What happened to the girl who was arranged for the marriage of the black companions of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

1 Answer

Answer :

Two Companions Hazrat Mugis Ra. And Hazrat Barira Ra. There were husband and wife. At the time of marriage, Hazrat Bari was the maid of another. Hazrat Barira Ra. Its owner may have married her without her consent, Hazrat Mugis. To this Barira was very beautiful. But her husband Mugis Ra. Its shape was not beautiful. Next thing. Ummul Mominin Hazrat Ayesha Ra. He bought the maid and set her free. When Hazrat Bari became independent, he gained the authority to perpetuate or dissolve his marriage according to Islamic law. On the basis of this jurisdiction, he dissolved their marital relationship. Hazrat Mugis Ra. Despite many pleas and cries, Barira's mind could not melt. Finally, the Prophet. Who said you recommend for me. Rasulullah SA. Hazrat Barira Ra. Who recommended reversing his decision , if you accept him again! He is the father of your child! The newly released woman Rasulullah SA. He may have become history in what he said in reply . He said , O Messenger of Allah! Are you ordering me this ? ( If your order is , then it is for me. Whether it agrees with my opinion or not , I will accept your order. But if the order is not , then it is different). Rasulullah SA. Said I'm just a recommender. (That is, it is not my order to you , advice and request). Then Hazrat Barira Ra. Said , if so , then I have no need for him. That means it is not possible for me to accept him again. Next event: Mugis Ra. With Barira Ra. She is no longer married. She marries another. Source: Sunan Abu Dawood , Ha. 2233 ; Sunane Nasai , ha. 5418 ; Fath al-Bari , Ibn Hazar: 6/479

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Last Answer : No. The sins or crimes of a Muslim which are punished in this world are the expiation for that crime. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) balenah wn badt bn alsamt qal : qal rswl allh ... give him his full punishment. [1] Hadith Collection , Hadith No. 1575 The Value of Hadith: Sahih Hadith

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Last Answer : The rules of Islam regarding all kinds of food that are beneficial and sacred for human beings are halal and valid. No type of food can be said to be haram without proven and acceptable documents. Allaah says ... 97). On the basis of this document, shrimp is halal , and it is permissible to eat it.

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Last Answer : The veil is an important provision of Islam. In some surahs of Quran Majid, provision regarding veil has been given. Regarding the veil, Allah has addressed all classes of believing men ... necessary for His servants. Those Muslims who perform these essential deeds will attain liberation and thawab.

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Last Answer : It is better to cut the nails after seven days. And must be cut once in forty days. Nails cannot be kept large after spending forty days in any order. Narrated from Anas Ibn Malik. " We have a forty-day ... , Hadith Number: 295 Muslim: 256, Nasai: 14 , Abu Dawood: 4200, Maneh of Hadith : Sahih.]

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Last Answer : The hadith narrated that those who die from snake bites will get the status of martyrs is Zayef. Therefore, it cannot be said that if a person dies after being bitten by a snake, he will attain Paradise ... paradise to the person who died due to snake bite. (Tabarani Kabir : 116 ; Zayfah: 396).

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Last Answer : The answer is subject to some discussion so I request you to read the whole answer - Islam has never indulged in begging. On the contrary , Allah Almighty has strictly forbidden those who do not ask for ... . It is forbidden to beg or lend a hand to people even if they have the least ability.

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Last Answer : Allah Ta'ala declared alcohol completely haram for the 3rd time in the verse of Surah Maeda. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning) : O you who believe! Wine , gambling , idols, and arrow-throwing ... to drink less than what you get intoxicated. (Jamiul Usul: 3112 , Ibn Majah: 3394 , Sahih).

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Last Answer : It is better not to take money by advising Waz. But if one keeps himself free just to preach Waz. Not busy with any other work. Then it is permissible for that person to take wages by waz. But ... accept a fee for performing the prayer. -Ahsanul Fatawa-6/300 , Jadid Muamalat Ki Shariah Ahkam-1/213 .