________________ is when a species gives rise to a new and separate species.
A) Polygenesis.
B) Monogenesis.
C) Cladogenesis.
D) Anagenesis.

1 Answer

Answer :

C) Cladogenesis.

Related questions

Description : Someone comes up to you and states that an early species of ape could not have evolved into the first humans because both apes and humans are alive today. This person has failed to grasp the nature of A) polygenesis. B) monogenesis. C) cladogenesis. D) anagenesis.

Last Answer : C) cladogenesis.

Description : The transformation of a species over time is known as A) polygenesis. B) monogenesis. C) cladogenesis. D) anagenesis.

Last Answer : D) anagenesis.

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Last Answer : D) adaptive radiation.

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Last Answer : b. principle of independent assortment

Description : Abnormalities in chromosome number give rise to diseases of karyotype. How might these aberrations occur?

Last Answer : Under usual conditions of meiotic division, each tetrad separates into its constituent homologous chromosomes. One homologue migrates to one pole and the other homologue to the opposite pole during ... and internal inversion of chromosomes or chromosome parts may also produce diseases of karyotype. 

Description : Rapid speciation following the availability of new environments is known as A) gradualism. B) adaptive radiation. C) species selection. D) punctuated equilibrium.

Last Answer : B) adaptive radiation.

Description : The origin of a new species first requires A) reduced gene flow. B) increased gene flow. C) reduced mutation rates. D) increased mutation rates.

Last Answer : A) reduced gene flow.

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Last Answer : C) a label used for a stage of a single species evolving over time.

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Last Answer : I think that if you asked a mockingbird, he would say that we all looked alike and would be able to tell the members of his species apart quite easily.

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Last Answer : Adaptive radiation

Description : A mass extinction is A) the extinction of small-sized species. B) the extinction of large-sized species. C) the simultaneous extinction of many species. D) something that has never been seen in the fossil record.

Last Answer : C) the simultaneous extinction of many species.

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Last Answer : A) Over 99 percent of all past species have become extinct.

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Last Answer : B) alternating periods of stasis (no change) and rapid change.

Description : According to the idea of gradualism, macroevolution usually involves A) slow and gradual change. B) most species becoming extinct in a relatively short time. C) alternating periods of stasis (no change) and rapid change. D) species selection.

Last Answer : A) slow and gradual change.

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Last Answer : B) paleospecies

Description : According to the biological species concept, horses and donkeys are not considered in the same species because A) they never mate. B) they do not produce fertile offspring. C) they look different. D) they do not share a relatively recent common ancestor.

Last Answer : B) they do not produce fertile offspring.

Description : I'm looking for a fiction book, or books, which talks of alien invasion.

Last Answer : (The Invasion Of) The Body Snatchers

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Last Answer : Death? You will stop aging on the spot when death happens.

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Last Answer : My sister was like that: looked like my mother's sister and never resembled my father until suddenly, at about age 30, she did. I think it's a genetic timeline that causes certain traits to kick in ... appear may have a hereditary component. But I'm just theorizing. This isn't my field of study.

Description : Wondering what it take between mom and dad to get blue eyed children?

Last Answer : Could be, but the chance wouldn’t be so high. Blue eye’s gene isn’t a dominant one and it would very likely be crushed by other more dominant genes, as seen from your sons. You can only hope that somehow there is no dominant gene that interfere with the blue gene your children are carrying.

Description : Oops! I sent my Cologard (for colon cancer testing) sample to Ancestry.com instead of my DNA sample. What results will I get about my genetic make-up?

Last Answer : They’ll find out what kind of an ass you really are. DNA is DNA – they should be able to extract it from your fecal matter.

Description : Why does Neymar have green eyes?

Last Answer : I have no idea who you are talking about, but genes are complicated. Skin tone does not determine eye color. The two are highly correlated, but correlation is not causation. So while some combinations ... that way or not, and racial mixing is the most common way to end up with unusual combinations.

Description : Question about DNA and genetic inheritance (details inside)

Last Answer : answer:That kind of testing has a certain level of speculation. The algorithm that comes up with those percentages is not perfect. It's like when you see a temperature reading carried out ... of this speculation on your reports. Then there is another alternative that could be rather uncomfortable .

Description : Have you had your DNA tested?

Last Answer : Yes. I had it done thru Ancestry.com. It was regularly $100 but I got a cyber Monday sale – $70 I think. I liked it and from what I know about my relatives, it was accurate.

Description : What do you know about Eugenics?

Last Answer : It has been some time but I remember hearing about, then reading about it over thirty years ago. Among other things, it was used as a reason for maintaining racial purity if I recall correctly.

Description : Are you for or against 'Designer Babies'?

Last Answer : It is inevitable. Also, that is what mate selection is all about. To get the best genes for your offspring. Genetic modification is just a more direct and controlled way of doing the same thing. In any case, it is still better than supporting torture and drone terrorism.

Description : Do traits influence the values that we create or appeal to us?

Last Answer : I disagree. I’m a type A personality asshole who always has to be right… But I live to help others.

Description : Why does it seem so important to some people that children resemble each other or a parent?

Last Answer : answer:Validation. Validation that my gene pool survived, the closest I can get to typical ideals of immortality. And validation that my Ever Lovin’ didn’t spoon with the mailman.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the sentience would lead to a belief system not that far off from what many people believe, that all sentient beings have a connection to their creator, whether they consider it a ... thought would not look at humans as their creator, but as a separate creation by a common Creator.

Description : Do you think transsexualism is a choice or genetic?‎?

Last Answer : I believe it’s genetic as I personally known 2 people that were transsexual. The depth of their struggles and emotional pain tells me that they would otherwise not choose to be that way.

Description : Can being gay be genetic?

Last Answer : answer:So far, research has shown the strong genetic links in families , they just have not been able to isolate genetics as the only cause or identified a specific gene like they've been able ... choice regardless of genetics. And human sexuality is far too complex to be isolated to a single gene.

Description : How rare are albino polar bears?

Last Answer : Probably not. The polar bear's skin is actually black, as evidenced in the patch on the nose where no hair covers it. With translucent fur, they would be at a distinct disadvantage in hunting, as pink ... . Doing an image search on Google, all I could find were fakes and albino black or brown bears.

Description : If ape chromosomes 2 and 3 were not fused in humans, do you think that humans could genetically interbreed with chimpanzees?

Last Answer : Trying to figure out why they would do that

Description : Is there a term for this?

Last Answer : Isn’t that Asian eyelids with no flap?

Description : If you could become a tetrachromat, would you? (or any other genetic super-ability)

Last Answer : No. I’m good as I am. I already have the super ability to sniff out bullshitters like a bloodhound. Good enough. lol

Description : Can a woman be tested and get accurate Y Dna results?

Last Answer : I assume you mean Y chromosome. The only way I think this is possible is if the woman in question is a post op transexual.

Description : What do you think about an anger gene?

Last Answer : answer:I think it’s a great idea. More seriously, I’m scpetical – how can one gene be present in more men than women? Did they define “gene” on this program, or was it just another opportunity to talk essentialist bollocks about gender?

Description : Has anyone here browsed the human genome on their iPad? Would you alter your genome if you could?

Last Answer : I don't know. My family gene pool is actually a pot of soup that someone has thrown just about everything into. There's some absolutely great genes balance with a decent amount of crap. I'm ... that changing anything might make the whole thing unstable. I don't want to play Jenga with my genome.

Description : I was very surprised to see how many US states ban first cousin marriages. Why is that?

Last Answer : answer:A lot of the states that have them were founded from the midpoint to the end of the U.S. s history. During that time, there was a lot of concern over ensuring healthy families and, unfortunately ... ), and was kept because no one is really stomping their feet in court to get that ban dropped.

Description : Are there benefits to having greater genetic differences between parents?

Last Answer : I don't know about the second part (my mother is Korean and my Dad is predominately Scots-Irish and my brothers and I all look the same), but as for immunity, yeah that is kind of true, ... is that the child is also more unlikely to have any deformities, or any defect arising from a genetic origin.

Description : Is Cancer technically a disease?

Last Answer : Some cancers are linked to viruses (such as cervical cancer caused by HPV), so those would definitely be diseases. I actually believe most cancers have external causes, so they would be diseases as well. Really, it depends on which definition of disease and disorder you look at.

Description : What do we know about genetics and physical traits in the area of athleticism?

Last Answer : answer:Genetics what factors could contribute to this? Breeding. Can someone be trained to do certain tasks from an environmental influence at a young age? Sometimes. If the genetic disposition is there for it. If we are talking about excellence not just getting by.

Description : Can behavior be inherited?

Last Answer : No, Behavior is learned.

Description : Are mixed race children healthier.

Last Answer : I seem to remember my high school biology teacher teaching us that children benefit from being the offspring of different races. Something about getting the best of both sides. Children ... have a greater chance of creating genetic redundancies, for instance, a genetic predisposition for diabetes.

Description : Would you want to have your genome sequenced?

Last Answer : considering how much effort there is in that, i would imagine the price would have to be quite high. and i would be interested in having mine sequenced, however i would not pay for it. i see it as a ... to some discovery that has value in and of its self, and i get my genome sequenced. fair swap.

Description : Would it be ethical to allow an alien race to model their DNA with that of the Human body?

Last Answer : You are making the assumption that this alien race would use DNA as its genetic material. In fact, other molecules (such as RNA) could serve a similar purpose (some viruses are RNA viruses, for example), so it might not really work.

Description : Are those terrorists genetically defective, under the influence of a virus, or what?

Last Answer : They are just very angry, very misguided people, some of whom believe so strongly in an after-life and that what they are doing is right that they truly believe blowing themselves will reward them in the next life. Fucking losers, lol

Description : What determines hair color and skin color?

Last Answer : They are both polygenetic traits, meaning more than one gene is associated with each. For that reason they do not necessarily follow the classic Mendellian pattern of predictible outcomes.

Description : Are men really about to go away?

Last Answer : Men aren’t going anywhere and if they do become extinct, women will soon follow.

Description : Does a genotype have to display a phenotype?

Last Answer : I am no genetic expert, but I believe this can happen. For example, two humans can have brown eyes. This would be their phenotype. One person could have an allele for brown eyes and ... so obviously this is the phenotype that would be expressed. They have the same phenotype and different genotypes.