is the male artist that sang, I'm so f**cking lonely I could die. Late 70's or early 80's song?

Last Answer : answer:Elvis sings something similar in Heartbreak Hotel The refrain is: You make me so lonely, baby, I get so lonely, I get so lonely I could die.

Description : Were you an 80's baby?

Last Answer : Technically, I was an 80’s baby, but I don’t think I count for the purposes of your question as I did not grow up then :-p

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Last Answer : Probably not because while it may be true (and it may not be as I remember we school kids using them in the 1970s), it wouldn’t be the biggest characteristic of 80s kids. How about electronics becoming mainstream, new wave music generation?

Description : Did all the good music end in the mid-80s with Lionel Ritchie?

Last Answer : answer:Ya, he pretty much killed music. oh, wait. You like him? There are lots of good artists still producing great music. Damian Rice, Adele, Mumford and Sons.

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Last Answer : answer:Kingswood Country- Classic Australian Comedy

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Last Answer : Lear Jet.

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Last Answer : They were great times for both. I still listen to 90s music more than modern music. It all seemed so original I think is why.

Description : I want to play 80s video games through a projector. What's the cheapest system for doing this?

Last Answer : If you have an old X-box, you can hack it to play pretty much any 80’s game. My ex did it and now he can play pretty much any game he wants to, as long as it’s an old enough game. I’m not sure if the link is the method he used or not.

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Last Answer : Here’s a list so you can poick depending on ambiance and type of food.

Description : Looking for an 80's cartoon about a boy trying to avenge his father's death by killing the shark and retrieving the knife that his dad left in the shark.

Last Answer : There is a story called “Ghost of the Lagoon” apparently about a boy named Mako who wants to kill a shark named Tupa for revenge- this may be the subject of the cartoon. There’s a YouTube video if you Google this, but I can’t see the videos at work, so don’t know if it’s what you are looking for.

Description : Totally for fun. How good is your recall of the 80s?

Last Answer : Ugh. Taking forever to load.

Description : Can anyone help me recall a music video from the 80s?

Last Answer : It sounds like something the Eurythmics would have done in a video.

Description : Ideas for a mans outfit for a 80s theme club party?

Last Answer : IZOD polo shirt those leather slip on shoes sweater pulled over shoulder

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Last Answer : Splash

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Last Answer : Lol, being in Vegas and all I almost doubt that anyone would realize that you were dressed up for Halloween. I think that you can do whatever you want though. If you’re having fun then who cares!

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Last Answer : My dad was career FAA. I’ll ask and get back to you.

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Last Answer : what V said.

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Last Answer : As a Mom, I got riidculously into watching He-Man with my sons. My mother-buddy and I would actually discuss the plotlines together. hangs head in embarassment.

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Last Answer : This one?

Description : Can you identify another 80s TV show (maybe 70s)?

Last Answer : Thunderbirds

Description : Does anyone remember the name of this 80's tv series?

Last Answer : It was Automan with Desi Arnaz Jr. I tried watching it again, once. I just couldn’t do it, even though I loved that show as a kid.

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Last Answer : How fabulous would it be to go dressed like this?

Description : Where can I find an epic mashup of the top dance songs from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000's?

Last Answer :

Description : Question about a style/clothing pattern from the '80's?

Last Answer : Reminds me of a highly pixellated houndstooth.

Description : Is dressing up as the 80s boy george illegal for a girl in a 80s party?

Last Answer : No,but getting the “Flock Of Seagulls” haircut should be ;)

Description : Whether a kid from the '60s, '70s, '80s or '90s, who was your main TV hunk or "girl" crush?

Last Answer : Jesse of course.

Description : What were the best cartoon shows from the 80's ?

Last Answer : Thundercats Ghostbuster Visionaries Mysterious Cities of Gold Turtles Ulysses 31 Pirates of Darkwater Peterpan and the pirates

Description : What were the best things to come out of the '80s?

Last Answer : Me.

Description : Cant remember the name of a book i read back in the early 80's?

Last Answer : Is this the new and improved version? Yikes (Unless English is not your native tongue.) No bells ringing but I do have a bad head-ache.

Description : Can you come up with any contemporary TV shows that have great intro songs the way shows from the '70s and '80s did?

Last Answer : The frightening thing is I know the rest of the lyrics to that song, but I can't remember which show it went to. I think most contemporary shows seem to use existing songs. My favorite, for example, is/ ... s use of Joe Strummer's Johnny Appleseed. Edit: Was it Family Ties? Science, I'm a dork.

Description : Hey all you 80's teenagers! What was your arcade game?

Last Answer : Tempest and Joust