My hair is not getting longer ! Hair is very rough , it looks like a flower broom! If there is any way to grow hair very fast, please tell me! Hair does not grow big and damage!

1 Answer

Answer :

Hair growth needs to be brought back to nourish the hair. Then the hair will grow faster. Here are some easy ways to lengthen hair - - Oil massage: Oil massage is the most effective way to grow hair. Coconut oil , olive oil is very good for hair. Mix these two oils together or massage the hair well with a separate oil. Leave it overnight and wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. - Egg Hair Mask: Mix 1 egg , amount of olive oil and honey and apply on hair. Cover hair with a shower cap or cloth for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use this mask 2/3 days a week. - Milk or sour yogurt: Milk or yogurt softens the hair and removes the roughness of the hair. As a result hair will get nutrition and hair will not break. Mix coconut oil , almond oil , half a cup of milk or sour yogurt. Then apply this mixture well on the hair and leave it for 30-40 minutes and wash the hair with shampoo. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair at least 2 days a week and keep it for 1 to 2 hours. Get better results quickly. - Lemon juice: Lemon juice is used in many ways in hair beauty practice. Mix equal amount of water with lemon juice. Now apply it well on the hair. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash your hair. - Tea *******: Tea ******* is not comparable to hair growth. Because it is very good as a hair conditioner. Dip your hair in a pot of tea ******* for 10 minutes or wash your hair gently with the ******* after bath. In this way, use tea ******* on your hair for 2/3 days. - Vitamin-E Capsules: For special hair care, take 1 vitamin E capsule with olive oil according to the length of the hair. Then heat it lightly and apply it well on the scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash your hair. For best results, apply this mixture overnight and wash your hair in the morning. Use 2/3 days a week. This way you can easily beautify your hair sitting at home and hair will grow faster. Caution: - Use a soft towel to wipe the hair. Hair should not be rubbed too much. The hair is more torn. Wet hair should be gently wiped. - Wet hair cannot be combed. - To dry the hair, wipe the hair well with a soft towel , dry it in a fan or light airy place. Never use a hair dryer. - Avoid using all electric devices. - To reduce the roughness of the hair and prevent the tendency of split ends , shampooing should be avoided every day. Because as a result of washing the hair , the oil on the scalp is also washed. So shampooing should not be done more than two to three times a week. The chemical ingredients in the shampoo can also cause hair loss.

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Last Answer : Both amalki and lemon are grown in our country and are readily available. The nutritional value of these two fruits is very high. These two fruits do not go hand in hand in supplying essential vitamins for ... day , then wash it with shampoo. Then you will see that the hair has decreased a lot.

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Last Answer : Take care of your hair when out in the sun. Use regular shampoo on hair. Hair loss will be fine.

Description : What is the way to get rid of hair loss ?

Last Answer : Take care of your hair regularly. Hair can grow when exposed to the sun, so use an umbrella when going out in the sun. Avoid using gel on the hair. You can use regular shampoo on your hair and also use olive oil.

Description : Do I have any natural hair straightening techniques ?

Last Answer : You can straighten hair without hitting In this you have to avoid burning your hair Use extra shampoo and conditioner Cut your hair a little shorter You have to comb your hair more

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Last Answer : To stop wearing hair, apply onion juice on the hair follicles for 10 minutes. If used regularly, new hair will grow and dandruff will be reduced .

Description : What is the way to straighten curly hair ?

Last Answer : Many people can not be happy with curly hair. And so to straighten curly hair, choose Iron Heat or various chemical cosmetics on the market. But the harm is more than the benefit. So if you want to ... wash with mild shampoo and comb with a thick tooth comb. This method can be used twice a week.

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Last Answer : It depends on the hair. Sometimes it costs up to 1000-10000 rupees. How much will it cost depending on where you straighten your hair?

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Last Answer : It depends on the quality of the hair. For example, if Taskin's hair style is on a stick, then it is good for you. I hope you understand.

Description : I lose a lot of hair every day , what should I do ?

Last Answer : Coconut milk helps to strengthen the hair from the inside out. There is no substitute for coconut milk for proper nourishment of hair. Coconut milk also acts as a deep conditioner. - First fry the ... coconut milk, you can mix sugar or molasses without using coconut and use it in sweet food.

Description : What is the way to thicken hair ?

Last Answer : Oil is the most beneficial for hair care. By oil we usually mean coconut oil. However, if you use a mixture of some oils to thicken the hair, you will get effective results. 1. Almond oil and castor oil ... , then apply oil on the hair 1 hour before bath and then shampoo it. Do it twice a week.