Why lightning strikes in the sky ?

1 Answer

Answer :

The electricity we use is the same as the electricity generated by lightning. Usually when there are clouds in the sky, the water vapor gets so cold that it takes the shape of ice and collides with each other. This collision produces an electric charge. Above the cloud there is a positive charge and below it there is a negative charge. Since opposite charges attract each other, when these positive charges and negative charges come in contact with each other, they actually emit charges from top to bottom due to their potential difference. As a result, energy is released , sound is produced and light is produced.

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Description : why dont tons of fish get fried when lightning strikes the ocean?

Last Answer : answer:*some* do, but not tons. The electricity dissipates quickly, as the entire ocean becomes the conductor/sink. Right at the strike location, anything swimming about is pretty much toast. ... the strike location) As you move further away, the current flow (amperage) decreases exponentially.

Description : What happens when lightning strikes the ocean?

Last Answer : the electricity will spread through the water and weaken as it spreads. It can be deadly if you are in the immediate area. It doesn’t necessarily travel farther because its in water. Fresh waters impurities & the compounds in salt water act as conductors.

Description : Does lightning kill fish when it strikes the ocean?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question.. From Basically lightning stays more on the surface of the water rather than penetrating it. That's because water is a reasonably good conductor, and a good conductor ... Dr. MacGorman adds that some electricity does penetrate the water, right at the strike point.

Last Answer : Something People I think so By Of lightning Dead Of the person Rate The ghost Sadhanayar At work Used Is. Those All this Faith By them _ According to Dead Of man Any Any Bones With ... In this case More Beneficial. Generally This Due Lightning strikes Killed Of the person The corpse Theft Is.

Description : Why many lightning strikes occur within a cloud rather than between clouds and the ground.?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is lightning what happens when it strikes?

Last Answer : Lightning is the flow of electrons attempting to equalize staticcharges - usually between clouds or between a cloud and ground.What happens when it strikes depends totally on the path it takes.Anything that gets in its way is likely to be damaged.

Description : When lightning strikes within one cloud it is called lightning?

Last Answer : It's called in-cloud or cloud-to-cloud lightning.

Description : When lightning strikes the the sea why don't all the fish die?

Last Answer : Before a lightning strike, a charge builds up along the water's surface. When lightning strikes, most of electrical charge occurs near the water's surface. Most fish swim below the surface and are unaffected.

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Last Answer : (2) White Explanation: Objects do not have any colour of their own. When light hits a surface, some of it is absorbed and some of it is reflected. The light that is reflected is ... appear white when they reflect all the wavelengths; they appear black when they absorb all visible wavelengths.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: Z -- 100,000 NEWTONS

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Last Answer : (4) should be made of a good conductor like copper with sharppointed edges Explanation: A lightning conductor is made up of a sharp pointed metal (usually copper metal, as it is a very good ... cloud, it will first strike the pointed tip of the lightning conductor and quickly travel to the earth.

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Last Answer : should be made of a good conductor like copper with sharp-pointed edges

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Last Answer : Copper

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