1 Answer

Answer :

The term of the President of the United States is four years.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Oh lord. Me?? The economy would collapse and the world would end, and I’d spend the entire federal budget to find a cure for PMS.

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Last Answer : Bush Senior. 50/50 on Obama at this point. It’s gonna come down to the independents and what happens after the midterm.

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Last Answer : Answer: Joe Biden

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Last Answer : “I’m not Donald Trump”

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Last Answer : Hillary Clinton. The numbers don’t lie.

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Last Answer : answer:Anyone that paid attention in high school government class should know that presidents do not make laws. The closest thing they can do to making a law is making an executive order, ... better chance at succeeding at that than someone who is coming in with no political experience whatsoever.

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Last Answer : Also he is a zombie.

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Last Answer : The first one that came to mind was “Tricky Dicky’ but that has already been used.

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Last Answer : answer:I think most networks have previously decided to add the word to George Carlin’s list of 7 words that you can’t say on TV, president or not. It makes me wonder if he will becoming more pro-active about race relations in the remainder of his lame duck term.

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Last Answer : Laughs, what are you doing? Sticking your dick out as a lightning rod?

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Last Answer : Wait… wait… wait… He’s Hispanic?1 With a name like Zimmerman I thought he was a Jewish boy from Long Island. A shirt tail mishpokhe who moved into Aunt Sadie’s condo in Florida after Bernie (may he rest in peace) passed away.

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Last Answer : Yes. It is obvious that he cannot relate to people outside of his own class and therefore will not be able to respond to their needs. This, at a time of high unemployment and great domestic strife. This ... and he seems on the edge of panic. It would be hilarious if he wasn't running for president.

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Last Answer : My man Frank Delano! Lol. And I shouldn’t have to explain why.

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Last Answer : There is marching in the streets! lol

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Last Answer : Absolutely not. You summarize the case against it in your question details.

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Last Answer : Within the next 20 years.

Description : Do you think a person, a man (I'm not considering bearded ladies here) with a beard or a mustache could still be elected President of the United States.

Last Answer : Sure. We have a black president right now.

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Last Answer : I can't imagine a job where there would be more to do, on more fronts, than this job. And it seems like 24 hours a day to me. Paperwork doesn't really cover the enormous scope of ... is a high-functioning, intelligent, competent President. I think we have one. And he will be working very hard.

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Last Answer : Here you go: “The President of the United States earns $400,000 a year. The vice president’s annual salary is $221,100.”

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Last Answer : My obvious choice would be George W Bush.

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Last Answer : Bob Barker.

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Last Answer : He can, but he doesn’t know how.

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Last Answer : 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

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Last Answer : John Henry Eden appears in Fallout 3 and is mentioned in its add-on Broken Steel.

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Last Answer : George Washington was the first President of United States of America

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Last Answer : Martin Van Buren

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Last Answer : Martin Van Buren

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Last Answer : an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist

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Last Answer : President Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Last Answer : Donald Trump is the current US President.

Last Answer : : Abraham Lincoln.

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Last Answer : Answer: John F. Kennedy. He was 43 years old at his inauguration.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Barack Obama

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Last Answer : The White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in Washington, D.C 20500 is the official residence of the US President.

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Last Answer : The United States was founded as a result of a revolution against a European colonial power

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Last Answer : 35

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Last Answer : employment opportunities and working conditions

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Last Answer : two

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Last Answer : 2 terms. 8 years total.

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Last Answer : Charles Evans Hughes was not a president of the US

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Last Answer : George .W Bush

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Last Answer : Nixon