1 Answer

Answer :

According to Bengali grammar, Bengali language was born from Vedic language

Related questions

Description : In which century did Bengali language originate ?

Last Answer : The Bengali language originated around the tenth century AD.

Description : From which language did Bengali language originate ?

Last Answer : Origin of Bengali language from Magadhi Prakrit language.

Description : According to Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah, from where did the Bengali language originate ?

Last Answer : According to Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah, Bengali language originated from Gaudiya Prakrit.

Description : From which language did the word civics originate ?

Last Answer : The word civics is derived from Latin.

Description : Where did the English language originate from ?

Last Answer : : The ancient Germanic language, which originated from the Indo-European language about 5,000 years ago, was divided into several regional languages at the beginning of the Census. English was born through the ... 449. It is to be noted that the use of modern English language started after 1500 AD.

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Description : How many types of Bangla language ?

Last Answer : 2 types of Bangla language ?

Description : Bangla language belongs to which original language group ?

Last Answer : Bangla belongs to the Indo-European original language group.

Description : What is the form of Sadhu and Chalit Riti in Bangla language ?

Last Answer : Sadhu and Chalit Riti are written in Bengali language.

Description : What is the current position of Bangla language in the world in terms of speaking population ?

Last Answer : In terms of language-speaking population, Bengali is currently the fourth most spoken language in the world.

Description : Bangla is the universal language of the people of any region except Bangladesh ?

Last Answer : Apart from Bangladesh, Bangla is the universal language of the people of West Bengal.

Description : Bangla belongs to which language group ?

Last Answer : Bengali belongs to Indo-European language group.

Description : Which book was written on Bangla language movement between 1947 and 1952 ?

Last Answer : Between 1948 and 1952, a book was written on the Bengali language movement, 'East Bengal Language Movement and the Politics of the Time' (Author: Badruddin Omar).

Description : What is the name of the previous level of Bangla language ?

Last Answer : The name of the previous level of Bengali language is apabhrangsa.

Description : Is Bangla the state language of Sierra Leone ?

Last Answer : Bengali is the only state language of Bangladesh. It is also one of the recognized regional languages of India. The announcement of Sierra Leone Bengali as the official language is a complete lie and ... speak Bengali , that's all . But Bengali was not officially declared as the official language.

Description : When is Bangla Language Demand Day celebrated ?

Last Answer : Bangla Language Day is celebrated on 11th March 1948.

Description : What is the duration of the original level of Bangla language ?

Last Answer : Tenth to fourteenth century.

Description : How many styles of Bangla written language ?

Last Answer : Bangla written language style 2.

Last Answer : 2 types of Bangla language

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Last Answer : Yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brussels_sprout

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Last Answer : answer:That's true. It happened in French too: être étais are from Latin stare, and est sont serai are from Latin esse. In fact it happened in Latin as well; some forms of esse (fui ... Proto-Indo-European. Others, like catch caught, think thought, were weak (regular) verbs that became strong.

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Last Answer : answer:There’s tons of british slang I would like explained, if anyone considers themselves an authority. Great question @linuxgnuru

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Last Answer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XwFF5idD_0

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Last Answer : When it first appeared in English, mess meant a portion of food. This came from the Old French mes, a dish , which in modern French is spelt mets. This comes ultimately from the Latin missus, strictly ... a course at a meal (that is, something put on the table). . Taken from worldwidewords.com

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Last Answer : The question bothers me. It is sort of out of context to many other anti-isms. Maybe our answers could apply to more than anti-semitism! anti-black anti-muslem anti-furriners anti-elderly ... , fine anti-rural folk anti-thinking anti-plain janes anti-obese anti-notcool anti-catholic anti-slanteyes

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Last Answer : In 16th c. daler, daller, a. LG. and early mod.Du. daler (mod.Du. daalder), = HG. taler, thaler, recorded by Alberus 1540, along with the full term Joachimstaler, lit. (gulden) of Joachimsthal' ( ... (Kluge). From LG. or HG. taken into other langs. In England before 1600 modified to dollar. (OED)

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Last Answer : Over time as a society, we decided there were certain words that had a certain special power and weren't to be used all the time. They were only to be used out of anger, either anger at ... have lost that special power and more words will continue to lose it and I have no problem with that.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it means that we sometime's get caught in all the little, nitpicky, or pointless things in some situations and fail to see the bigger picture. ...sometimes people focus on ... they stepped back and observed the whole situation, they would find the forest they were looking for.

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Last Answer : George Boole, in honor of the mathematical work he did.