How to Learn Driving ?

1 Answer

Answer :

How to Learn Driving
Driving is an important skill that you will need in your adult years. Learning how to drive also takes responsibility for yourself, your vehicle, the road, and your passengers. Before actually getting behind the wheel, make sure that you have your license with you, as well as the rules of the road and safety rules branded in your mind.

Getting Started
Having a license to drive, whether you are a student driver or otherwise, simply means that you have gone through a standard process where they will approve whether you are eligible for driving a vehicle. Depending on what state you’re in, that means eye testing, checking for disabilities, drug tests and a written driving exam, among other things. When driving a car, never forget a license-it’s illegal to drive anywhere without it!

For student drivers, it’s usually best to have take lessons from a professional driver’s institute. Some states allow a supervisor to accompany student drivers. Practice is still your best way to learn driving.

Shake off your nerves, keep safe, drive defensively and put that seatbelt on.

Manual Driving
Try to get started on a level ground. Adjust your seat to easily access the pedals, and arrange the sideways and rearview mirror in such a way that a mere glance can make you see the reflection.
Manual automobiles are different from automatic ones by their three pedals. Starting from your left side you have your clutch, the brake and the accelerator. The acronym CBA should help you remember.
The clutch disconnects the engine from the wheels while they are both moving and spinning. This allows a safe transition between gears without grinding down the gear’s teeth.
Before starting the car, make sure that the gear shift is in neutral. Turn on the engine and press down on the clutch until it reaches the floor. Put down the emergency break. Put the gear shift in first gear.
If you notice, you can make the vehicle go forward if you release the clutch slowly. You can further the acceleration by slowly pressing down on the accelerator as you slowly release the clutch at the same time. By the time you have released the clutch completely; your accelerator has taken over. Make sure your left foot is lightly resting over the brake.
Vehicle stalling while shifting from clutch to accelerator can be tricky, but all it takes is a little practice and having a feel for the engine.
You may only shift to the next gear in the rule of 20s. Once you’ve reached 20 mph, you may then shift to the second gear, and once you’ve reached 40 mph, you may shift to the third, and so on. This is the same for deceleration. Never skip gears!
To shift gears, quickly but gradually release the accelerator and press down the clutch. Shift the gear shift to the next gear while the clutch is down. After shifting gears, quickly press down on the accelerator while releasing the clutch at the same time.
If you are in the first gear, you may brake the car using the clutch by releasing the accelerator and pressing down the clutch. For the second gear upward, you must use the brake.
When approaching turns or braking, make sure to slow down to at least the second gear (when turning) and the first gear (when slowing down or stopping).
To stop, bring your car down to the first gear. Gently push down the brake until you’ve achieved full stop. Pull up the emergency brake.
Automatic Driving
Unlike manual vehicles, automatic vehicles only have two pedals, the brake and the accelerator. You will only have to use one foot to press these pedals.
Get in the car, and the gear shift should be in Park (marked with P).
Press on the brake pedal and start the engine. Put the gear shift into Drive (marked as D) or Reverse (marked as R), whichever way you need the vehicle to go. Keep in mind that the engine will not start unless
Slowly take off the brake and press on the accelerator to gain speed.
To slow down, gradually tap on the brake until you have reached your desired speed. To stop completely, slow down first, take off your foot off the accelerator and brake gradually and completely. Put the car back in Park.

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Last Answer : She stops too suddenly. She drives too slow, then when a red light comes up, she speeds up and then stops too suddenly. Drives me nuts. I have to stop letting her drive me to work.

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Last Answer : I ride my bike around you asshole drivers.

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Last Answer : answer:What happened last time? Did you panic, have trouble with parallel parking, or make some other correctable mistake. Practice some more in an empty parking lot until you feel more comfortable with ... have or cause an accident while driving. The instructors always err on the side of caution.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not that it would be inappropriate , it just wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Driving examiners are used to first-time drivers being nervous about passing. That's part of what they deal ... is a very patient and good driver - and have that person play the part of the examiner with you.

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Last Answer : Do you have any rockin music you like? That won’t distract you too much.

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Last Answer : I would say just take it a little at a time. And don't worry about impressing your driving teacher. Even if you're not so good now and nervous I am sure he or she has seen plenty ... comfortable doing until you feel comfortable doing it. Being an anxious driver doesn't make you a better driver.

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Last Answer : Normally, I would add a link to the story, but I am still recovering from a computer crash. Hopefully, someone will do that.

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Last Answer : I got a hybrid so I won’t feel it as badly because I never plan to stop driving. I enjoy driving places and doing things with my kids.

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Last Answer : I try to be hyper aware, and I always assume they can’t see me. Like you, I stay waaaaay to the right, and sometimes I find alternate routes when I know (from experience) that visibility is zero on some roads.