What are Dryer Balls?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dryer balls are used to make the clothes soft, static-free, and fresh. These balls make the laundry process very economical. Before we start discussing its advantages, let us first clearly understand what are static balls and how it is used.

What are Dryer ballsThese balls are made up of rubber and are usually large in size, with diameter of about 3 inches. It has several rubber spikes on its surface. When many such balls are placed in the dryer along with wet clothes, it helps to dry the clothes quicker as the clothes don’t cling to each other. Besides, it reduces static caused during the drying process making the clothes very fluffy and soft. Actually, these balls create space for air and cause heat which helps in drying the clothes quicker.

If you are using dryer balls, you don’t have to make usage of dryer sheets. So, the process would become completely natural instead of using chemicals. Besides, it will save you lots of money. Each dryer ball can cost anywhere between $10 and $15, and it can be used for over 2 years without the need to replace. Washing balls are comparatively advantageous.

Using dryer sheets is not a bad option. But when considered closely, there are several disadvantages of a dryer sheet. First, it can cost you as much as $3 per sheet, which would certainly prove to be more expensive than dryer balls in the long run. Moreover, the chemicals that are in the sheets would be eventually left over in your clothes, which would then stick onto your skin. Also, when you use dryer balls, the drying time is reduced to as much as 40% of the total time. So, you save again here.

Dryer balls

However, there is one negative aspect of using the dryer balls. These balls, usually large in size, cause noise when placed in the dryer. For people who live in small areas, where other homes are nearby, it might be a problem. However, for those who use Laundromats and dryers in big homes, these balls is certainly the obvious choice. There are also other types of balls like wool dryer balls and steam dryer balls.

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