Who wrote the diary of Ekattar ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Diary of Ekattar written by Sufia Kamal.

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Last Answer : Begum Sufia Kamal wrote the diary of Ekattar.

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Last Answer : answer:This one seems interesting. I've not used it yet but it seems to offer some pretty good functions. I'm just not sold on presentation but hey, it could work for you! As for security, ... anything itself but maybe you could hide the program file in an encrypted folder, or a protected ZIP file.

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Last Answer : www.my-calorie-counter.com is what I use, but I will say that it’s not the most user friendly site to use. I think that sparkpeople.com is free too. nutritiondata.self.com seems to be free, but I’m not 100% sure of that.

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Last Answer : I am having to do a reflection paper for that synthesizes my personal development over the past year. Looking back over old journal entries I realize, not only am I capable of drama, I have a gift for repeating it. Sigh.

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Last Answer : Here’s a website that lists a bunch of alternatives to Journler. You mind find something that fits there.

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Last Answer : I do it every so often. It’s always so interesting to see how much I’ve changed over the years.

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Last Answer : Start to write entries privately and see what you think. Remember to check what a sentence is as opposed to a sentence fragment. (And learn how to spell definitely, please). It can be therapy ... . Finding an audience or a publisher is a lot harder. But writers always start out by writing.

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Last Answer : http://sparkpeople.com/ is pretty good, if I actually ever got around to using it.

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Last Answer : No, it’s very unmanly to do such a thing.

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Last Answer : The closest thing I can find in the Unicode character set is the swung dash , hex code 2053. I don't know if this is exactly the same character as the one you mention-the only place I see that ... re asking about might be a different entirely. If that's in the Unicode set, I can't find it.

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Description : I started a diary but I don't know what to write there. Can you advise?

Last Answer : There you write down what you will experience during the day. If someone helps you there, you write it down and then you remember it.

Description : Is a construction company obliged by law to keep a construction diary of ongoing work, for example during the construction of a house?

Last Answer : Definitely yes. Every major building must be under some condominium and record the work done.

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Last Answer : You can, if someone releases it, for example

Description : Hi. I have such a small problem that I want to start writing a diary. I have a lot of notebooks, I like the ones with a ring binding the most on the diary. When I open it, I have beautiful blank pages. I don ... is my boyfriend. , my homework, etc ... I think I'd do it, but again, you keep a diary?

Last Answer : This is probably what the girls of the First Republic wrote, the modern girl uses a computer. Here I found such an interesting story how to write a diary: http://www.mitvsehotovo.cz/2010/01/jak-si- ... am the establishment of techniques, so I would write only in words, or in short, the essential :)

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Last Answer : The obligation to write a construction diary has already been justified by> arygnoc

Description : What does it say? Any experiences? Or everything I do during the day?

Last Answer : All the essentials you want to remember in the future. If you want to read what was for breakfast after years, write it down.